Scorsese vs tarantino

Seconded. Scorsese is the greatest director alive.

Well Chaplin is better than Eisenstein and Leone is better than fuckin Melville and John Ford is better than Kubrick and Spielberg is better than… and… and… and…

…and Leone is better than fuckin Melville…

That’s a toss-up right there.

Well Chaplin is better than Eisenstein and Leone is better than fuckin Melville and John Ford is better than Kubrick and Spielberg is better than… and… and… and…

kubrick way better den all them u listed.

Just curious to know if you really have any idea of what you’re talking about…what makes Tarantino the best and Kubrick better than all of the others listed?

tarantino is better.


Isn’t Scorsese greatly admired by QT? MS has been making films longer. Give QT another 15 to 20 years of making movies and then ask that question. Better yet, Who is a better film maker Scorsese or Oliver Stone? I’ve heard it said that most people like one or the other but not both. Personally, I think Scorsese wins that debate hands down!

Why does it matter if Scorsese has been making films longer or if he’s an influence on Tarantino? I admire some of Scorsese’s work, but in my opinion he’ll never be able to match Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill just in terms of pure enjoyment. And comparing the two is pointless because Scorsese makes more “mature” films while Tarantino is more of a genre/entertainment type director. This discussion was probably started just to start a huge argument.

Isn’t Scorsese greatly admired by QT? MS has been making films longer. Give QT another 15 to 20 years of making movies and then ask that question. Better yet, Who is a better film maker Scorsese or Oliver Stone? I’ve heard it said that most people like one or the other but not both. Personally, I think Scorsese wins that debate hands down!

Oliver Stone is totally mediocre, he can’t be compared to Marty

Oliver Stone is totally mediocre, he can’t be compared to Marty
[/quote]Damn you, how can you say Oliver Stone is mediocre! He made Born In The 4th Of July, which is one of THE greatest films ever made, and Tom Cruise should have won an Oscar for Best Leading Actor. An the probe scene in Platoon, my god that’s like one of the greatest sequences in a war film, I actually think it’s better than Apocalypse Now. Recently Oliver has been slumming, but his career ain’t over yet! He should make another war film, then we’ll see how “mediocre” he is!

I like Salvador by Stone it seems no one ever talks about this movie , really underrated.

That’s a toss-up right there.

that’s my point…

Damn you, how can you say Oliver Stone is mediocre! He made Born In The 4th Of July, which is one of THE greatest films ever made, and Tom Cruise should have won an Oscar for Best Leading Actor. An the probe scene in Platoon, my god that’s like one of the greatest sequences in a war film, I actually think it’s better than Apocalypse Now. Recently Oliver has been slumming, but his career ain’t over yet! He should make another war film, then we’ll see how “mediocre” he is!

Haha, alright, haven’t seen those movies, I’ve got to check out Platoon, but MANY of his films are mediocre. He always gets great actors but somehow it never turns out very effective. JFK was incredibly boring, Wall Street too. Let alone his newer films like WTC or Alexander. And haven’t heard a single good word about Natural Born Killers.

He did a great job on the script of Scarface though, excellent.

and he wrote Conan and year of the Dragon. Alexander is a great film, salvador as well…

Why does it matter if Scorsese has been making films longer or if he’s an influence on Tarantino? I admire some of Scorsese’s work, but in my opinion he’ll never be able to match Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill just in terms of pure enjoyment. And comparing the two is pointless because Scorsese makes more “mature” films while Tarantino is more of a genre/entertainment type director. This discussion was probably started just to start a huge argument.

yea i agree. and yes this thread is just going to cause senseless arguements that will never be resolved and no one will truely learn anything because its an opinion topic i mean if u like someones films better u just do to one person the cinematography might be great to another suck this also goes for writing directing exc…

Don’t act like you know what you’re talking about.

Don’t act like you know what you’re talking about.

wtf is ur problem .

I agree with the view that this is pointless. Ask who you like best, not who’s better, because it’s impossible to compare.

Oliver Stone is totally mediocre, he can’t be compared to Marty

Haha…Damn right.

kubrick is much better than stone too platoon cant even compare to full metal jacket.