‘The Bonnie Situation’ contains Jules and his friend Jimmy, clearly a reference to Francois Truffaut’s film, ‘Jules et Jim’.
Do you really think QT specifically named his characters Jules and Jimmy just so he could put a Truffaut reference in the film? That sounds a little far-fetched to me.
Do you really think QT specifically named his characters Jules and Jimmy just so he could put a Truffaut reference in the film? That sounds a little far-fetched to me.
Could be, could be not. Nobody knows for sure. I admit the words “clearly a reference” are misleading in the sentence you quoted. But then again I wrote that 2 and a half years ago.
I think if you were just going to name one small character after a film it wouldn’t be too out there, but naming a lead character and another pretty big character certain names just to reference a film doesn’t sound very feasible if you ask me. But who knows, anything’s possible.
I think if you were just going to name one small character after a film it wouldn’t be too out there, but naming a lead character and another pretty big character certain names just to reference a film doesn’t sound very feasible if you ask me. But who knows, anything’s possible.
Its Truffauts most popular movie…and I think QT LOVES it, so well, of course nobody knows for sure, but I think its not that out of the ordinary if he named his main characters for pulp after this movie…especially seeing the style of pulp and all. LOTS of french influence…
I don’t know; I think people just jump the gun sometimes when saying which film was referenced and what scene is an homage and so forth. The Truffaut film was Jules and Jim anyway; it wasn’t called Jules and Jimmy. If QT was so intent on making it a reference, I think he would have just named the character Jim instead (or at least had everyone call him that).
Oh I agree with Scarface and Seth, it must be a reference to Jules et Jim. It would have been too obvious if the guy called Jim, so Jimmy is the nickname of Jim
[quote=“Deadly Viper”]
I agree with cyber-lili
;D So you agree with Scarface and Tim… Ahah, then Hans you have to understand it can be a reference, even we will never know if QT thought of it or not
Oh I agree with Scarface and Seth, it must be a reference to Jules et Jim. It would have been too obvious if the guy called Jim, so Jimmy is the nickname of Jim
But why wouldn’t he want to make it obvious? I remember reading somewhere where QT said that he was more a fan of Godard than Truffaut and he hadn’t even seen The Bride Wore Black (another Truffaut film), which was supposedly a reference in Kill Bill. I have no idea if it is a reference or not, but it can go either way.
Well I was expecting you to come out with a really witty comment, whilst pwning me in the process. But it’s just a lame response, something that even the_crazy_88 could have come up with.