Scorsese vs tarantino

Yeah? That me try it than Fuck Fuck Fuck Shit Shit Shit it doesnt work for me.

i baught the movie taxi driver. it was really good.

One critic said The Departed was “Scorsese doing Tarantino doing Scorsese”. I thought that was cool. :slight_smile:


Whenever people online start calling each other “faggot”, you know they’re pissed off. Its like the last line of verbal defense or something. lol.
yeah. that’s when you know that his brain has ceased to function correctly - it’s like farting when you try to pick something heavy up.

One critic said The Departed was “Scorsese doing Tarantino doing Scorsese”. I thought that was cool. :slight_smile:

Maybe that’s why I dug it so much.

Does anyone else think it’s really weird that on the Dogs dvd Quentin first talks about how funny Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction should be in the comedy section of a video store and then says that Taxi Driver is “absolutely hysterical” ? I’ve seen it probably 8-9 times and I don’t remember ever laughing when watching it.

You never laughed while watching RD and PF ? Or Taxi Driver ? Cause I laughed a lot while watching PF and RD. Taxi Driver is hysterical, that means scaring !

I dont think Id categorize them as all out comedies, but they definitely have lots of humor in them. Remember, sometimes even QT says stuff thats kinda wacked.

some of the appeal of their movies are going from a humorous situation to a shocking in a split second

I dont think Id categorize them as all out comedies, but they definitely have lots of humor in them. Remember, sometimes even QT says stuff thats kinda wacked.

Same here, I won’t categorize them into comedie genre, but definitively full of humor.

You never laughed while watching RD and PF ? Or Taxi Driver ? Cause I laughed a lot while watching PF and RD. Taxi Driver is hysterical, that means scaring !

i’d say Pulp Fiction is a crime comedy, too many funny situations and conversations to not call it a comedy i think, it’s a dark black crime comedy, alot of people protest to that because “crime comedy” has gotten a bad name by films in which the comedy overrules the crime, in PF this is the opposite, and it works

i’d say Pulp Fiction is a crime comedy, too many funny situations and conversations to not call it a comedy i think, it’s a dark black crime comedy, alot of people protest to that because “crime comedy” has gotten a bad name by films in which the comedy overrules the crime, in PF this is the opposite, and it works

Well you’re just stating the obvious there.

I remember Tarantino saying that, it was when he was sitting outside being interviewed right? I remember at the time thinking he was crazy for saying Taxi Driver was hilarious, but then I understood where he was coming from. The strange things that happen are very funny to some people. It’s just a case of how your mind works.

QT has a lot of covert humour in his films. Often, it’s only after the 2nd or 3rd viewing that you find that a particular moment is really very funny. Yes, QT’s films are very funny, but no fucking way are they comedies.

You never laughed while watching RD and PF ? Or Taxi Driver ? Cause I laughed a lot while watching PF and RD. Taxi Driver is hysterical, that means scaring !

I wrote that a little misleadingly, I don’t think it’s weird that Quentin thinks his movies are funny, I think so too and laugh a lot when watching RD or PF. But Taxi Driver I just don’t find funny at all. If Scorsese would’ve seen that interview (or maybe he has, how do I know) I think he too would’ve been like “HUH? :o”

Yeah PF and RD is funny but not Taxi Driver.Maybe he meant like its funny how strange things happened and they are so weird that you got to laugh at them or something I dont know, like when Scorsese is talking about killing his wife in Taxi Driver its just so weird that you got laugh at it.

I always laugh when he takes her to the movie and doesn’t know why she gets upset

Theres a little line I notice everytime I watch that porno date scene. Its when Betsy is saying she doesnt like those movies and gets mad at Travis and he starts stuttering and goes “Well… I come and… its not so bad”. Its just the way he says it, it cracks me up. Then after Betsy takes off he goes “Jesus Christ…I GOT a taxi”.

Great scene!! :slight_smile:

perfect scene, followed by the ultimate despair, heartbreaking, the boy is just so lost

Yeah, and the suit, and the record.

“Please take it, I bought it for you Betsy”

“I already have it…okay thanks now I have two…lets go!”

The scene with Scorsese was pretty funny. The whole bit with hi wanting to kill his wife.