GRINDHOUSE at Comic Con 2006!

or Pete’s favorite forum :wink:

;Dwelcome to everyone new!!! ;D

enjoy the board, have fun!! :slight_smile:

I cant support a forum administrator who disses QT. Its not gonna happen. If anyone else supports the Grindhouse forum, you’re just as bad. I would never sell out to anyone who I dont respect. So they get news about Grindhouse, big fuckin deal. Thats really shitty considering this site has been around for 4 + years and we dont even get the latest news. Some dumbasses who dont even like or care about the movie are getting it first.

The more I think about it, the more pissed I get.

We at the GH forum are also eagerly awaiting some news/pics/anything from the Comic Con panel. It took place Saturday; come on, people! I’m on the other side of the country, and my compadre is in England, so we probably won’t hear anything until it’s posted online.

And WinslowLeach, seriously. It’s just getting sad now. Now you’re going to alienate anyone who wants to visit the forum? That’s messed up. I’m sick of trying to reason with you about this.

Hey all again…okay not like anything big (well sort of) but isn’t comic con this upcoming saturday (the 22nd) with QT?..I mean I like sooooooooooooooooo hope so because I sooo don’t want to miss it! I’m so bad with dates…and the poster above said “it took place” meaning already happened. Any help would be like sooooo great! Thanks a bunch…I love Quentin and I love!

Much Love,


[quote=“Melina”] And WinslowLeach, seriously. It’s just getting sad now. Now you’re going to alienate anyone who wants to visit the forum? That’s messed up. I’m sick of trying to reason with you about this.

Why did you guys start the forum in the first place? Simply because Grindhouse was Robert Rodriguez’s next film? I dont even know what you guys are trying to prove here.

From what Ive seen, these are your objectives:

  1. Start a forum about a project we dont really like or care about.

  2. When real fans question its validity, we ban them.

stop the fucking ranting now. everybody! i am getting really pissed now. pete please just shut up and dont visit the place if you dont like it, dont kidnap this topic to do your bashing. thanks

Oh, you’re right, Trish! Somebody told me it was this past Saturday. Whoops! Sweet, then I haven’t missed anything. :smiley:

Hehehehe…oh thank goodness I didn’t miss it! This specific topic doesn’t have as much love around as the other topics! It’s Q we are talking about…let’s be happy and let’s be nice!

Or, if you prefer, we can all be a bunch of Fonzies…and what’s Fonzie like? Anyone?..COOL!

Much Love and Smiles,


[quote]Rodriguez and Tarantino Present Grindhouse!

Source: Blake Wright July 22, 2006

Directors Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino world premiered footage from their new exploitation double feature Grindhouse at the San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday. The clip shown was cobbled together from the first of the two features – the Rodriguez-directed “Planet Terror” – a zombie flick.

The footage shown – with an intentional grainy, camp-like effect – kicked off with a sheriff’s deputy busting into his cop shot ranted about just having his finger bitten off by a suspect he arrest. The other deputies and sheriff in the office all grab guns and proceed out to the cruiser. The cops stalk the cruiser but the detainee has escaped through a shattered rear window. The deputy asks if they see his finger. They don’t… but they do find his ring.

From here the clip cuts to trailer-type piece for an anti-hero named Machete! – a tough looking biker type that wears a trench coat lined with very long knives and swords.

Then bam! – another segway, but this one goes into full on zombie action. It is unclear where the zombies are coming from, but a hospital seemed to play a central role. Freddy Rodriguez and Rose McGowan are there. Rose’s character, Cherry, had an unfortunate scrape and has lost her right leg above the knee. When Rodriguez tries to get her to flee the now undead infested hospital, she exclaims “I don’t have a leg!” This moves Rodriguez to walk over to a nearby table, break off one of its legs and jam it on the end of McGowan’s bandaged stump. “You do now!” he says.

More zombie action follows as the two escape the hospital. In a later scene, Rodriguez offers McGowan a gift – a heavy-duty machine gun that clips onto her stump. Now with a machine gun as a leg, McGowan mows down several zombies with one, effective round-kick spray!

Tarantino, whose “Death Proof” (a slasher movie and the second of the Grindhouse features) starts shooting in about four weeks, told attendees at the Con that he always wanted to make a exploitation film that lived up to the cool poster artwork that accompanied most of the vintage exploitation movies.

“We’re going to make two, sleazy grindhouse movies that will deliver on the posters… and beyond!” said Tarantino. “This isn’t some Twilight Zone the Movie fcking thing. This is not a faux double feature. This is two fcking movies for the price of one! You’re $10 will be well spent at the Grindhouse, baby!”

Rodriguez said the “Planet Terror” shoots were solely at night and that he is talking with John Carpenter about providing music for the feature.

Tarantino also added that he would like to make two anime “Kill Bill” prequels. The first would be an origin film about Bill and his mentors, while the second would be another tale including The Bride.

Updated! GRINDHOUSE news from Comic-Con! Snake Plissken to be Tarantino's villain! Plus more!!!

that link is gooood news

I’m loving it!! Just loving it!! Planet Terror sounds insanely fun!! I love the machine gun leg!! I’m stoked for this!! This will be like the 70s Grindhouse films on heroin!! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Cant wait for those Kill Bill anime prequels too!

it should have this in front:

- YouTube

Cant beat that Studio Ident…

“Grind House” panel at Comic Con 2006

So are there going to be more things like the Comic Con for more word to get out about GrindHouse?

OMG, what kind of glasses is that ? QT, man, why don’t you notice you had more and more bad fashion taste ! :-X

OMG, what kind of glasses is that ? QT, man, why don’t you notice you had more and more bad fashion taste ! :-X
Whatever they are they’re definitely too small for his face. ;D

who’s that hot chick to the very left with the curly hair? ay caramba