Scorsese vs tarantino

Yeah that was a pretty dumb thing to say, did you forget it won a FUCKING oscar!

the thread is intersting but also kinda pointless----------tarantino and scorsese are both under my directors top 10 but its difficult to compare them since there styles are completely different

and to the thread strater who has never seen movie by marty here´s a list of (imho)the best SCORSEE flicks

Raging Bull

Mean Streets

Taxi Driver


Cape Fear

and the no goes-----fpor which i´m likely to get bashed but who fuckin cares cause the following Scorsese flicks are REALLY not more than average:

The Departed(aka The Retarded)

Gangs Of New York


and also sumthin thats off topic : Who agrees with me that a)Leo DiCaprio is not a good(like Spielberg ) use him so frequently???




I’m sorry, but I can’t take somebody who says The Departed, GONY and The Aviator are no goes, seriously.

The Departed was amazing, it won a pitty oscar, but an oscar nonetheless. I was bit confused with the plot, I just couldn’t keep up. So Frank was an FBI informer, how did that happen?! And what’s an FBI Informer, where am I. . . :frowning:

it won a pitty oscar,

Jesus, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. This board has become overrun with retards who know nothing about film.

“Im not a fucking cop!”

The Departed is def. in my top 5 of Scorsese movies and in my opinion had the best soundtrack (and with Marty, that is saying A LOT…

and for anyone who watches The Sopranos, Tony and Chrissy would probably agree with me on that.)

The Departed was amazing, it won a pitty oscar, but an oscar nonetheless. I was bit confused with the plot, I just couldn’t keep up. So Frank was an FBI informer, how did that happen?! And what’s an FBI Informer, where am I. . . :frowning:
and then the fucking ending? what was up with that. boom, head blown off. bingo! Here is how it should have ended:

Leonardo should have completely lost his identity - Damon would have been stuck with his identity as the head of the department and Leonardo would have been stuck in the underworld of crime - imagine that for an ending? what irony! moral of the story - don’t fuck around with shit you can’t handle. btw…nicholson could have said 'you can’t handle the shit"

Jesus, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. This board has become overrun with retards who know nothing about film.


True. Its seems people just want to say some shit to get something started. Anyone who would bash these films in such a way is only trying to cause trouble or is really an idiot or perhaps both.

I like the ending you begin to love this character and out of no where “Splat!” and than your like “that son of a bitch got away” but than you see someone’s feet covered up and “Boom!” great ending. I could kick myself for not going to see this at the theatre.

Jesus, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. This board has become overrun with retards who know nothing about film.

[/quote]I felt Clint Eastwood was robbed, I liked Flags Of Our Fathers more than The Departed.

Ok, well the ending in The Departed was great compared to Infernal Affairs. In The Departed it is real quick and hits you in the face, but in IA they cue in some gay ass song and you don’t really know what happened until the slow-motion and bad angles go away and you’re left thinking “What the fuck happened”

I felt Clint Eastwood was robbed, I liked Flags Of Our Fathers more than The Departed.

I felt Clint Eastwood was robbed, I liked Flags Of Our Fathers more than The Departed.

What? Flags sucked. Letters was way better, by a country mile.

I’m sorry, but I can’t take somebody who says The Departed, GONY and The Aviator are no goes, seriously.

I agree with you.

I felt Clint Eastwood was robbed, I liked Flags Of Our Fathers more than The Departed.

Oh, so YOU liked Flags better than The Departed? Well, shit, they should have given Eastwood the Oscar then. I mean if YOU thought it, then it should be so.

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
and then the fucking ending? what was up with that. boom, head blown off. bingo! Here is how it should have ended:

Leonardo should have completely lost his identity - Damon would have been stuck with his identity as the head of the department and Leonardo would have been stuck in the underworld of crime - imagine that for an ending? what irony! moral of the story - don’t fuck around with shit you can’t handle. btw…nicholson could have said 'you can’t handle the shit"

And then maybe they could have a sex scene in there involving you, Biohazard and some strawberry cream. You could have said “Spread it around some more, we’re gonna need it”.

Clint is my Hero but I still think the Departed got what it deserved.

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
Gangs of New York and Aviator were pretty half-ass.

The Aviator is amazing! It’s very inspiring to me, it shows Hughes’ determination and will to get things his own way, I have always respected and admired such people. Hughes is a perfect role model. Di Caprio just plays him so good - it’s my favourite Di Caprio role to date. The film is exciting, inspiring and overall brilliant, one of my favourites. I really love it, no other than Marty could have done it so good.

Gangs of New York is half-ass, yeah.

The Aviator is amazing! It’s very inspiring to me, it shows Hughes’ determination and will to get things his own way, I have always respected and admired such people. Hughes is a perfect role model. Di Caprio just plays him so good - it’s my favourite Di Caprio role to date. The film is exciting, inspiring and overall brilliant, one of my favourites. I really love it, no other than Marty could have done it so good.

Gangs of New York is half-ass, yeah.
Hughes was a fucking wack-o freak who was so OCD that he couldn’t function in society. Sure he had brains…but what did he use them for? I will tell you what he used them for - to create weapons and other tools that led to the deaths of many men - and if that wasn’t enough, he had the ability to weasel his fucking ideas into action by not only manipulating public figures, but ultimately creating more wars than were probably necessary - He is no role model - he was a fucking waste of life and talent.

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
Hughes was a fucking wack-o freak who was so OCD that he couldn’t function in society. Sure he had brains…but what did he use them for? I will tell you what he used them for - to create weapons and other tools that led to the deaths of many men - and if that wasn’t enough, he had the ability to weasel his fucking ideas into action by not only manipulating public figures, but ultimately creating more wars than were probably necessary - He is no role model - he was a fucking waste of life and talent.

Whaa? You’re exaggerating things, you make it sound like he’s Hitler. A guy supplies what the country needs, alright, none of the warfare was HIS own.

Whaa? You’re exaggerating things, you make it sound like he’s Hitler. A guy supplies what the country needs, alright, none of the warfare was HIS own.
he lobbied not only the government of his own country, but governments of foreign nations to find excuses to try out his inventions - they all profited from them. He was a genius - this is not up for debate, but he was also an asshole.