Whats your favorite novel by him? Mine…
I like Green Mile…i think
1. The whole Dark Tower storyline, especially the first three (The Gunslinger, The Drawing Of The Tree and The Waste Lands)
2. The Talisman
3. It
4. Regulators
5. Black House
Have to admit that i missed a lot of his stuff; going to start with The Stand this weekend (at last), and then there´s some more books like Desperation and Insomnia… for later.
I love the Long Walk. Unless there is a Bachman section.
I also love Dreamcatcher.
I like Dreamcatcher too but I liked Secret Window, Secret Garden better. Like his deatails of his gore in Secret Window, Secret Garden are great.
Needful Things, Langoliers(my all time favourite) and Hearts In Atlantis
I like Everything’s Eventual, a lot of interesting stories in that. Although in general I think King has his head way too far up his own ass, it’s like he knows that he could write a book describing the last shit he took and everyone would buy it so now he makes the most uninteresting books possible. I read From a Buick 8 recently and wondered how it was possible that there was a whole book about a possessed car that did nothing and had no real ending or meaning. I actually prefer his Entertainment Weekly columns to his fiction nowadays.
I hardly ever read a book but when I do Its got be Stephen King my favorites by him are…
Secret window,secret garden
The Running man (nothing like the movie)
Rita Hayworth And The Shawshank Redemption(just like the movie)
Whenever I think of him, I think of that line that Rodriguez says in Rebel without a crew, where he is in the research facility and everyone reads Stephen King. He says something along the lines of, “What kind of people give themselves to medical research? People who read Stephen King novels.”
Different Seasons (first short story is Shawshank Redemption, the rest is…meh)
Dark Tower series
The best is, he’s from Maine, lol. The only famous person from Maine…sigh
Im reading Rage right now so far its really good. Has anybody else read it, if so did you like it? (no spoilers)
It’s between the Stand and the Gunslinger.
A few months ago I found a first edition Stand at Goodwill for 2 bucks! You can find some great stuff at GW.
I have to say I have mixed feelings about SK though. I like his work -“On Writing” is my favorite book on writing - but he said some sh** about Tarantino and Kill Bill that ticked me off.
[quote=“El Ray cannibal”]
I have to say I have mixed feelings about SK though. I like his work -“On Writing” is my favorite book on writing - but he said some sh** about Tarantino and Kill Bill that ticked me off.
Like What?
The Stand is my favorite. Its simply epic. I have the Dark Tower audio books, I just got to get around to listening to them. I thought it was awesome when I found out a lot of the novels are connected together through the Dark Tower nexus.
Im reading Rage right now so far its really good. Has anybody else read it, if so did you like it? (no spoilers)
You asked this months ago but yes I’ve read it, it’s actually my 2nd fav book of all-time, losing only to Clockwork Orange. I should read it again sometime, don’t remember too much about it. So what were your thoughts after finishing it?
I should definitely read more from the King. I’ve only read a few of the books he wrote as Richard Bachman. Rage was brilliant, Road Work began and ended alright but otherwise was pretty boring and The Regulators was pretty good. My friend loves Rage too and said I would love The Long Walk even more.
He said this in Entertainment weakly - "You probably saw some good reviews of (‘Kill Bill’), possibly even in (Entertainment Weekly). Don’t you believe it. You should remember that movie critics see movies free. Also, they don’t have to pay the baby sitter or spring 10 bucks for the parking. They’re thus apt to rhapsodize over narcissistic stuff like ‘Kill Bill,’ which announces itself as Quentin Tarantino’s Fourth Film, ain’t we la-di-da."
He likes Snakes on a plane though! :o
He doesnt know one thing about movies,so his opinion dont mean a damn thing.
[quote=“El Ray cannibal”]
He said this in Entertainment weakly - “You probably saw some good reviews of (‘Kill Bill’), possibly even in (Entertainment Weekly). Don’t you believe it. You should remember that movie critics see movies free. Also, they don’t have to pay the baby sitter or spring 10 bucks for the parking. They’re thus apt to rhapsodize over narcissistic stuff like ‘Kill Bill,’ which announces itself as Quentin Tarantino’s Fourth Film, ain’t we la-di-da.”
What kind of review is that? “Kill Bill sucks because critics don’t have to pay the babysitter”. Come on Stevie, try harder.
this coming from the man that didn’t like Kubrick’s version of The Shining. fool ???