I don’t know. I’m mostly in the minority that considers Corbucci superior to Leone but let’s pretend I didn’t say that.
Your opinion man. IMO, Sergio’s films could match up to any Epic.
I don’t know. I’m mostly in the minority that considers Corbucci superior to Leone but let’s pretend I didn’t say that.
Yeah, lets… ;D
Your opinion man. IMO, Sergio’s films could match up to any Epic.
Hands down.
Awesomeness. I’m glad there are some people who can agree on these boards.
But one thing that must be said is that the majority of people need to branch out from the typical AFI best of all time lists and see some real films. A lot of people lope around too much and throw out names like “Casablanca” or “Schindler’s List” or “Citizen Kane” but to lay claims like “best film of all time” is really tough. Especially since films are made every day in every part of the world and truth be told, no one’s ever gonna be able to name something the best film ever. I’d just like to try to see every film out there and most of the time the AFI is a good place to start but don’t stop there, the Europeans have made some seriously superior stuff that goes neglected. I have Tarantino to thank though, for opening my eyes to what cinema has to offer and even though I’ve fallen out of love with some of his stuff, I’ll always owe him that.
Hey, some of my fav films are out away from America.
The Seventh Seal, OUATITW, Seven Samurai, etc.
Heck, 2008’s best movie in my eyes was CHE.
I have Tarantino to thank though, for opening my eyes to what cinema has to offer and even though I’ve fallen out of love with some of his stuff, I’ll always owe him that.
I will always owe him that, although I love his stuff.
But to be fair to the AFI they are exclusive to American cinema.
Che was American. If it’s got an American director/writer it’s American but still, you’re dead on. That film was awesome. Ingmar Bergman was great, have you seen Cries and Whispers?
I recommend to you guys (Ordell and Grindhouse) a brilliant satire of American westerns made by the Czechs called Lemonade Joe (apologies if you know it). One of the funniest films I’ve seen in awhile. If you can track it down, you’ll bust a gut.
Hey, some of my fav films are out away from America.
The Seventh Seal, OUATITW, Seven Samurai, etc.
Heck, 2008’s best movie in my eyes was CHE.
Ditto to the first.
But where did you see Che! I lived in bum-fuck nowhere at the time and there wasn’t a theater within a four day drive that was showing the movie. Was it the roadshow cut?!
[quote=“Ordell Rodriguez”]
I will always owe him that, although I love his stuff.
But to be fair to the AFI they are exclusive to American cinema.
True but the same list every year? What the hell? I’m pretty sure there are more than those films out there. Do they even bother to look for them? John Huston’s Fat City should be on there, Monte Hellman’s films and of course, John Flynn’s ROLLING THUNDER. Which is just about as American as a film can ever get. John Sayles’ Matewan has been terribly neglected for years too.
Che was American. If it’s got an American director/writer it’s American but still, you’re dead on. That film was awesome. Ingmar Bergman was great, have you seen Cries and Whispers?
I recommend to you guys (Ordell and Grindhouse) a brilliant satire of American westerns made by the Czechs called Lemonade Joe (apologies if you know it). One of the funniest films I’ve seen in awhile. If you can track it down, you’ll bust a gut.
All be damned, both are on Netflix. I might just check them out. Cries and Whispers looks damn good to me especially, I know I’d heard of it but never bothered to try and watch it.
F.W. Sorry about the Che thing. I know it was Soderbergh who directed it but I just thought it would be consider a Spanish film with the 4 and a half hours of it, but then again Leone’s movies were English, but not considered American.
I have not seen that Bergman movie. Have to check it out. I have Wild Strawberries, Smiles of a Summer Night, and the Seventh Seal. I have also watched Hour of the Wolf.
Speaking of Bergman movies, the Criterion Collection I think are in on the rights of Che with IFC to release Che by the Criterion Collection in the fall. YEAH!
True but the same list every year? What the hell? I’m pretty sure there are more than those films out there. Do they even bother to look for them? John Huston’s Fat City should be on there, Monte Hellman’s films and of course, John Flynn’s ROLLING THUNDER. Which is just about as American as a film can ever get. John Sayles’ Matewan has been terribly neglected for years too.
They never pick the right films according to me but they always pick the appropriate film. As far as I’m concerned Jackie Brown runs circles around the movies populating it’s top ten but you’ll never see it there, Schindler’s List looks so much classier!
I have seen Che Ordell by renting it at Blockbuster, and then making them sell it to me. It is a Exclusive to Blockbuster right now, since a DVD hasn’t been released yet. Criterion is making one I seen on forums.
[quote=“Ordell Rodriguez”]
They never pick the right films according to me but they always pick the appropriate film. As far as I’m concerned Jackie Brown runs circles around the movies populating it’s top ten but you’ll never see it there, Schindler’s List looks so much classier!
Yeah, the worst thing about Schindler’s List is that its got automatic protection against it because a) it’s about the holocaust and b) he donated the profits “anonymously” to the Shoah organization. But it’s only anonymous, Mr.Spielberg, if you don’t brag about doing it to a journalist. “Oh, yeah, I donated a few million dollars anonymously to a charity. No big deal.”
F.W. , have you seen any of the Bergman movies I listed?
I have seen Che Ordell by renting it at Blockbuster, and then making them sell it to me. It is a Exclusive to Blockbuster right now, since a DVD hasn’t been released yet. Criterion is making one I seen on forums.
HAHA, I havn’t been to a blockbuster in years. Ironic. But a Criterion Che, yay!
All of them except for Hour of the Wolf. I saw them a couple years ago but right now I’ve been tearing through Pasolini and the Czech New Wave but you’ve inspired me to go on a Bergman run once I’m done. Any others you’d recommend?
[quote=“Ordell Rodriguez”]
HAHA, I havn’t been to a blockbuster in years. Ironic. But a Criterion Che, yay!
I haven’t been to blockbuster since the fat lady behind the counter tried to convince me not to buy a copy of I’m Not There and go for P.S. I Love You instead. The words I said to her…it might just get me into hell. Here’s to hoping.
Naw, haven’t seen anymore than those 4. Want to see the Virgin Spring someday.
Criterion is re-releasing The Seventh Seal on Tuesday.