Spaghetti Western

It’s funny because half of Leone’s fans only became his “fans” after watching Kill Bill and finding out QT also held him in high regard. I was watching Spaghetti Westerns in Middle School before I even knew who Tarantino was. I bet without Tarantino and Kill Bill, Sergio Leone would still be an obscure director among the younger crowd of filmgoers.

see Im 19 myself but when I saw Kill Bill a year or two ago whenever It was, I read that he took something for once upon a time in the west, so I went right out and bought It, Than I started to get into The good, the bad, and the ugly and for a few dollars more. Im dying to see Once upon a time in america, the only movie that wasnt a western that leone made.

It’s funny because half of Leone’s fans only became his “fans” after watching Kill Bill and finding out QT also held him in high regard. I was watching Spaghetti Westerns in Middle School before I even knew who Tarantino was. I bet without Tarantino and Kill Bill, Sergio Leone would still be an obscure director among the younger crowd of filmgoers.


I think GBU was the first film I ever saw, the first film I remember watching anyway, and from that day I fell in love with westerns. My dad was a pretty big Western fan, so because of that I watched a lot of westerns. I would watch The Good The Bad and the Ugly all the time. I loved it so much. When I heard Tarantino was also into westerns, it was just another reason to put on the “Why Deadly Viper likes Tarantino’s films” list. So it was a dream to see him put all these Western-references in his films.

It also seems to be the case where a lot of these QT fans became Morricone “fans” after Kill Bill was released ans saw that he used a lot of Morricone music. I had been listening to Morricone’s music since I was quite young. My dad had a lot of Morricone Vinyls/CD’s as well as a whole heap of other western music.

When QT played “Il Triello” on the Volume 2 trailer, I jizzed everywhere. That was the best trailer I had ever seen mostly due to the opening.

Im dying to see Once upon a time in america, the only movie that wasnt a western that leone made.

Leone also directed Colossus of the Rhodes, a Roman Gladiator epic.

Leone also directed Colossus of the Rhodes, a Roman Gladiator epic.

It’s English name is actually The Colossus of Rhodes. I can never seem to get a hold of this though.

Il Colosso Di Rodi is the title

it was hardly an epic, it was rather low budget, hundreds of roman pictures were being made in Italy during the late 50’s/early 60’s,after the success of Ben-Hur and Spartacus, very few did well, Colosso is one of em, they had a cheap look and appearance and I doubt it will ever be released, this was just used by him to get himself a little known, much like Kubrick did with Spartacus, directed by the producers

The word “epic” had nothing to do with the budget. I just mean that by what type of genre the flick was. I heard it really wasn’t anything special either, so I think I could live without seeing this one as well.

“epic” isn’t a genre, it’s a term used to express the size of a film (hence the budget), gigantic sets, thousands of extras etc. make an epic

Ben-hur is an epic, but so is Titanic and Gandhi

You can make an epic without having a massive budget - The Good The Bad And The Ugly!

GBU had a fairly decent budget, the war scene proved that, the low budget version of that scene is Ramon’s machine gun massacre in Fistful, there you see the diffrence between epic and wannabe epic

GBU had a fairly decent budget, the war scene proved that, the low budget version of that scene is Ramon’s machine gun massacre in Fistful, there you see the diffrence between epic and wannabe epic

More money went into the war scene than anything else. He still had a low budget even though it was more than he had gotten previously. Nothing in GBU apart from the war scene really showed that this film was full of money, yet it defined the very meaning of epic. It was grandeur in scale, running time and direction.

“epic” isn’t a genre, it’s a term used to express the size of a film (hence the budget), gigantic sets, thousands of extras etc. make an epic

Ben-hur is an epic, but so is Titanic and Gandhi

When I said “Epic” I was referring to the Roman Sandals type of film; maybe I should have clarified that. But Epic doesn’t mean that the film had a large budget; It just means that the film itself is basically a huge spectacle that tends to be impressive with the amount of work put into it. A film doesn’t have to be some huge Hollywood Blockbuster to be an Epic either; Colossus is the type of film that probably had thousands of extras and told a somewhat grand story, with or without a large budget. The word “Epic” gets tossed around too much and can mean a lot of things, so it’s definition isn’t 100% concrete anyway.

Gene says, " Stay off drugs and stay in school "


Gene says, " Stay off drugs and stay in school "

You need to take Gene’s advice, dude.

I was joking man

That’s not allowed on these forums.

It’s funny because half of Leone’s fans only became his “fans” after watching Kill Bill and finding out QT also held him in high regard. […] I bet without Tarantino and Kill Bill, Sergio Leone would still be an obscure director among the younger crowd of filmgoers.

I’m sick of this.

Always saying stuff like “w/o Tarantino Leone would still be obscure”, and comparing him with Hitchcock or Scorsese makes me wanna puke.

Perhaps that is really true in the eyes of a younger generation - I’m 28 and i sure don’t think so -, but it’s still a shame.

That makes no sense.


Perhaps that is really true in the eyes of a younger generation - I’m 28 and i sure don’t think so -, but it’s still a shame.


That’s what I was saying; that Leone would be considered obscure to the younger generation if not for Tarantino. I think it’s great that more people are discovering Leone’s films just by hearing Tarantino talk about them (on the flip side, if it wasn’t for Tarantino then I probably would have never seen Hero or know who Meiko Kaji is), but it does get on my nerves a bit to hear everyone talk about how totally awesome Leone is only because they know QT is a fan. Maybe it’s just the elitist in me talking.

I disagree about the part where people seem to hold Tarantino in such high regard, because I personally think in 20 years or so he will be considered one of the greatest directors ever. He basically proved that with Kill Bill, and the only reason he isn’t give as much recognition is because he hasn’t been making films as long as these other revered directors.