What would you ask Quentin Tarantino?


wouldn’t work you would need to own the rights to scary movie 4, and it’s illegal I think to credit some one without there permission.[/quote]

Thank you for clearing that up my darling, I was’nt joking.

Dear Mr. Tarantino,

Please do not read my mind with your massive forehead of doom! I am sorry to say this, but you are a great writer and director. But damn, you got a big forehead.

[quote]Dear Mr. Tarantino,

  Please do not read my mind with your massive forehead of doom!  I am sorry to say this, but you are a great writer and director.  But damn, you got a big forehead.[/quote]

Please don’t talk about my future husband in that way.


Please don’t talk about my future husband in that way.


I’d be more afraid of that chin if I was you.


I’d be more afraid of that chin if I was you.[/quote]

Imagine what he can do with it though!

I’d ask him about his views on bigger mainstream classics like scarface and the godfather. I don’t think he’s ever talked about them, I could be wrong though.


Imagine what he can do with it though!

If you need me, I’ll be cleaning my brain out with a gun.

How big his cock is and do his vics realy hurt like first time virgins a la your speech in dogs when you ball them maniacaly.

I would have to ask him if he has a particular fondness for Santa Cruz C.A. and why exactly…

You mean the Bannana Slugs T on Vince? Probably just a sort of campy kind of od prop. Like here’s my fucking theology on it, alright? Lets get fucking deep Mr Nefertiti shall we. Awesome observation, let me retort. A slug is a slippery creature no? Or it’s a big bullet like from a shotgun instead of using pellets you use pure lead aproxamtely the size of a lipstick container. Now if you were to mix the two definitions together, then it could mean Vincent is loose with his gunnery and hence kind of dangerous and walking on bannana peels you know what I mean? Like the exploding head incident in the car with Jules on the way to Jimmy’s and not giving a good damn about divine shit like Mia comming back to life and the nutty Hand Cannon incident. So therefore there might be a type of hidden message there with his T-shirt; this man is a danger to society at large and himself. Look how he fucked up at Butches’ apartment leaving a Mac-10 on the kitchen counter while taking a good long healthy shit. He’s a frightening bannana peel trodding with a gun. As for the Santa Cruz part of it, who fucking knows.

What is in the briefcase?

He probably doesn’t know either.

Just curious, that’s all!

He wouldn’t give that up to you. He couldn’t think of anything that is why it is shining light. He has been asked it so many times and no one knows still. The answer would probably be “whatever you think it is” or something to that effect. The briefcase’ contents are subjective, there is no real object in the briefcase. I think it is Marsellus’ soul, but some guy halfway around the world thinks it is the diamonds from Reservoir Dogs…

How big his cock is and do his vics realy hurt like first time virgins a la your speech in dogs when you ball them maniacaly.

You are almost as annoying as Kilgore, except that you don’t post as much.

I’d ask him about his views on bigger mainstream classics like scarface and the godfather. I don’t think he’s ever talked about them, I could be wrong though.

He talks all the time. His favourite films of the year and of the past range from the obscure to the mainstream. Film is film no matter what to him, same as with me.

He even called Michael Bay up on the phone around the time that the press was giving him a hard time and told him that it was alright, the press had called him the anti-christ the year before…

I would ask him to marry me ;D

Please lend me your DVD/Movie Colletion for one weak ;D ;D ;D

Since I want to be a flimmaker I would ask him a filmmaking related question. I have to wait for QT8 though…son of a *****

I would ask him, “Why are you so awesome?”

Please lend me your DVD/Movie Colletion for one weak  ;D ;D ;D

For only one week?

You mean the Bannana Slugs T on Vince? Probably just a sort of campy kind of od prop. Like here’s my fucking theology on it, alright? Lets get fucking deep Mr Nefertiti shall we. Awesome observation, let me retort. A slug is a slippery creature no? Or it’s a big bullet like from a shotgun instead of using pellets you use pure lead aproxamtely the size of a lipstick container. Now if you were to mix the two definitions together, then it could mean Vincent is loose with his gunnery and hence kind of dangerous and walking on bannana peels you know what I mean? Like the exploding head incident in the car with Jules on the way to Jimmy’s and not giving a good damn about divine shit like Mia comming back to life and the nutty Hand Cannon incident. So therefore there might be a type of hidden message there with his T-shirt; this man is a danger to society at large and himself. Look how he fucked up at Butches’ apartment leaving a Mac-10 on the kitchen counter while taking a good long healthy shit. He’s a frightening bannana peel trodding with a gun. As for the Santa Cruz part of it, who fucking knows.

That’s a good theory, but I just figured Jimmy or maybe Bonnie had gone to UCSC, or it would be a comical thing to have, being that their team mascot is named the Banana Slugs.

I would dress up as Elvis and ask him to do unholy things to me while I pretend to watch Kill Bill