T-TRIS (Open BETA 1.6)

As some of you already might’ve heard it, I’m currently programming a little Tetris-Game. It’s just good 'ol Tetris, but with lots of opportunities to make Combo-Scores, like with Super-Blocks, Multiple-Line-Killing, Global Multiplicators and Stage Bonus. I’m kinda proud to say, that it’s quite addicting, if you get into it. Some of you, like CPS and tarantino_is_god already play-testet it. This is now the latest BETA-Version, fully playable.


Arrow right = Move Piece right

Arrow left = Move Piece left

Arrow up = Turn Piece

Arrow down = Accelerate Piece downwards

ESCAPE =Quit Game

SPACE = Pause Game

M = Toggle Music on/off

ENTER = Validate, after you’ve entered a new Highscore

[quote]Change-Log since last Version:

  • Changed the Basis-Points to (1,5,15,35) thus making Line-Scoring more rewarding
  • Added Global Multiplier. It starts of with 1 and goes up to 4, then counts down to 1 again.

    Global Multiplier changes after a certain number of lines have been killed. It’s calculated by

    (1 => 7, 2 => 4, 3 => 2, 4 => 1). Global Multiplier affects Super-Block-Scoring, Multiple-Line-Scoring

    and Tetris-Scoring.
  • Now possible Killer-Combos with Multiple-Line-Scoring by adding a multiplier to Height-Bonus, which

    kicks off immediately after killing the next line. The Multiplier depends on the number of lines

    deleted in the previous scoring and the current state of the Global Multiplier.
  • Added Super-Bonus. Super-Bonus continuosly counts up, but only kicks off after lines have been

    killed with a Super-Block. Super-Bonus is entirely based on the number of lines deleted, there are

    no Multipliers or Boni adding to the amount. It is calculated by (1,4,12,28). Released Super-Bonus

    is displayed with a “+” before the number.
  • Tetris-Scoring is now fully supported. A special message is being displayed and a Bonus is added,

    depending on the current state of the Global Multiplier.
  • Added KeyFlush() after a block has been placed, so having pressed the down-arrow won’t affect the next piece.
  • Added a display for current Combo-Highscore.
  • When Game is paused, Music toggles now off automatically, and turns on again, when Game is resumed.
  • Added a “Thud”-Sound, when a piece has been placed without scoring.

A Screenshot:

And, most important, the Download-Link:

<LINK_TEXT text=“http://s44.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1ZY7 … CXUU7IKDMR”>http://s44.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1ZY7NXEJM8F6109ECXUU7IKDMR</LINK_TEXT>

Now, have fun and post your Highscores (and any Bugs you may encounter). I’m still working on it, you know.

awesome new tricks diceman!! great game! still working on a good tactic to make some killer scores :slight_smile:

I will post some, when I think it is a reasonable score :slight_smile:

great stuff!! when you get some good combo scores, that really gets you high!! ehehhee 8)

8) 8) 8) 8) 8)/ 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) rating on the cool board!

Thanks, it’s nice to have some Feedback. :slight_smile:

Well, my current Highscore is 7326 in Level 3 - 9. But then again I’m not that good. But my sister rocks at Tetris. She made it somewhere up to Level 6 - something.

Currently I’ve been thinking about a Recording Feature, so you can record your game and replay it afterwards. Wouldn’t that be cool? In order to save memory I have to open a file every few lines and save stuff like the current piece and what keys the player hit. If I do it right after placing a piece (and deleting lines), this wouldn’t affect performance.

is that your combo highscore?

I can keep playing forever I think…with my first play I got like 32.000 I think…but 1.000.000 ions is possible easily

is that your combo highscore?

I can keep playing forever I think…with my first play I got like 32.000 I think…but 1.000.000 ions is possible easily
:o :o :o 320000 ? ? ? ? No, 7326 is my current real highscore! Is the game too less of a challenge? Should I make the blocks drop a little faster in higher stages?

You know, currently it’s handled this way: You’ll start in Level 1. Every Level consists of 10 Stages, in each one do the blocks fall faster, and you get more points. In the first stage you need 10 lines, in the second stage you need 9 lines and so on. Then, after Stage 10 Level 2 starts and now you’ll need 11 lines in Stage 1, 10 lines in Stage 2 and so on. I will change this after Level 10, that in every Stage above Level 10 you will always need 10 lines to advance to the next stage. This time it’s more of a callenge, when you arrive more quickly in higher Stages, where the Stones fall more quickly.

