Who is your favorite Deadly Viper?

Who is your favorite Deadly Viper and why? We could make lists here with our fav assasins in Kill Bill! We could also write comments next to each viper to explain our choice!

So I start… (the 5th place is the worst one)

5) Budd - that fatass can only hit the bottle and do really nasty things to my beautiful Bride!

4) Vernita - the Bride had a great battle with her, but she was barely easy to take down in my opinion

3) Bill - I don’t know much about his character, but he must be really cool for both Bride and Elle to love him!

2) O-Ren - REALLY DEADLY! Wonderful fight with Bride and the fact that she had an AWFUL childhood makes me feel sympathy for her.

  1. Elle - What else could I say about her!!! She’s a sinister, tough-looking bitch with amazing combat skill! I’m looking forward to her battle with the Bride!

5) Vernita - Tried doing away with the bride with a gun… how low.

4) Elle - Fueled by alot of hate for the bride… great stuff.

3) O Ren - She put up a great fight

2) Bill - Trained by Hanzo, so we know he’s got skill.

  1. Budd - He’s going to kick some serious ass, apparently he comes the closest to killing the bride.

Bill aside, O-Ren is defintely the coolest out of all of them. Both Vernita and Elle are scumbags who tried to kill the Bride whilst she was helpless. Not really something you’d descirbe as honorable. Budd is the same; he’s cool, but a drunken, unhonorable bastard. But just listen to the Bride’s narration in Vol. 1 about O-Ren. She got her revenge at 12, she became a top professional assassin at 20, and the head of the Yakuza just in her mid-twenties. The girl is the shit, and she was the only one till now who had the guts to face the Bride in an honorable face to face duel.

I have one, and that is Miss Driver ;D

Mines is probably Oren cause she is totally bad ass, tha part when she becomes queen of the tokyo underworld was awesome, Elle is next cause she is mega hot and bitch fight tyle, and Budd cause he owns the oh my oh my club

[quote]The girl is the shit, and she was the only one till now who had the guts to face the Bride in an honorable face to face duel.[/quote]

Yeah but she did send a hundred crazy 88s to kill her before she accepted she was on her own and had to fight. :-/


Yeah but she did send a hundred crazy 88s to kill her before she accepted she was on her own and had to fight.  :-/

That was the most logical thing to do though. I mean, she wasn't the boss of the Yakuza for nothing, bodyguards are there for a reason. I'm sure as hell she wouldn't have acted like that pussy Vernita did though...trying to take the easy way out by killing a helpless Bride.

I would have to go with O-Ren. The girl is so demented, so evil and very much determined. Look at her childhood and how she got to the top. She just kicks ass.


Tied with O-Ren is The Bride. And Bill isn’t a Deadly Viper.

6. Vernita Green a.k.a. Copperhead- Vernita looks like the DiVA that was put in there to get the NAACP off the back of my main man Bill for not allowing any color in the group. Copperhed was far to easy to get rid off to be considered the best of the group.

5. Elle Driver a.k.a. California Mountain Snake- I always find a person willing to kill someone in a coma a weak link in the group. In other words just a pussy with good rack.

4. O-Ren Ishii a.k.a. Cottonmouth- A very skilled assassin, was a hard core bitch to the core at the age of 14 no disputting that what so ever.

3. Budd a.k.a. Sidewinder- Well what can I say about the most coolest fucking guy in the group. Knows what he did was wrong and feels he deserves to die but that doesn’t mean this bad ass will go out like a bitch or without one hell of a fight.

2. The Bride a.k.a. Black Mamba- I know her real name but decided to leave it out for spoiling purposes. It’s easy to take on bunch of assassins who kinda been out of work for so many years. Sure you can kill bill but the guy is nearing the end of his rope. Still the deadliest woman in the group and also the finest by far. Deserves to be number 2 because killing 92 people in Volume 1 cannot be over looked by anybody.

  1. Bill (Just Bill)- The fucking leader of a group of the finest fucking assassins this world has ever scene. No matter what the out come be at the conclusion of this saga this man was indeed the man.

[quote]Sure you can kill bill but the guy is nearing the end of his rope.[/quote]

I don’t think so. He is old and tired definitely, but if you look at the trailers, you can catch a few glimpses with his battle against Samuel Jackson, (the scene which unfortunately got cut out of the final vol.2 version >:() and see that Bill has enough of his skill still left in him!

5. Vernita Green

She has some great dialogs and monologs, is really cool and knows how to fight, but she was stupid, and paid for that.

4. Elle Driver

The scene with Bernard Herrmans “Twisted Nerve” song is so brilliant. I don’t like snake characters like this bitch, but I’m really looking forward to her fight with the Bride.

