Damn, those are some ugly toes!

i love uma’s toes. im just like qt.

in pulp fiction and kill bill he shows uma’s feet. jackie brown=feet/pulp fiction=feet/kill bill=feet/ can’t in reservior cuz theres no woman, unless the woman who shot mr. orange was bare foot, that would have been a nice touch. hahahaha

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i know Uma has big hands and feet but that’s because she is tall, but the fucked up toes I am sure were made to look that way because HELLO she was i a comma for 4 years, and I’m sure the nurses don’t give peticures. Oh and don’t forget the fact that she was beat the fuck out of by 5 people and I’m sure she broke some bones in her toes.

I am almost 100% sure those aren’t Uma’s real toes, because as I remember in Pulp Fiction and KB Vol. 2 they looked just fine.

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It was written somewhere that when Uma was a kid everybody was laughing about her at school because of her appearance and big feet. These are her real toes. I have nothing against big feet, look at Dee Dee, haha.

I know her feet are big and her toes are long, but in that Pussy Wagon scence her toes were all crooked and mended, it had to have been altered for those previous purposes.

[color=red][color=black][color=green][color=orange]In kill bill we see close up that Uma Thurman has the type of feet which makes many turn the other way. However, it is said that people with such long feet are of higher intellegence. Thurman is above average in terms of her height, she’s six feet tall! Which is almost the same height as her co star John Travolta in Pulp Fiction, just slightly shorter than the mighty Samuel L Jackson and little taller than the five feet 11 inches Bruce Willis.

I don’t , however, think Uma’s toes are ugly. They look hot! :police:

Where’s the “Highlight the following text, you risk with permanent blindness” warning?

Okay. WARNING: Highlight the previous text, you risk with consequences described in the warning above.

Where’s the “Highlight the following text, you risk with permanent blindness” warning?

Okay. WARNING: Highlight the previous text, you risk with consequences described in the warning above.


I’m not sure you’re making grammatical sense here.

But I think I know what you’re referring to. Sorry, I should never have used orange! :laugh:

Come to think of it, Mr Orange in reservoir dogs is an almost waste of a character… but thats for a different post.

Uma is very intelligent. Hasn’t she got a degree in something?

Where’s the “Highlight the following text, you risk with permanent blindness” warning?

Okay. WARNING: Highlight the previous text, you risk with consequences described in the warning above.



So, colour is dangerous?

[color=orange]Thanx for the info ;D

And on topic, I don´t find her feet that nice, but as long as QT loves them, it´s fine with me

There just so long!..plus her second toe is bigger then her big toe, which is just trippy :o

Haha, go to the beach and take a look at woman’s feet, 80% of them have the same problem.

lol…have we have just discovered the secret behind why most women have an obssesion with shoes? :smiley:

LOL! I think we have. :wink:

lol…have we have just discovered the secret behind why most women have an obssesion with shoes? :smiley:


hahaha, I learn more shit from this then from school

Don’t you like it when women wear mini-skirts and show off their sexy,smooth legs…that shit drives me crazy,makes me wanna lick 'em… ::slight_smile: Anyway, Uma’s toes are sexy…i’d lick those suckers any time

on topic. I believe its a sign of intelligence if your second toe is bigger then your big toe…:stuck_out_tongue:

Which Uma’s is - her second toe is way bigger than her big toe. It’s wierd lookin’. They do say she is quite an intelligent lady.

All this talk of tootsies is making feel quite aware of my feet…

Uma’s feet were more shocking than all the blood and gore present in the movie. That close-up shot of her toes scarred me for life.

Uma is a beautiful woman, but her feet…well…they aren’t perfect…


Bridget’s feet instead are really nice:


Oh yeah, Bridget’s feet are niiice. Uma has those high heel toes, ya know. I’d rather give Bridget a foot massage, leave it at that.


To Wong Foo,

I have put the screws to somewhere in the neighborhood of sixty women, so I would say that my experience is credible. I have found that pretty girls usually have really ugly feet. Little pork chops have cute little feet which are cool if you like to do em’ doggy-style. I will take a pretty girl with ugly feet over a hog or a pork chop any day of the week.


Kilgore Trout