Even tho It Is the Japanese version… read more:
Of course it’s gonna get rated nc-17. Tarantino had to edit the normal version for R rating. And the japanese version is a lot more violent than the R rated.
It will still be the same rating here in England - 18 is the highest.
I wish Britain would adopt the same rating system as you guys have in the USA.
Our current one is so out of date and generally crap. Ratings should be a suggestion and not a legallity.
i agree. It’s like, take some movies rated 12 (or before the A came in). Take Titanic for example. Some kids can handle that sort of thing, it should at least be up to the parents or something.
Isn’t KB:WBA going to be in theaters, but it is going to be NC-17 so won’t a lot of theaters not carry it?
Australia has recommendations. Basically anyone no matter the age can see anything from spy kids to confidence. then we have two restricted ratings: MA15+, must be 15 unless accompanied by adult, R18+, must be 18.
Generally, Australia is more lax with ratings than USA and UK. Things like Sin City got 18 in UK, but got MA15+ in Australia. We can’t go higher than R18+, so it wont be a problem. The Australian R rating can handle alot. We got Ichi the killer uncut, although USA got it heavily cut and UK got it cut.
i mean, who sais kill bill wba will be nc-17? a) that link above is a year old b) on dvd it’s surely going to be unrated because they wont go through all the hassle just for a home video release c) kill bill is really not as violent as some other stuff out there. after all, we’re not talking pussy and dick here, its just violence…
Yeah, the violence to me is quite lighthearted. Not like Cannibal Holocaust or anything.
Speaking of pussy though, that reminds me of the screenplay which had Buck expose the Bride’s pussy and then say “is that the cutest little blond pussy or ever saw…” He ended up saying that about the Bride herself. I am really interested in what stopped them from putting that in. I wonder if it was Uma herself or just the studio or the censor’s board…
Speaking of pussy though, that reminds me of the screenplay which had Buck expose the Bride’s pussy and then say “is that the cutest little blond pussy or ever saw…” He ended up saying that about the Bride herself. I am really interested in what stopped them from putting that in. I wonder if it was Uma herself or just the studio or the censor’s board…
I recon that was only ever a joke to wind her up. id say he respects her to much to degrade her like that, an as the screenplay was a present to her, shed b readin probley with him, an hes like im only fuckin wit ya… lol Q pwned U
I havent heard anything new about this, so i was wondering, when is it coming out???
I wish I knew. After Grind House would be ideal, but I’m hypothesizing it will come out on BluRay/HD-DVD before regular DVD.
And then VHS.
Yeah most likey
You can get it on Ebay right now.
You can get it on Ebay right now.
What on earth are you talking about?
if you can find it post a link.
i can’t find it! on ebay i’m hopeless! i know how you feel, i’ts been aaggeess!!!i need to see it now!(impatient!)
Dont listen Hans, he doesnt know what he is talking about. it isnt out yet and when it does come out it is most likey going to be released in Theaters first.
here it is:
- YouTube
hahhahah that kicks ass!