Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins (2009)

Did anyone else think it was funny when Bale called the director by name?

Why isn’t anyone seeing it?! It’s a good film with great visuals. The story falls a little thin, but it’s still a solid movie that will entertain you from start to finish. Critics all over are jumping on the band wagon and tearing the film a new one just because people aren’t going out to see it. I’m not a big fan of the first two per say - and I never liked T3, but this one is worth your time, it’ll get some Academy Award nominations for SPFX.

[quote=“Eastern Beauty”]
Haha, it’s like this shit is everywhere.

Never liked Christian Bale and now many people will share my opinion ;D

I think he’s one of the best actors around. Asshole or not, the guy has definite talent, and is the ultimate action star around, he can also do drama. Remember a little film called The Machinist?

Can’t wait to see him in Public Enemies.

I want to see this. But I have to save my dosh so I can get to Houston this weekend to see PF on the big screen again. ;D

I went to see it yesterday and yeah - it sucked.

[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]
I went to see it yesterday and yeah - it sucked.

I went to see it yesterday too, and even though I’m usually not a fan of that kind of movie and I only went because my friends suggested to, I thought it was fun to watch. For once, I have to say the CGI looked great. Don’t excpect any surprise, it’s your basic action movie, but it’s still cool once in a while.

And it was waaaaay better than Indiana Jones 4

Salvation amazed me… A movie with so much action could be so boring… The original Terminator had 1/3 the action of this one but it was much more compelling Filmmakers these days seem to forget special effects and CGI can’t make up for lack of a compelling storyline…

Salvation amazed me… A movie with so much action could be so boring… The original Terminator had 1/3 the action of this one but it was much more compelling Filmmakers these days seem to forget special effects and CGI can’t make up for lack of a compelling storyline…

McG - what the fuck is that name all about?! He’s too cool to use his name?!

But I agree that this “McHammer” guy lacks any sort of intuition on storytelling, he’s all show but no tell, you take away those 200 million dollars they gave him and you strip the film to its bare essentials and you have nothing. You can actually count the number of times they speak in this film, there was one decent scene in the film where John Connor faces Marcus and tells him that he is not human, and that he has been sent to kill him. Other than that it’s a great SPFX show with no redeeming qualities. You can see some of the actors trying to make this material work better but how the hell can they do that when they have on the nose refrences to Arnold’s line in T2: “I’ll be back”, etc…

If this director knew any better or had any sense of what works, he would have requested a new screenwriter to rewrite this film. The movie will not age well, and will be forgotten before the year is over. What happened to the Warner Brothers, these studio people have no interest in telling a great story, they just want to make a shit load of money and rule the world. Like Joan Crawford said in the Dick Cavett show: “Hollywood. So much money to be made. So much money to be lost. And so much talent to be made and lost too.”