InglOUrious BastErds (title controversy)

read this:

<LINK_TEXT text=“ … r/252/7096”></LINK_TEXT>

It would have been funny if the guy would have misspelled shit all throughout his blog. Interesting though. Are people really hating on QT for the spelling of the title?

I think they do. For myself, I still don’t understand the spelling. Is that a trick to be cooler with a different spelling ? A misspelling ? is there another meaning behind this ? Honestly, I don’t care much about the spelling but I don’t get it. It would have been simpler, even more for us foreigners, to have the right spelling.

I guess we’ll have to wait the great Sebby to ask the man himself to get the answer. But I’m sure he’ll answer like for Reservoir Dogs, that there’s nothing to understand, he just felt spelling it so…

does everything always have to have a deeper meaning? it’s a movie for crying out loud :wink: what the funk does Reservoir Dogs mean? nothing!

Reservoir Dogs does sound cool that way, no matter what it means. But Inglorious Basterds really only means a misspelling for me. I don’t care about getting deeper meaning everywhere. But that title, really, you cannot say you were not a bit suspicious about it first. It doesn’t sound cooler or simpler with an “e” to me. That’s why it’s still weird to me when I see this spelling. But again maybe it’s cause I’m foreigner and that I can only be focused on the misspelling.

I don’t care the real meaning either, but maybe it’s because of copyrights or something that he chose that spelling…

He can spell it the way he wants, as long as the movie is great, that’s all that matters to me. During the promotion of the movie, you can be sure that he will be asked why he mispells it. While I’m insterested to know the reason, whatever it is, I’m fine with it. It’s his movie, and I’m all for freedom in creation when it comes to art. Besides, I find the polemic around it funny, he’s not afraid of the reactions, I like that.

I wonder what the french title will be, I kinda liked “Boulevard de la mort” for Death Proof even if it’s a completely different meaning.

Also, with the production already going on etc. Is it safe to say that Inglourious Basterds is gonna be the final title or can it still be changed ?

Inglourious Basterds is such a big buzz right now that French distributors will be afraid to translate it, I guess. Unlike Death Proof, which was less mentionned by the press, people could still admit a French and different title. Now everybody is used with the actual title even in France.

That’s why to answer to your second question - no, I don’t think they’d change it after the shooting. It must be the final title cause Tarantino never changed any of his titles and as you might have seen it on the Paris shooting pics, he’s wearing a coat with the actual title. He must like it enough to keep it. And again the title is becoming so popular, that he might not change it now.

So you are based/from France then? It must be nice for German and French fans of QT for there to be a film where the characters speak their language rather than American/British.

Yeah but unfortunately, French characters won’t speak much French according to what it’s been said in the press. Tarantino admitted he wanted a French actress with a very good english accent for Shoshanna. But I guess, german characters must speak more in german. Well, actually I have no idea if Tarantino let them shoot in their native langage or not… But that’d be def better than in american/english.

I remember seeing a lot of “in french/german” mentions in the script, lots of “oui” also :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope Tarantino will keep this idea, do we really have to trust the press on that one ?

I haven’t read the script but I guess if it’s in it, high chances to see it in the movie. Great.

I don’t care the real meaning either, but maybe it’s because of copyrights or something that he chose that spelling…

I think I read somewhere that QT secured the rights to the title, so that might not be it. I think avoiding confusion is one big aspect. I mean, google inglorious bastards, or imdb it, and it’s two names then etc… it’s just one way to set the movie apart or something. or he thought it sounded cool or whatever… let’s not overinterpret it… where does it say you can’t call your movie however the fuck you want. if i make a movie i’m gonna call it “Lotsabitches 4shizznit”. take that, oxford dictionary

I’m so fucking used to it now that I can’t remember spelling it correctly before. It just feels natural now.

were you ever able to spell correctly? :wink:

I’m so fucking used to it now that I can’t remember spelling it correctly before. It just feels natural now.

It’s easy! It’s spelled:


It’s written the exact way he wrote it on the script on the jacket he was wearing on set, so I think it’s pretty much set as Inglourious Basterds. I’ll never understand why anybody would have a problem with it. He’s not changing the spelling of the words for anything else but this movie.

after hearing pitt pronouncing the title in the charly rose interview, i tend to the explanation of our two fellows done 3 months ago:

Do we have to pronounce it the way its spelled?.. if so everybody is gonna sound like a bunch of brain dead rednecks when they talk about this movie…maybe that’s the point

I sort of figured Aldo Raine, a poor Tennesee hillbilly came up with the name and Inglourious Basterds was his spelling of the title.

It makes pretty much sense indeed about the pronounciation and spelling.