Its still a big challenge! its great fun to build those combo’s! :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe fasten it up a bit…because now I could keep playing forever…but dont make it like that you cant handle the blocks anymore :slight_smile:

Don’t worry, that was the initial concept of my Tetris. I always thought, all the other Tetris-Games around sucked from a certain point on, because the blocks just fell down too incredibye fast. So I will fasten up the initial speed, and therefore make the difference a little smaller, so that it maybe stays the same speed on the highest stage. And after Level 10 every Stage will have 10 lines to kill.

[quote]Added Global Multiplier. It starts of with 1 and goes up to 4, then counts down to 1 again.

Global Multiplier changes after a certain number of lines have been killed. It’s calculated by

(1 => 7, 2 => 4, 3 => 2, 4 => 1). Global Multiplier affects Super-Block-Scoring, Multiple-Line-Scoring

and Tetris-Scoring.

I dont understand this concept… ::slight_smile: when does the multiplier change? at random? its should go up after playing better…like if you make more than oneline you get one point added on you globalmultiplier and when you only make one line the multiplier drops by a point…something like that…but now it sometimes drops when I score 4 lines…

It’s currently like this:

Dim GlobalMultiplier(14)

GlobalMultiplier(1 ) = 1

GlobalMultiplier(2 ) = 1

GlobalMultiplier(3 ) = 1

GlobalMultiplier(4 ) = 1

GlobalMultiplier(5 ) = 1

GlobalMultiplier(6 ) = 1

GlobalMultiplier(7 ) = 1

GlobalMultiplier(8 ) = 2

GlobalMultiplier(9 ) = 2

GlobalMultiplier(10 ) = 2

GlobalMultiplier(11 ) = 2

GlobalMultiplier(12 ) = 3

GlobalMultiplier(13 ) = 3

GlobalMultiplier(14 ) = 4

So, GlobalMultiplier starts of with Index(1), which is is 1. Then, everytime you delete lines, the Index goes up the same number. Say with the next kill you get 3 lines, the Index goes up 3, but GlobalMultiplier is still 1, because GlobalMutlipler(4) = 1. Say, if the Index is 13, your GlobalMlultiplier is 3. Delete one more line, and it goes up to 4 (GlobalMultiplier(14) = 4). But if you delete, say, 3 lines, the Index goes one up, then directly two down again, so you got GlobalMultipler(12) = 3. It moves up and down, and I wanted to make the more higher values come up more rarely. But so far, considering the Scoring-System, nothing’s random. The only random thing is, which kind of Block appears next.

Gave in at 6138 points / level 4-2, which is quite a good result for me since i´m totally not cold-blooded enough for this sort of game.

Very nice, dice. two thumbs up Where did you get that terrorizing background music from? I think it made me lose concentration after a while, but… maybe that´s an important part of the concept. :smiley:

It’s currently like this:

So, GlobalMultiplier starts of with Index(1), which is is 1. Then, everytime you delete lines, the Index goes up the same number. Say with the next kill you get 3 lines, the Index goes up 3, but GlobalMultiplier is still 1, because GlobalMutlipler(4) = 1. Say, if the Index is 13, your GlobalMlultiplier is 3. Delete one more line, and it goes up to 4 (GlobalMultiplier(14) = 4). But if you delete, say, 3 lines, the Index goes one up, then directly two down again, so you got GlobalMultipler(12) = 3. It moves up and down, and I wanted to make the more higher values come up more rarely. But so far, considering the Scoring-System, nothing’s random. The only random thing is, which kind of Block appears next.

this concept is a bit frustrating…you cant control the global multiplier…and that sucks, because you need it to get high scores, now its more based on luck…it should be like: if you play good, you build it up to 4 and it stays 4…only goes down when you play bad…

Now if I play good my multiplier can go down!!! that is frustration to the max!! because you re lining up to build a high score and: boom! multiplier goes down again…

8047 at 5-4. Woohoo!! Just beat the friggin´ architect of it. 8)

I have 27.000 in level 5-7 :stuck_out_tongue:

I should play more…addictive as fuck…

this concept is a bit frustrating…you cant control the global multiplier…and that sucks, because you need it to get high scores, now its more based on luck…it should be like: if you play good, you build it up to 4 and it stays 4…only goes down when you play bad…

Now if I play good my multiplier can go down!!! that is frustration to the max!! because you re lining up to build a high score and: boom! multiplier goes down again…

Okay, you convinced me. After all, it wasn’t initially meant to be a controllable feature, just some nice stuff to make the game seem more tactical than it actually is. ;D But I will think of another concept. After all, thats what a BETA-Test is for, right? 8)

Ah yes, a little update, but not yet online: There’s now a little Easteregg involving a couple of dolphins, when you manage to score exactly 42 Points. :smiley:


That “terrorizing background-music” is called “Music-Box-Dancer” by Frank Mills, and Quentin Tarantino used it in “Kill Bill”, too, but just very hushed down in the beginning, when Uma Thurman walks up the garden to Vernitas House. Made a google-search and found a MIDI. It’s acutally quite popular.

