Scorsese vs tarantino

Jesus, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. This board has become overrun with retards who know nothing about film.


Biohazard may be a retard, but he does have a point. While it may not have exactly been a pity Oscar, Scorsese did basically win it because he had gotten shafted so much in the past. So I think it’d be safe to call it an “Empathy Oscar” for better lack of pretentious terminology.

And The Aviator was a piece of shit.

Well i liked out


And The Aviator was a piece of shit.



Biohazard may be a retard, but he does have a point. While it may not have exactly been a pity Oscar, Scorsese did basically win it because he had gotten shafted so much in the past. So I think it’d be safe to call it an “Empathy Oscar” for better lack of pretentious terminology.

And The Aviator was a piece of shit.
ture. I mean, for a fucking week before the Oscars all you heard about was how it was his “turn” to win an Oscar. We all know that Martin got fucked many times in the past, but the past is the past - He didn’t win an Oscar for Taxi Driver or Raging Bull - so where’s the glory in winning one for an average film just because it was his “turn” to win one. He ain’t the first guy to get fucked like that, but if you ask me - Clint Eastwood got fucked out of his Oscar for Flags of Our Fathers just because they wanted to give the “pity” Oscar to Scorsese.

I don’t think that anyone here but Ify knows this fact, but Pink Floyd lost their grammy for “The Wall” to that piece of shit Christopher Cross - wtf??? Rock On The Net: 23rd Annual Grammy Awards - 1981

Pink floyd is the most overrated band ever! :stuck_out_tongue:

They are a very talented group of musicians. Anyone who can’t see that is fucked in the head.

Did i say they sucked? no, I said they were overrated! R E A D

overrated would imply that they weren’t as good as people say they are. People say a band is “great” or that they “suck” - there is no in-between. and I never said that you said they sucked. R E A D

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
ture. I mean, for a fucking week before the Oscars all you heard about was how it was his “turn” to win an Oscar. We all know that Martin got fucked many times in the past, but the past is the past - He didn’t win an Oscar for Taxi Driver or Raging Bull - so where’s the glory in winning one for an average film just because it was his “turn” to win one. He ain’t the first guy to get fucked like that, but if you ask me - Clint Eastwood got fucked out of his Oscar for Flags of Our Fathers just because they wanted to give the “pity” Oscar to Scorsese.

I don’t think that anyone here but Ify knows this fact, but Pink Floyd lost their grammy for “The Wall” to that piece of shit Christopher Cross - wtf??? Rock On The Net: 23rd Annual Grammy Awards - 1981

I haven’t seen Flags of Our Fathers so I can’t really say much about that. However, I do know that The Departed is one of the greatest films I have seen in the past 5 or so years. If Flags is better, I have really got to watch that.

Flags was great, but a bit boring, and it’s a CRIME for a war film to be boring. It also had weak character development, wasn’t based on characters really, although it says that it tells the tale of the men in the famous picture. The war scenes were great, though nothing too impressive, if you’ve seen Ryan, this is a kids’ movie.

What I liked was the atmosphere. I love the WW2 mood and it was achieved perfectly here. Plus I love how it was not all Eastwood-tearjerker style, which makes it my favourite of his films.

Critics said that Iwo Jima was better, though I didn’t get to see it. Can you believe this, people were supposed to see Iwo Jima before Flags, but in here they released it sooner. There was little interest, so it lasted only one week, which is pathetic and sad, cause an Eddie Murphy movie can last for like five. Then they released Flags, I went to the premiere, but learned after watching it that Iwo Jima had just been taken off the schedule.

Right, will have to give it a watch then when I can get a hold of it.

don’t get me wrong, I liked The Departed quite a bit, but it was not Scorsese’s best work - I think it is a slap in the face for them to finally give him an award when his prior films deserved the award much much more. Many years from now some kid will be researching Martin Scorsese and think that The Departed is what people thought was his best work - and that simply isn’t true.

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
don’t get me wrong, I liked The Departed quite a bit, but it was not Scorsese’s best work - I think it is a slap in the face for them to finally give him an award when his prior films deserved the award much much more. Many years from now some kid will be researching Martin Scorsese and think that The Departed is what people thought was his best work - and that simply isn’t true.

Whether it’s his best work or not is entirely irrelevant. The fact of the matter is, the academy as well as a shit load of other reviewers/critics thought The Departed was the best film of the year. If it had just won the Oscar, maybe you and the other pessimist arseholes would have a point, however, he fucking swooped most of the major awards around the world. They couldn’t all have been giving him a “pity” award the notion of which is absolutely ludicrous.

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
don’t get me wrong, I liked The Departed quite a bit, but it was not Scorsese’s best work - I think it is a slap in the face for them to finally give him an award when his prior films deserved the award much much more. Many years from now some kid will be researching Martin Scorsese and think that The Departed is what people thought was his best work - and that simply isn’t true.

It won’t be like that, many great filmmakers have never received their Oscars, like Hitch and Kubrick and I always thought it would have been more awesome if Scorsese joined the company, further decreasing the value of Oscars in the eyes of people who understand what’s good and what’s not.

The Departed is a GREAT MOVIE. Of course I love his older work more as well as most of his fans, which is pretty understandable and OBVIOUS, but this was also really really good. His funniest film, I think, I actually see it as a comedy.

Kubrick has never gotten his Directing Oscar, but he did get one for 2001 none the less.


Maybe not quite a piece of shit, but as far as epic biographies go it could have been a lot better. They over exaggerated the OCD bit just so the average viewer would be able to relate (and I do know something about obsessive compulsive tendencies, and what they showed in the film was mostly bullshit) and the film just dragged on for three hours and really wasn’t all that entertaining in my opinion. Leo did a good job as usual but it really wasn’t that inspiring or moving in any way and didn’t deserve all the praise it got. The Aviator is The Departed and Goodfella’s bitch.

If it had just won the Oscar, maybe you and the other pessimist arseholes would have a point, however, he fucking swooped most of the major awards around the world. They couldn’t all have been giving him a “pity” award the notion of which is absolutely ludicrous.

It seems like you’re defending him just because he’s one of your favorite directors, but in reality he DID win the award because he had gotten screwed in the past. The Departed was good, but it really wasn’t Best Picture material and was more a great Action flick rather than a masterpiece of any kind. It is irritating though hearing everyone say “it wasn’t his best work” because you shouldn’t compare it to all his other flicks just to say that it was an enjoyable movie. But on the other hand, it wasn’t as amazing as the critics made it out to be. Still a decent movie though.

It seems like you’re defending him just because he’s one of your favorite directors, but in reality he DID win the award because he had gotten screwed in the past.

I didn’t know that the Best Director catogory was supposed to be the 5 best directors of the year competing against everything else they’ve made, I could have sworn it’s whoever was the best THAT YEAR. Maybe I misread something somewhere.

and I do know something about obsessive compulsive tendencies

Boy oh boy do we ever fuckin' know that for a fact.