The movie references thread for Pulp

‘The Bonnie Situation’ contains Jules and his friend Jimmy, clearly a reference to Francois Truffaut’s film, ‘Jules et Jim’.

Do you really think QT specifically named his characters Jules and Jimmy just so he could put a Truffaut reference in the film? That sounds a little far-fetched to me.

Do you really think QT specifically named his characters Jules and Jimmy just so he could put a Truffaut reference in the film? That sounds a little far-fetched to me.

Could be, could be not. Nobody knows for sure. I admit the words “clearly a reference” are misleading in the sentence you quoted. But then again I wrote that 2 and a half years ago. :wink:

Seeing the mood of pulp and more connections to french cinema in it, I wouldnt be surpriced if that was the exact case…

I mean the man IS cinema…of course he makes these kind of connections…

I think if you were just going to name one small character after a film it wouldn’t be too out there, but naming a lead character and another pretty big character certain names just to reference a film doesn’t sound very feasible if you ask me. But who knows, anything’s possible.

I think if you were just going to name one small character after a film it wouldn’t be too out there, but naming a lead character and another pretty big character certain names just to reference a film doesn’t sound very feasible if you ask me. But who knows, anything’s possible.

Its Truffauts most popular movie…and I think QT LOVES it, so well, of course nobody knows for sure, but I think its not that out of the ordinary if he named his main characters for pulp after this movie…especially seeing the style of pulp and all. LOTS of french influence…

I agree with Seth

I don’t know; I think people just jump the gun sometimes when saying which film was referenced and what scene is an homage and so forth. The Truffaut film was Jules and Jim anyway; it wasn’t called Jules and Jimmy. If QT was so intent on making it a reference, I think he would have just named the character Jim instead (or at least had everyone call him that).

Oh I agree with Scarface and Seth, it must be a reference to Jules et Jim. It would have been too obvious if the guy called Jim, so Jimmy is the nickname of Jim :wink:

I agree with cyber-lili

[quote=“Deadly Viper”]
I agree with cyber-lili

;D So you agree with Scarface and Tim… Ahah, then Hans you have to understand it can be a reference, even we will never know if QT thought of it or not :wink:

Oh I agree with Scarface and Seth, it must be a reference to Jules et Jim. It would have been too obvious if the guy called Jim, so Jimmy is the nickname of Jim :wink:

But why wouldn’t he want to make it obvious? I remember reading somewhere where QT said that he was more a fan of Godard than Truffaut and he hadn’t even seen The Bride Wore Black (another Truffaut film), which was supposedly a reference in Kill Bill. I have no idea if it is a reference or not, but it can go either way.

I don’t think Little Hans has even seen a Tarantino film.

That’s not what your mom said last night.


That’s not what she said either.

Is it just me, or has IL_Buono (Hans) fallen off. I mean he no longer has that wit. 'Tis a shame, he really did provide entertainment back in the day.

That’s closer, but still wrong.

That’s closer, but still wrong.

Thank you for proving my point.

How so?

Well I was expecting you to come out with a really witty comment, whilst pwning me in the process. But it’s just a lame response, something that even the_crazy_88 could have come up with.