Controversial opinions about movies

[quote=“mr blonde_22”]I’ve been looking for a topic about this for a while!

LORD OF THE RINGS is fucking horrible! i’d rathr have a tooth pulled than sit through that again. When Ksmith included the joke about LOTR being just a movie where fool’s go cross country just to get to a friggin volcano in clerks 2 i literally cheered i remember people looked at me at the theatre but i didnt care it was the stone cold truth i no one could have put it better oh and the godfather isnt overrated imo its outdated yes but i still think its one the most interesting stories ever told on film and time has no effect on great storytelling[/quote]

YEA! Nicely put! I have a new favourite QTA poster, and it’s YOU! ;D ;D

[quote=“mr blonde_22”]I’ve been looking for a topic about this for a while!

oh and the godfather isnt overrated imo its outdated yes but i still think its one the most interesting stories ever told on film and time has no effect on great storytelling[/quote]

Yeah, it’s gotta good story but it wasn’t exactly told well, is my beef with the film.

I agree with the comments about LOTR. I didn’t really care for the whole trilogy.

  • Pearl Harbor is actually an amazing underrated film. The best film (and perhaps the only good) Bay has directed.

[quote=“Dex”][quote=“mr blonde_22”]I’ve been looking for a topic about this for a while!

oh and the godfather isnt overrated imo its outdated yes but i still think its one the most interesting stories ever told on film and time has no effect on great storytelling[/quote]

Yeah, it’s gotta good story but it wasn’t exactly told well, is my beef with the film.[/quote]

I feel it was told brilliantly. :frowning:

I feel the same way about LOTR. The 3rd episode was the most boring film I went to see in theaters as far as I remember.

Dumb & Dumber is the best film with Jim Carrey, including his dramatic roles O0

it is among the best amercian comedies I’ve seen, along with American Pie 1 & 2.

yeah I said it, deal with it :smiley:

pearl harbor is not underrated. it’s a huge pile of shit.

[quote=“RatQuiRit”]Dumb & Dumber is the best film with Jim Carrey, including his dramatic roles O0

it is among the best amercian comedies I’ve seen, along with American Pie 1 & 2.

yeah I said it, deal with it :smiley:[/quote]

I love Dumb & Dumber but I found both The Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine to be better movies overall.

Bill Murray is a movie God! 8)

Controversial, no. Needed to be said, yes.

[quote=“F.W.”]pearl harbor is not underrated. it’s a huge pile of shit.[/quote]

Whomever posted that Pearl Harbor is underrated please defend your point. I need to understand the reasoning that arrives at this conclusion.

Whoa, that sounds kinda pretentious ;D

[quote=“Ordell Rodriguez”][quote=“F.W.”]pearl harbor is not underrated. it’s a huge pile of shit.[/quote]

Whomever posted that Pearl Harbor is underrated please defend your point. I need to understand the reasoning that arrives at this conclusion.

Whoa, that sounds kinda pretentious ;D[/quote]

I really don’t understand why people think it is such an awful movie.

A common complain is that it has historical inaccuracies, but if I want to learn historical facts, I’d go and watch a documentary or read a book about the event. The movie is historical fiction and people complaining about historical inaccuracies are like those who bash Inglourious Basterds for the same reasons. They are approaching both films from the wrong perspective.

Others complain that it “disrespects” the victims of the event. I really don’t see how the movie even comes close to doing that.

It seems that people were just expecting a movie about the attack on Pearl Harbor and ended up being disappointed because the movie is a love story set in the era which shows how war in general and the attack in particular affects the lives of the characters. However, the movie is also about the attack and a good 40 minutes of it is the attack itself. Yet what goes before and after the attack gives a very human face to the suffering and aftermath. It really makes you feel for the characters. It is this which in my opinion raises Pearl Harbor above just a war film or action flick.

I am not a fan of Affleck or Harnett but I think they both did a good job with their roles and found their friendship to be believable. It very much avoided the banal cliche of two best friends turning into enemies because of a girl.

While people complain that the first hour of the movie, where the characters fall in love, is too long, I actually felt that it should have been developed a bit more. In particular the relationship between Affleck and Beckingsale felt a bit rushed and a couple of scenes which had the potential to become quite memorable, are not allowed to blossom (seeing the sunset from the plane, for example). It is here that I think the movie loses a couple of points.

Much has been said about how the attack is done and how good it is, so I think that’s something even critics of the movie agree with. The shots are very realistic and the cinematography is excellent all set to an epic soundtrack. There are very moving takes such as the planes flying over the baseball field and the children but my favorite is the one where the first bomb is dropped which gives you an overhead view of the bomb as it falls down into a ship. Very impressive stuff.

The building tension leading to the attack where we see the soldiers sleeping without their uniforms, people looking up at the airplanes in wonder, while others are investigating and trying to figure out what the japs are up to until a bomb going under water heads straight into a ship and we get a shot of two men painting the ship blowing up is very well done. The jumping back and forth between the scenes in the ship and those at the hospital was nicely paced and very emotional. The brief part where Jennifer Garner’s character is desperate looking for medical supplies in a cabinet and then just drops everything in the floor shaking and how that is set to a rather blurred image with echoing voices (as are all the hospital shots) perfectly captures the desperation and helplessness people must have felt in that situation.

