The best part of Pulp Fiction

I was thinkinand came up with this:<br/> <br/> WHATS THE BEST PART OF PULP FICTION?

  1. Prologue
  2. Vincent Vega & Marsellus Wallace`s Wife
  3. The Gold Watch
  4. Bonnie Situation
  5. Epilogue

    They are all great, but I mean that if you would have to choose just ONE, which one would it be? I found it very hard to answer this myself, but after a long battle between 2&5 I would propably choose Vincent Vega and… Reasons? Well, the beginning of this episode is great, you dont see the Big Man, you just see the band-aid. The dance-scene is brilliant, but the main reason I like this episode and best scene in my opinion is the “Girl, You be a woman soon” scene. I think that everything is in balance in this scene. Its a sad but also very beautiful scene… Well enough of this mindless,useless and boring chit-chat, lets hear what you guys think!

    and remember to be like FONZIE!!!

Its tough trying to pick a favorite story in Pulp Fiction. Each one is excellent in its own way. I think if I had to pick the one I think was the coolest, Id have to go with Vincent Vega and Mia. That whole part was just QT at his coolest, the dialogue, directing, music. It all just flowed like a river. The conversation with Vincent and Mia was like so fuckin cool. I dont know how to explain it. I love the way Mia says “Im gonna go powder my nose, you think of something interesting to say” then she saunters to the bathroom with that great slow surf jam playing as she walks. Then she goes to the bathroom and snorts some coke, and she sexily rubs her nose and gives a little wink with her eyes. :slight_smile: Loved it! I also loved the way QT set up the whole OD thing. Vincent is at Lances house and his wife Jodies talkin about piercings. Then after Mia ODs Vincent gives Mia the Ultimate pierecing with a adrenaline injection to the heart! Jodie goes “that was trippy”. She loved every second of it ! LOL.

I’d also have to go with Vincent & Mia. But Captain Koons’ monologue to young Butch would be second. ;D

Christopher Walken’s Monologue ;D

Uma Thurman

Bruce Willis saving Ving Rhames

Hunny Bunny and Pumpkin(It’s so romantic)

Butch and Fabienne scene

although i love the whole movie and i have immeasurable respect for the scene between butch and fabian and that between v.v and mia, i must admit that i derive thye most joy from the epilogue- the pig conversation, walking the earth “vince, shut the fuck up”, the fonzies, the bad motherfucker and the final meaning in 25:17.

It’s very difficult to explain because in that film, I see the entire film before all.

But I try

  1. Butch saves Marcellus
  2. Vincent and Mia are dancing
  3. The miracle with Jules

    Sorry for my language, english is not my first language (it’s french ;))

[quote]It’s very difficult to explain because in that film, I see the entire film before all.

But I try

  1. Butch saves Marcellus
  2. Vincent and Mia are dancing
  3. The miracle with Jules

    Sorry for my language, english is not my first language (it’s french  ;))[/quote]


My favourite parts:

  1. Vincent & Mia in the Jack rabbit
  2. Buth saves Marcellus´ ass
  3. The final dialogue between Jules and Pumpkin

Have any of you ever been to Roger Avary’s website? It’s link is on the “Friend’s & Collegues” section of Tarantino Archives. In, “The Skinny” section, there is an original draft of “The Gold Watch” segment of Pulp Fiction, which was originally was “Pandemonium Reigns” In this script, which starts where Butch enters his OLD apartment and ends with him leaving the Pawn Shop, there are many obvious changes. I know a lot of you migh know this, but to some people like me, I just found out yesterday and thought it was very interesting.

i am gonna ask Roger Avary if i can put pandemonium reigns online

The Wolf was my favorite character in pulp fiction, so i’d have to say the Bonnie Situation is my favorite part.

Simple as that.

Hey, Man From Hollywood, do you have the WHOLE original Pandemonium Reigns or something? 'Cause I have only read the part he has on his website.

My other favorite part would be all scenes that include a certain briefcase and a mysterious orange glow.

I just think it’s great that people can express their useless and pointless opinions to the world about it’s contents, but no one really gives a fuck.

The best part ofPulp Fictionhas to be the scene at Jimmie’s house when Jules is describing the situation to Marsellus and it cuts to a Comedy style scene with the guys carrying Marvin’s body while Bonnie walks in and screams…but then the whole film is just full of gems like this

One of many things that i loved from this movie is their face expressions. Mia with her little wink after snorting the coke. Vincent when his in the elevator and says "thats a damn shame"

But my favorite expression from the whole movie is when vincent and Jules get shot at. You can see exactly what their thinking as they think it with their faces.

All my favorite parts in Pulp Fiction include Jules - I don’t care how cool Vincent Vega is, Jules Winfield is SO cool that penguins need to put on a scarf when they pass him by 8)

My favorite scene is the one where Jules gives Brett a hard time - “What ain’t no country I ever heard of ! Do they speak English in What ?” :smiley:

my favorite part is the whole sequence starting with Butch leaving to get his gold watch, to him and his girlfriend riding off…everysong used throughout these scenes is perfectly placed and just wonderfull to listen to. The rape scene is disturbing to watch with the great song “Comanche” low in the background. Even “Flowers on the Wall” is placed perfectly with Butch, happy as a clam, rides off…the music is perfect when he sees Marcellas…wonderfull…

“Out of Limits” is perfect for the last scen of “The Gold Watch” because it just reminds you that you’re watching a great film.

[quote]my favorite part is the whole sequence starting with Butch leaving to get his gold watch,  to him and his girlfriend riding off…everysong used throughout these scenes is perfectly placed and just wonderfull to listen to. The rape scene is disturbing to watch with the great song “Comanche” low in the background. Even “Flowers on the Wall” is placed perfectly with Butch, happy as a clam, rides off…the music is perfect when he sees Marcellas…wonderfull…

“Out of Limits” is perfect for the last scen of “The Gold Watch” because it just reminds you that you’re watching a great film.

Everytime I hear Out Of Limits at the end of The Gold Watch it reminds me of The Twilight Zone and Outer Limits themes. Its perfect because Pulp is like a weird occurence type movie. Almost like a Twilight Zone show you could say, just not as weird.

Its difficult to pick a favorite part, but there one thing I have to mention: I love the shot where Vincent is buying the baggy of H from Lance and QT has it set up so you can just see the reflection of Lance in the bottom right corner of the shot. Check it out.

Also, the shot of Vince and Jules from the back when J points to his head.

And of course the entire Walken scene.

i think everyone of us maybe has one or two “scenes” that he likes best or something but its hard to pick one.

to me, that whole wolf thing is cool