<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … re=related”>- YouTube</LINK_TEXT>
Here’s the song remix:
<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … re=related”>Bale Out - RevoLucian's Christian Bale Remix! - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>
I hate how the magazine shows just run the clip and say Bale’s a raging asshole but never actually tell the story. The DP he’s yelling at has been doing shit like this throughout production. He walks around during scenes, he changes the lights during scenes and he was constantly warned to stop and never did until Bale finally flipped out on him. The scene they were filming was was a very intense/emotional scene and most people who aren’t even in the business know to stay out of an actor’s eye line during a scene like that.
More proof that McG is a total hack when he can’t even get his DP to sit still for a couple minutes. You’d think shit like that would distract the director just as much as the actors if he was paying attention.
Yeah. I do believe the only person allowed to stop a scene is the director. If the Director sees something wrong he will stop the scene. The DP has no right to mess up a scene especially when you’re dealing with a big budget film.
How cool was that Terminator trailer.
Haha, it’s like this shit is everywhere.
Never liked Christian Bale and now many people will share my opinion ;D
Best one yet
For obvious reasons
<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … re=related”>- YouTube</LINK_TEXT>
Here’s the song remix:
<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … re=related”>Bale Out - RevoLucian's Christian Bale Remix! - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>
Already posted, dude!
[color=blue]Topic merged.
It’s only cause it’s videotaped that it’s making such a stir. This kind of stuff happens all the time, it’s no big thing. Emotions run high on a set.
Your maniacs!!!
You blowed the terminator-saga up!! Damn you!! Damn you all to hell!!! (Starts to cry)
It’s only cause it’s videotaped that it’s making such a stir. This kind of stuff happens all the time, it’s no big thing. Emotions run high on a set.
It was videotaped?
No. The cameras were stopped. It’s just the audio from the mics.
I still don’t see why Bale is such a bad guy. People can argue that he should have handeled it better, but he did. Him asking the DP to sit still and stop fucking with the lights just wasn’t recorded and if it were it wouldn’t be shocking enough for the mainstream media to bother airing it. You can only be polite with somebody for so long before you realize they don’t respect you.
Bale made reference to Shane having interrupted him only the second time. How do you know there were many more instances of this?
It’s only cause it’s videotaped that it’s making such a stir. This kind of stuff happens all the time, it’s no big thing. Emotions run high on a set.[/quote]Agreed. If you’ve never had a meltdown of some sort you’re not human. I’ve had plenty, at work as well, you just own up to it and move on. When people have pressure on them for a long enough period of time something has to give. Same thing probably happened there. Not sure if I’m super stoked on another Terminator movie or anything, but the whole hooplah about Bale’s outburst is silly and has at least made me take a second look at the film.
Ever since I saw T2 me and my brother talked about how cool it would be to have a movie about the future with the small rebellion fighting against the robots under the lead of John Conner. Something like a vietnammovie with men on a mission in the apocalyptic setting.
But the only thing I like so far is Bale having a part in this…
So it’s gonna be another “how sad, could’ve been great” movies.
It is a bit excessive, isn’t it? People get their dicks all hard and are like, “oooh, look at the celebrity fuck up!”. Like when Alec Baldwin scolded his own daughter on her voicemail for being inconsiderate and irresponsible.
Ok, not like that. I really don’t see where Alec was that wrong. I mean, no need to be “professional” to your kid who’s turning into a brat from being raised to disrespect you by your bitch of an ex-wife. (Come on, who do you really think turned that voicemail over to the press, and aired their personal life to the public? It certainly wasn’t in the best interest of the daughter.)
Anyone that wants to jump on the Bale-hatewagon just because of this episode should remember that our own main man can act quite the fool in public at times, and we all get sick of haters jumping on him for one outburst every once in a while.
Granted, Christian acts like a dick a lot. And I don’t even think he’s a great actor. He’s always got that same glazed-over look on his face. I also don’t find him attractive at all. But still, I don’t know him enough to say if he’s always like that, or if he just gets caught during embarrassingly stupid moments.
Why AICN Doesn't Post Links To Stories Like This Christian Bale thing that's everywhere!
This was only the second time he was warned not to walk across the Bale’s eyeline. He had been warned many times for “tweaking” the lights.
I see. The most amusing thing to me about this whole thing is how McG isn’t in control of his own film. He doesn’t run the show. He was that retarded, that he didn’t even notice the DP fucking up the scene for the actors. What the fuck kind of director is that? I don’t know why they chose McG of all people to direct that film. A lot of people were incredibly sceptical and against the idea, and from that tid bit, he isn’t enhancing his reputation at all.
McG is a massive twat! Grrr. spits
I’m already dreading the moment when I’ll have to see the words “Directed by McG” in the opening credits of a Terminator movie.