Scorsese vs tarantino

[size=180]Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack…[/size]

Jesus man you should be a god damn critic

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
Ify, people don’t read long posts. They just pull a “homer simpson” in thier heads and say “blah, blah, blah”. I have said this about Popeye Pete in the past, so it is kind of an old bit…but:

your rants require no thought whatsoever. They are merely sounds as instinctive as the quacking of ducks or the moo of a cow. So, next time…keep it short and sweet…and to the point.

That is basically what it was. I just said what came to mind. It wasn’t at all thought out, none of my posts here are. You’re another 32-year old faggot who has too much time on his hands. Go out and do something productive you stupid son-of-a-bitch. Go work, Go learn, just fucking do something other than harassing those who are 13 years younger than you. Asshole.

Jesus man you should be a god damn critic


Don’t you wonder how I do it?

you couldn’t tote my jockstrap.

Could you just be nice and polite, Ify ?? Kilgore Trout didn’t tell you anything rude. And I think that he has done a lot of good things in his life, just because he has kids, and needs to take care of them. Respect him for that at least. :wink:

Jesus Fucking Christ you got a lot of hate keep it all bottled up and become a school teacher

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
Don’t you wonder how I do it?

Not really. Nothing about you makes me wonder about anything except whether you’re really just a kiddy-fiddler.

You :wink:

…and if you’re going to write mini essays on filmmakers dont rant out yer ass like you have a bad case of mental diarrea. Do a fucking rough draft if you have to so its understandable and makes some fuckin sense.

Ify: Yes, I’m 32 years old. I get laid regularly, I am a freelance graphic artist/cartoonist I work steadily from my home. Live in my own place, have my own car, buy my own DVDs/CDs, I even cook too!! I spend time online because I work on a computer 90% of my day.

You’re telling ME to be productive? I think you should stop talking out yer ass, take a fucking English 101 class and get that dick out of yer ass.

That’s right…and I still have time for this shit. The fact is that my job only requires about an hour of actual thought per day, and yet I make enough $ to support four people comfortably…and my wife doesn’t have to work either. This is actually fun for me to fuck with you, so piss off and get fucked!

Jesus Fucking Christ you got a lot of hate [/quote]

Yeah he has a lot of hate against people who didn’t do anything wrong (or anything else than disagree with him). I don’t understand the way you act, Ify. I mean, c’mon, you must have a serious complex to be so mad so quickly.

And btw, all what we are talking about is just off topic, maybe if you have anything to talk about, use PM, that’s what it’s used for :wink:

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
That’s right…and I still have time for this shit. The fact is that my job only requires about an hour of actual thought per day, and yet I make enough $ to support four people comfortably…and my wife doesn’t have to work either. This is actually fun for me to fuck with you, so piss off and get fucked!
What do you do?

Haha, yeah. The song’s lyrics I’m just listening to are again, quite relevant:

I wanna just take this time out to be perfectly honest

Cuz there’s a lot of shit I keep bottled that hurts deep inside o’ my soul,

And just know that I grow colder the older I grow

This boulder on my shoulder gets heavy and harder to hold

Like I said before…you are really weak if you allow people on internet forums make you angry. That’s borderline criminal.

I’m not angry at all. :slight_smile:

What do you do?

No bullshit…I am a loan shark, or as you brits say, shy·lock A ruthless moneylender; a loan shark.

intr.v. shy·locked, shy·lock·ing, shy·locks

To lend money at exorbitant interest rates.

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
That’s right…and I still have time for this shit. The fact is that my job only requires about an hour of actual thought per day, and yet I make enough $ to support four people comfortably…and my wife doesn’t have to work either. This is actually fun for me to fuck with you, so piss off and get fucked!

Fucking with me? Who was it that decided to spend more time here and start some shit? I have nothing better to do. At least not for the moment.


Whenever people online start calling each other “faggot”, you know they’re pissed off. Its like the last line of verbal defense or something. lol.


Whenever people online start calling each other “faggot”, you know they’re pissed off. Its like the last line of verbal defense or something. lol.

Sorry, it’s just how I talk here. I can be whatever the fuck I want here, I’m no where near my proper self. It’s fun. Very therapeutic.