Have a problem with another person on the board? Bring it here, fight it out here, settle it here.
Why create this topic?
Because some members are tired of personal disagreements getting in the way of, and junking up, newsworthy topics. We can all understand the importance of such topics, and understand why it would be annoying or “off-putting” (Thank you FFF) towards other members.
As of now, we are a mere 2 months away from actually seeing Inglourious Basterds for ourselves. With this will come many different opinions and views. And that will undoubtedly lead to some heated arguments. If these disagreements or arguments become personal and turns ugly, you come here. Or if you just feel like picking a fight with someone, do it here.
No direct threats of physical violence towards other members.
Try not to talk shit about other members’ families and whatnot, it’s tactless. And if there’s one thing you must have in a cage match, it’s tact… Or, no. Nevermind.
Yeah, it’s called “cage match” because all the hostility needs to stay here. Don’t let your personal interweb feelings towards another member spill over into other places. However, feel free to copy/paste/quote whatever pisses you off from other topics, here. Keep it professional everywhere else, BITCHES!
Will it not promote bitching? How about, instead of providing a place to shit chat, to just say there is NO place at all in this friggin forum for such thing. Opinions are ok, but this forum is full of heated talk that are so fucking stupid. They are like an old couple.
And if they really need to do so, this forum is actually already providing a place for bitching. It’s called “private message”, and it should be the ONLY place.
Cyd and Biohasard are really starting to piss me off arguing on every thread they both posted a reply in. I don’t care about your silly word fights.
Bio, don’t make me beg you to stop bringing Bette up on every possible thread. You even talked about her on the thread about Carradine’s death, how fucked up was that?
Cyd, you’re a mother you should know better. Now I know you’re gonna strike back at me with your attitude telling me the fact that you’re a mother doesn’t have to do with anything you post here. Well I’m sorry but in my humble opinion it should prevent you from lowering your self to that level, quoting your private messages on multiple threads of the public forums.
I don’t know if I’m the only one bothered by this, but I really started to get pissed at you two after seeing your trash on a couple of threads today.
I don’t want to seem whiny or anything…I’d just want you guys to understand that we don’t give a flying fuck!
Okay, Cyd and Bio, this is for you : I deleted all your arguments from the Basterds Coverage thread. Use this one now to be on fire. Stay on topic on the other threads. Thanks.
Okay, Cyd and Bio, this is for you : I deleted all your arguments from the Basterds Coverage thread. Use this one now to be on fire. Stay on topic on the other threads. Thanks.
Yeah you deleted them… could have moved them instead.
I don’t want to seem whiny or anything[/quote]
Saying that AFTER you have ranted on for about half an essay, really doesn’t contradict it at all, not one bit…
And as for the invitaiton to prolongue a row with that genetic experiement gone wrong, I made my point before it got deleted by Miss DeletesALotte
[quote=“Cyd Novak”]
Yeah you deleted them… could have moved them instead.
It’s easier for me to just delete them. Moving posts from one thread to another is a pain in the #ss, so would I move useless posts of people arguying for nothing ? For no reason. That’s why I simply deleted them.
[quote=“Cyd Novak”]
I made my point before it got deleted by Miss DeletesALotte
Edit : I just noticed this… is that supposed to be a reference to me ? Cause I’m not going into arguments but please, try to understand that someone (called a mod) HAS to delete stuff. No matter how much posts I have to delete. The number doesn’t depend on me but on the users writing them. Got it ?
[quote=“Cyd Novak”]
Saying that AFTER you have ranted on for about half an essay, really doesn’t contradict it at all, not one bit… [/quote]
There’s a difference between whining and complaining. I’m just complaining, that’s what I meant by that last sentence.
[quote=“Cyd Novak”]
It’s also a pain in the ass to see that I’ve wasted my time posting messages, only to have them deleted.
Well, considering what were written in those messages, both Bio and you were wasting time anyway. But I guess you might understand how to merge and move posts by yourself one day and you’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s not just a copy and paste thing.
[quote=“Lt. BioBasterd”]
some people have things to do at times you know. This topic is stupid.
And I don’t talk about Bette Davis all the time.
You have a huge banner on your signature with BETTE DAVIS in bold on it. Your Bette Davis obsession is about as subtle and nuanced as a Michael Bay film.