3. O-Ren Ishii

She fights brilliant, is pretty though and her childhood was awful. So you have some sympathies for her, but she’s a bitch of course.

2. Bill

This man has fuckin style! He is very cool and the leader. After Volume 2 he perhaps could be my no. 1.

  1. Budd

    Hey folks, its Michael Madsen, of course he’s my no. 1 :slight_smile: . This is really a kickass though-guy with tattoos and a cowboy-hat. And in the Volume 2 script he has some great scenes. Volume 2 will be brilliant!!!

[quote]5. Vernita Green

She has some great dialogs and monologs, is really cool and knows how to fight, but she was stupid, and paid for that.

4. Elle Driver

The scene with Bernard Herrmans “Twisted Nerve” song is so brilliant. I don’t like snake characters like this bitch, but I’m really looking forward to her fight with the Bride.

3. O-Ren Ishii

She fights brilliant, is pretty though and her childhood was awful. So you have some sympathies for her, but she’s a bitch of course.

2. Bill

This man has fuckin style! He is very cool and the leader. After Volume 2 he perhaps could be my no. 1.

  1. Budd

    Hey folks, its Michael Madsen, of course he’s my no. 1 :slight_smile: . This is really a kickass though-guy with tattoos and a cowboy-hat. And in the Volume 2 script he has some great scenes. Volume 2 will be brilliant!!![/quote]

From my limited stance, cuz I only saw V 1 I would say the same like The man from Okinawa.

Well allthough I hope for a real bitch fight between Elle and the Bride and then maybe change my opinion.


From my limited stance, cuz I only saw V 1 I would say the same like The man from Okinawa.

Well allthough I hope for a real bitch fight between Elle and the Bride and then maybe change my opinion.[/quote]

Yeah, thanks. Elle is a pretty cool and worth character, but she is to “bitchy” to be my favorite. Bill and Budd are the coolest, the two brothers.

6) Vernita- She sucked ass! Trying to shot The Bride like that!

5) Elle- Seems tough. But, too scary looking.

4) O-Ren- Very cool! Gotta respect the head leader of the Yakuza.

3) Bill- Will probably put an excellent fight. Also he is the leader of The Deadly Vipers.

2) Budd- the coolest. you got to give respect to Mr. Blonde!

  1. The Bride- Most beautiful. And shes the hero in the movie.

5. Elle Driver-She kills Michael Madsen and she wears a hideous coat in the first one. Bitch.

4. Vernita Green-She’d be badass…if she didn’t get knifed in the heart after trying to cheapskate the Bride.

3. Budd-Gotta love that the only guy who can put the Bride down is the drunk redneck.

2. O-Ren Ishii-She’s just a crazy bitch with fire in her eyes and murder in her soul. She’s the Viper I’d least like to fuck with in a dark alley.

  1. Bill-He’s the master, and he’s almost omnipotent.

[quote]5. Elle Driver-She kills Michael Madsen and she wears a hideous coat in the first one.  Bitch.

4. Vernita Green-She’d be badass…if she didn’t get knifed in the heart after trying to cheapskate the Bride.

3. Budd-Gotta love that the only guy who can put the Bride down is the drunk redneck.

2. O-Ren Ishii-She’s just a crazy bitch with fire in her eyes and murder in her soul.  She’s the Viper I’d least like to fuck with in a dark alley.

  1. Bill-He’s the master, and he’s almost omnipotent.[/quote]

Elle kills Budd? What are you talking about?

And Bill isn’t a Deadly Viper.


Elle kills Budd? What are you talking about?

And Bill isn’t a Deadly Viper.[/quote]


Yeah, Elle really kills Budd. OK, not really, because she let a snake, a viper, do the “dirty job”. And yeah, she’s really a bitch, how could you kill Madsen, why :frowning: ? :smiley:

this quote contains a SPOILER:

[quote]5. Elle Driver-She kills Michael Madsen and she wears a hideous coat in the first one.  Bitch.

4. Vernita Green-She’d be badass…if she didn’t get knifed in the heart after trying to cheapskate the Bride.

3. Budd-Gotta love that the only guy who can put the Bride down is the drunk redneck.

2. O-Ren Ishii-She’s just a crazy bitch with fire in her eyes and murder in her soul.  She’s the Viper I’d least like to fuck with in a dark alley.

  1. Bill-He’s the master, and he’s almost omnipotent.[/quote]

Mr. Translucent.
Where is your [u]SPOILER WARNING?[/u] Pleaaaaaaase, many paople on this board wanna be spoiler free!
I not, I read the first draft, I´m so fucking curious that I post here allthough I have to work) but c`mon many other..