Hey guys,

I’m new here. I love Tarantino and his work.

Hi guys, my name is Seth. Anyone still here at qta?

Hello, Jullian here. I’m a newly registered member. Although it’s a bit late, I still want to introduce myself. I’m interested in Quentin Tarantino’s film especially Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction. The main reason why I fascinated by his works is mainly that of the screenplay. I got engaged with how his movies are written and how catchy the lines are.


Hello I’m from California love all of Quentin Tarantino movies especially when he plays in them. Awesome graphics believable story plots, Amazing choice of actors and actresses in every movie. I was raised with horror movies from a tot and will never let it go! Although Quentin’s Movies are not based on horror, the gore factor makes up for that. Thank you for creating forums like this to give fans a platform to express their love for Mr. Tarantino’s awesome talent.


I’m back. It’s been a long time coming. Hoping to make a few comments and keep this site smoking something. Depends upon the state you live in. I’m a major Tarantino fan. Use to be a moderator on the OG site. Seen all his movies. Read a book about him. Wrote a letter to him. Never got a reply, but didn’t expect one. LOL. I’m from New Jersey and it’s just great to see this site up and kicking again. Thanks Seb!

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I am Tarantino movies’ fan from Saint Petersburg, Russia.
There, in Russia we like QT movies very well.
Especially Pulp Fiction and Death Proof.
I saw Pulp Fiction on big screen in 2014. It was amazing. Many young people in the hall saw PF first time ever.
Big respect to Quentin.

Welcome, Andrey! Cheers amigo

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I am (obviously) a Tarantino-fan, who happens to have just stumbled onto this website.
I keep wondering to myself how I didn’t see this before.
Anyway, I’ll be sticking around!

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It will forever remain a mystery. Welcome on board!

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Hey guys,

My name is Mubashir, and I am from India. Big fan of Tarantino and have seen Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs like a million times (ok that’s an exaggeration). Looking forward to connecting with you all.


Glad to have you on board!

Hey …clearly Im a huge QT fan …like everyoe else here. Just introducing myself amd checking s**t out…so hey! Salutations!


Hi everyone, my name is Mark and I just want to say I’m really happy to be joining this really cool community. I had no idea such a cool network existed! None of my friends really have the same passion for movies the way I do, so I can’t express enough how happy I am to have come across this site. About a year ago, I became a huge QT fan, and I have watched all of his directed films. I still have to watch the few that he wrote but did not direct, and those movies are of course on my watchlist. My favorite film of his is Kill Bill Vol. 2. Over the past few months I’ve been thinking about starting a youtube channel where I’d conduct video essays to analyze films. I’m hoping to get it started in the next month. The first video will most likely be on the underrated aspects of Inglorious Basterds. My other favorite directors include Scorsese, Kubrick, Aronofsky and Alex Garland
Looking forward to meeting and interacting with all of you on this really unique and special social network!

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Good Morning Everybody! My name is Marcello Garofalo. I’m a journalist, cinema critic, and curator of Exhibits. I have published several books: the 1st one is “Once Upon a Time in America-Photographic Memories” (1988); Last one is a novel, a horror comedy “The Sizzling Nights of the Diabolical Dr.Carelli” (2017) . My favourite director is QT, since at the Cannes Film Festival I watched the premiere (it was late in the night!) of “Reservoir Dogs”. Rumors there said to keep our eyes peeled on this movie directed by a young new talented director; they said he was a pupil of Monte Hellman. They were absolutely f… right. From then this young director has directed only masterpieces! Happy to be part of this community!


Welcome! Interesting to have an official film critic - AND Tarantino fanatic - on this forum!

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I’m proud to be part of this forum, plus I believe that every film critic that really knows his job and that has seen hundred and hundred of movies, has to love necessarily the Tarantino’s movies because they are the CINEMA !

Hi there, I’m Jim. I’m a writer. QT is a huge influence on me as a writer and True Romance is by far one of my all-time favorite movies. I’m writing more fiction (working on my first novel ) and QT’s visual aesthetic, as well as his dialogue, are really helping me out.

I think I’ve seen every interview QT has ever done (that is available), and I always find his energy for the craft is infectious. It always gives me a little extra boost to go create.

So great to be on here and meet other QT fans!

If anyone here is interested in writing, I’d love to chat!


Technically not new, but haven’t been around in about a decade! I lost some love for Tarantino over the years as I wasn’t mad on Basterds (wished it had been purely been a men on a mission film it had originally been conceived or a revenge film the two together felt like a mish-mash of different genres that didn’t quite work), and neither Django or Eight impressed me (particularly the latter, felt far too self-indulgent).

However, Once upon a time in Hollywood has grabbed me. I don’t know what it is, but I’m really excited about it (although I’m trying to exercise cautiousness!).

So here I am :slight_smile: Hope everyone is well.

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Hey you cool vibe people. My name is Max.

I’m a young 18 year old kid with huge interest in film. I’m a huge fan, and Tarantino has a place in my most holy renks… I love his work, Kill Bill (1&2) and Inglorious Basterds are by far my favorites, also right now generally my favorite films…

What other can I say, I love good music, I love imagining bloody hell good stories myself, having a blast from the great material I am given, and reimagining it.

Appart from really being invested in Tarantino style stories, I love sci-fi, romances are the best and I am really eager to work in film one day perhaps making props or writing my own scripts…

I’m just having the best time right now, but I gotta write Mr.Tarantino a letter! BTW, I cannot wait for Once upon a time in Hollywood!!! Please excuse my lousy english, I’m working on it…

Can’t wait for what the future holds, let it be number 10 please!

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I have a love / hate relationship with Tarantino films but his recent contribution, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, pushed me over the edge - I wanted to find a space to talk about it and this forum was the first to populate my browser.

Films I loved: Once Upon a Time, Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, Django, Pulp Fiction, inglorious Bastards
Films that disappointed me: Kill Bill, The Hateful 8, Four Rooms

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