Scorsese vs tarantino

It seems like you’re defending him just because he’s one of your favorite directors, but in reality he DID win the award because he had gotten screwed in the past. The Departed was good, but it really wasn’t Best Picture material and was more a great Action flick rather than a masterpiece of any kind. It is irritating though hearing everyone say “it wasn’t his best work” because you shouldn’t compare it to all his other flicks just to say that it was an enjoyable movie. But on the other hand, it wasn’t as amazing as the critics made it out to be. Still a decent movie though.

What’s Best Picture material? Brokeback Mountain? Braveheart? Gladiator? The only good one in the past years was American Beauty. The Departed seriously owns the others and got what it deserved. But the thing is - even with all that, Scorsese still got the pity Oscar, cause knowing the bulslhit jury, Babel or, god forbid, Little Miss Sunshine would have gotten it.

Oh yeah about OCD portrayal in The Aviator, why is it bullshit? Here’s what you can find about Hughes on Wikipedia:

Hughes had displayed symptoms consistent with OCD his entire life. In the 1930s, close friends reported he was obsessed with the size of peas—one of his favorite foods—and used a special fork to sort them by size before he ate. While producing The Outlaw, Hughes became obsessed by a minor flaw in one of Jane Russell’s blouses, claiming that the fabric bunched up along a seam and gave the appearance of two nipples on each of Russell’s breasts. He was reportedly so concerned by the matter as to write a detailed memorandum to the film crew on how to fix the problem.

Hughes eventually became a complete recluse, locking himself in darkened rooms in a medication-induced daze. Though he always kept a barber on call, Hughes only had his hair cut and nails trimmed about once a year. Several doctors were kept in the house on a substantial salary, but Hughes rarely saw them and usually refused to follow their advice.

He insisted on using paper towels to pick up objects, so that he could insulate himself from germs. It has also been rumored that he kept the 1968 film Ice Station Zebra playing on a continuous loop in his home.

Though a lot is rumoured, he WAS obsessed with germs and all, the movie depicted it properly. He also was a recluse, just like it was shown.

Hahaha people are making fun of me because I have OCD now. Now I remember why I missed this place so much. Anyway:

[quote]What’s Best Picture material? Brokeback Mountain? Braveheart? Gladiator? The only good one in the past years was American Beauty. The Departed seriously owns the others and got what it deserved. But the thing is - even with all that, Scorsese still got the pity Oscar, cause knowing the bulslhit jury, Babel or, god forbid, Little Miss Sunshine would have gotten it.

You’re right to say that out of all the contenders, The Departed probably deserved to win. BUT (and this is a big but), like I said, The Departed wasn’t a masterpiece by any means and on a scale from one to ten it probably deserves an 8.5. A good flick nonetheless, but (there’s that BUT again) it wasn’t as totally amazing as it could have been and for something as sacred as winning Best Picture, it should have been better.

[quote]Oh yeah about OCD portrayal in The Aviator, why is it bullshit? Here’s what you can find about Hughes on Wikipedia:

Hughes had displayed symptoms consistent with OCD his entire life. In the 1930s, close friends reported he was obsessed with the size of peas—one of his favorite foods—and used a special fork to sort them by size before he ate. While producing The Outlaw, Hughes became obsessed by a minor flaw in one of Jane Russell’s blouses, claiming that the fabric bunched up along a seam and gave the appearance of two nipples on each of Russell’s breasts. He was reportedly so concerned by the matter as to write a detailed memorandum to the film crew on how to fix the problem.

Hughes eventually became a complete recluse, locking himself in darkened rooms in a medication-induced daze. Though he always kept a barber on call, Hughes only had his hair cut and nails trimmed about once a year. Several doctors were kept in the house on a substantial salary, but Hughes rarely saw them and usually refused to follow their advice.

He insisted on using paper towels to pick up objects, so that he could insulate himself from germs. It has also been rumored that he kept the 1968 film Ice Station Zebra playing on a continuous loop in his home.

Though a lot is rumoured, he WAS obsessed with germs and all, the movie depicted it properly. He also was a recluse, just like it was shown. [/quote]

Because most people with OCD either know how to hide it or don’t go all-out batshit insane like Hughes supposedly did and find other ways to express themselves so they don’t kill anybody in real life i.e. spam a lot on a random internet message forum. What you saw in the movie was either very exaggerated or an extreme case made to act like that was what the average person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder would do, which isn’t true. Scorsese was just blowing everything out of proportion Hollywood-style to make a point and get a nice, shiny Oscar on his mantelpiece. If he really wanted to show a case of OCD, he should have made a film about a boy named Bleach who constantly typed in and posted pictures of username “IL_Buono” on the Tarantino Forums to ridicule the asshole who spammed up that place out of revenge. But it probably wouldn’t have been as exciting.