I have 27.000 in level 5-7 :stuck_out_tongue:

I should play more…addictive as fuck…

27.000? Please tell me that you only wanna torture me with this. This is impossible! :o

Dice, is there a boot camp to train this game? Maybe with some beer and pizza and such? Invite me!

New high: 11.588 at 6-2.

damn. that music is making me gaga. :slight_smile:

you should add comfortable game menu to it, volume control, setup for different screens n stuff, etc… and improve the look a little, make it more modern. and include an “adult mode” where there’s a girl that’s dropping clothes everytime you bust a row :slight_smile:

Now the new version is online.

Here’s the Change-Log to previous version:

[quote]Version BETA 1.65

  • Now all Special-Scoring-Messages are displayed with a “+”
  • All Special-Scoring-Messages are displayed in random colors.
  • Made Placing “Thud”-Sound a bit deeper
  • Turning a Piece now also produces light Thud-Sounds.
  • Added a funny Easteregg, when you manage to score exactly 42 points.
  • Made initial drop-speed a little faster, and in the same step toned down the

    Speed-Difference per Stage-gain, so overall the speed in the last Stage will

    stay the same.
  • Changed Global Multiplier-System to make it a little bit more controllable:

    It still changes faster, the more lines you kill, but now it doesn’t go down

    again, when staying at 4, but drops to 1 immediately. However, if it now stays

    at 3 and you kill more lines than necessary to make it rise to 4, it will still

    stay at 4 until the next kill.

    It’s now calculated by (1 → 16, 2 → 6, 3 → 3, 4 → 1)
  • The phase, where the Global Multiplier stays at 1, has now longer duration, but

    if you kill more than 1 line, there’s now a 2:1 chance, that the Index goes up

    faster, thus making it possible to reach higher states more faster. Note, that

    the Index-up-Bonus is only available, when the GM is at 1.

    The IuB is calculated by (2 → [1], 3 → [2,3], 4 → [3,4,5]).[/quote]


I think you will dig the new changes concerning Global Multiplier, please tell me your opinions, but also know, that I had to find a compromise, because I didn’t want to punish those players, who aren’t out for highscores as much as for just staying alive as long as possible, thus playing it safe. Everyone should have the opportunity to make a cool Combo-Score every once in a while, and if it’s just out of pure luck. Those, however, playing for highscores, are now rewarded with a way better “controllable” Global Multiplier, but mind, it will stay only once at 4, giving you one chance to make an Ownage-Score, then it drops to 1 and you have to build it up again, but the more lines you kill at once, the faster you’ll get it off the 1-Phase.

My Tetris isn’t about Punishment, it’s about Motivation. :wink:


Great, you dig it too. :slight_smile: With the next version I’m going to change some of the graphical stuff, of course there’ll be a menu, where you can customize your game a little. And after you’re Game-Over, you will return to the Menu. Furthermore I will create a cooler Score-Display with Digital Numbers and such, but I won’t change the overall look as much. See, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with this game. Also I won’t include any naked women (as tempting as it may sound), because I want to keep it a little serious, as I’m planning to send it to a major Computer-Game-Magazin for the Public Domain-Sector. I already have plans for my next project, some kind of RPG-light in a 3D-Labyrinth with Prince-of-Persia-Like-Sword-Fights.

And here’s the Download-Link for Version BETA 1.65:

<LINK_TEXT text=“http://s62.yousendit.com/d.php?id=FD0RD … WPNLDE5YCS”>http://s62.yousendit.com/d.php?id=FD0RDE7TO08430TWPNLDE5YCS</LINK_TEXT>

Make some Highscores and keep your eyes out for those dolphins . . . 8)

There’s still a minor bug, which bugs me: The deep “Thud”-Sound, when placing a piece without scoring comes a little bit late. It’s due to a small delay, which is necessary, though, so you have time, to shift your pieces sideways, even if they already touched the ground. I have to double-check, if the block already touched the ground, even if the delay is still running. I hope this doesn’t get in the way of performance.

that link doesnt work.

when i install the new version, can i keep my old highscore file?