In short, as this is turning into a review, I laughed, was intrigued, felt sad, felt excited and was downright entertained by Pearl Harbor. I watched it recently (I had seen it only once in 2001) and was as emotionally moving and good as I remember it back then, if not more so. Overall I think the movie is underrated and gets more flack than it deserves.


I’m indifferent to historical accuracy in most cases. I’m even okay with the Titanic love story thing. But that doesn’t make it good or bad. The script, the building block of the whole fucking picture is a mess. The dialogue is shockingly stupid, not even cliche (which was all the dialogue in Titanic) but the kind of writing where the “writer” is trying to make it sound real and failing miserably because he’s a shit writer. Almost all it’s problems are right there, so when the effects come around you don’t care. You have no reason to care.

I’ll tell you right now why this movie is an insult to the dead of Pearl Harbor, it’s because Michael Bay didn’t even have the good common sense (which he normally doesn’t display anyway) to make it a descent, not even good, but just plain descent movie.

Okay, done ranting. Michael Bays a blow hard, what’s new. Thinking of this, wasn’t there a song in Team America that bashes on Pearl Harbor?

Heaven’s Gate is an immensely underrated movie. Okay, let me hear it, cause I will go down fighting over this ;D

best decade for films: 30’s & 40’s


Charles Laughton as Quasimodo in “Hunchback Of Notre Dame” (1939)

everything about charles laughton acting is underrated. that’s too easy, bio, try again.

and thememe, you can’t bullshit a bullshitter. i’m sorry but michael bay’s film lacked a little something i like to call aesthetic. it is just a glorification of american values in the 1940s that he seems to live by with a few modern values thrown in (gettin dat ass, blowin shit up, keggers). the reason his characters come off as a piece of shit sketches not worth caring for are because he doesn’t care about them one bit. not at all. your reasoning just makes me want to roll my eyes. unless you can write like a 200 page book about why pearl harbor is an important addition to cinema, i can’t buy this.

Rob Zombie is a good director.

Not very controversial here but Heath Ledger was overrated for the Joker in TDK. And aslo, TDK was overrated as a movie. I see it in top10 lists and all, what the fuck is that about? It’s not even as good as Watchmen.

[quote=“RatQuiRit”]Not very controversial here but Heath Ledger was overrated for the Joker in TDK. And aslo, TDK was overrated as a movie. I see it in top10 lists and all, what the fuck is that about? It’s not even as good as Watchmen.[/quote]

:o I thought I was the only one who felt TDK was overrated. Good call.

[quote=“RatQuiRit”]Not very controversial here but Heath Ledger was overrated for the Joker in TDK. And aslo, TDK was overrated as a movie. I see it in top10 lists and all, what the fuck is that about? It’s not even as good as Watchmen.[/quote]

I think it is good, but yes overrated. Any movie making that much money from a subject that has a fan base lower than the expectations for the film is overrated. It does get to be not that good after every viewing. The magic seems to fade.

Well of course it’s over rated. There hasn’t been a movie made that deserved the hype that Dark Knight received. Still a great movie and easily the best comic book movie though. I actually like it a little more every time I watch it. The first two times I saw it I was just waiting for The Joker to come back but once that faded I really began to appreciate the story as a whole more.

Same goes for Ledger’s performance. Yeah, people over hyped it but that doesn’t make it anything less than brilliant. Just finally having a near accurate representation of The Joker on film would have been good enough for me but the way he fully threw himself into the role was amazing. I think I can safely say we’ll never see a better version of that character in a live action anything again.

There are only 2 intelligent comic book based movies out there, as far as I’m aware of: TDK and Watchmen. I’ve seen both only 1 time and atm I’d rate Watchmen well above TDK. As I understood them, TDK and Watchmen bring to the exact same conclusion on the absolute need of being a hero and a villain at the same time to do good. But Watchmen goes well deeper than that, maybe it’s the whole uchronia/alternate History that caught me, but also the characters who are not even well developed in the movie compared to what I’ve read about the comic book. I don’t know, I had a lot of feelings watching Watchmen and was close to being blown away by the ending, but TDK didn’t do it for me. It really left me cold from beginning to end, except some action scenes, but that’s not what I was looking for.

Others superhero movies such as X-Men, Iron Man, etc. can’t be compared to those 2 because they don’t bring an extended reflection or don’t even call for second thoughts after they’re over. Although they can be really entertaining and a lot of fun to watch. Like Iron Man, it has really cheesy and overused, American-styled scenes in it, especially at the beginning, but I enjoyed watching it overall.

I really don’t understand the IMDB top 20 or so movies ranked by the users. And I definitely need to watch the Shawshank Redemption soon if it really is the best movie ever made, haha. I must prepare myself of being disappointed here :>