I’m just kidding, Bleach. Daddy loves you.

to all those who offende me and those who really say that the deoparted is under the top 5 scorsese:

man are you fuckin blind i did NOT say that the departed was a bad movie (now we aint talkin bout blades of glory kinda shit) but im saying that departed is just weak in regards that SCORSESE (YEAH THATS RIGHT MARTIN FUCKIN SCORSESE) dirscted it.

soi let me go inro detail:at first the soundtrack -----nuthin too special i mean “gimme shelter” by the stones was also in goodfellas and mean streets/goodfellas had bette rots.

then the story was nuthin too exciting,funny at the first watch but just nuthin that lasts.then the acting-i mean come on di caprio is no De Niro and he sure as hell isnt a Joe Pesci or a new Ray Liotta and he´ll never be Pacino either.I dont say hes a bad actor but he just hasn´t got the same class. Then there is Nicholson(whos one of my fave actors) who plays decent but nothing too oustanding(he basically plays himself ha ha)

and the argument that only SUPER FUCKIN ASSHOLE REATRDS who dont know nuthin about movies can use:…BUT IT WON AN OSCAR. That´s nuthin. What does that say???.

Lord of the Rings won a myriad of oscars and is it better than Pulp Fiction-NO!

Eastwood received an Oscar for “The Unforgiven” ----now is this film any better than “Once upon a time in the wset”?-NO!

And then consider hoiw many awesome films got overlooked:the entire Dollar trilogy as well as Once upon a time in the west and then think of scorses own movies:he didnt receive an oscar for Mean streets,Taxi Driver,Raging Bull and Goodfellas and al are better movies than the depatrted and the fuckin aviator--------

sorry for beiong rude and using strong language( iguess this post will get R-Rated) but i ws upset bout the guys who think they are fuckin movie buffs and cant take anotzher opinion seriously and relly think that the departed deserved the oscar( scorsese imho got it representative for his life long work or achievement and beacuse the competition was lame!)

I’m either really high or I have no idea what the fuck you’re saying. Hopefully it’s number 1.

I’m sorry, but I can’t take somebody who says The Departed, GONY and The Aviator are no goes, seriously.

just replied to him
just red his post and was quite upset cause i didnt think thatin a qt forum someone would relly think that the judgement of the oscart
jury was inquestionable

about a boy named Bleach who constantly typed in and posted pictures of username “IL_Buono” on the Tarantino Forums to ridicule the asshole who spammed up that place out of revenge.

Haha, constantly? Give me the links and prove it. There’s been only one occasion.

Anyway, I’d love to sort this out PMwise as it means so much to you, but you keep your inbox full

I already apologized on my part and forgave you for what you did, Bleach. Most of the links were probably deleted, and I was just joking but if you want to talk via PM I’ll empty some of my messages out. I don’t mind.

Leo DiCapprio as Howard Hughes in The Aviator was a pretty close depiction of the actual Howard Hughes. I’d take the opinion of his actual family, and people that know him anyday over that of some lunatic on the Internet.

Whether The Departed was a masterpiece is completely irrelevant. Was it the best film of 2006? Yes? Well, it deserved the Oscar.

HAHAHAHAH! Don’t you see the irony in calling me a lunatic when Howard Hughes was supposedly one of the biggest lunatics of the 20th century? Did you not see the same movie as I did where he went psycho after his OCD habits went out of control and he ended up suffering for the rest of his live because of his irrationality? Or are you just taking a stand because it makes your Ego feel comfortable?

The Departed was good, but no masterpiece. And like I said, that doesn’t necessarily means it deserves an Oscar.

tarantino is better.

tarantino is better.


tarantinos films are much better. without a doubt scorses is a genius but tarantino better.

tarantinos films are much better. without a doubt scorses is a genius but tarantino better.


Yes ;D

Don’t get me wrong man, I love all of QT’s stuff, but Scorsese really just is the best around.

Don’t get me wrong man, I love all of QT’s stuff, but Scorsese really just is the best around.

maybe the second best.

maybe the second best.

Oh yeah, Hitchcock is the first then Scorsese. And if it’ll help you sleep better third is QT.

I think Leo is a very, very good actor. His looks sometimes get in the way of his skill and also cause ugly people to hate on him. Hopefully over time he will prove all the nay sayers wrong. IMO he is far above most of the young actors today.

tarantino is better.

Than Marty? No way in hell. Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Who’s That Knocking on my Door?, Casino, The Departed, The Aviator, Gangs of New York, King of Comedy, Last Temptation of Christ, and Cape Fear, Tarantino is better than the man who directed all of those great films? QT is my favorite director but he is not better than Martin Scorsese.

How is QT better?