Scorsese vs tarantino

Completely agreed about Gilmour. Sing in a basement, you’re just ruining the whole image. He’s sold out. They have all sold out. And don’t give me that “but dude what about their concerts they dont make any profits”, I don’t mean that literally. You can sell out in a wider sense

well, well, well…it seems that I am not alone in my opinion. hah!

Completely agreed about Gilmour. Sing in a basement, you’re just ruining the whole image. He’s sold out. They have all sold out. And don’t give me that “but dude what about their concerts they dont make any profits”, I don’t mean that literally. You can sell out in a wider sense

How has he sold out? How have they sold out?

Gilmour recently released a great album. Waters is about to release 2 more albums, not to mention his Opera on the French Revolution (13 years in the making). Rick Wright is also working on a new album.

All 3 have toured the world this past year. All 3 have received rave reviews.

I went to watch Gilmour in London and it was absolutely breathtaking, so don’t you dare fucking tell me he has fallen off!! You who wasn’t even aware that they reformed briefly at Live8. You need to come out of YOUR basement, bitch.

I’m going to go see Roger Waters next May too, and I cannot fucking wait.

I’m going to go see Roger Waters next May too, and I cannot fucking wait.

Me too, May 5th. Gonna see him for the third time in 12 months. Too bad I missed Gilmour earlier this year…

scorsese vs tarantino vs pink floyd

ify vs. reality

Both of you cannot possibly comment on the matter as you know too little about it. Kilgore, take your head out of your arse.

I am glad that I am not as knowledgable about a 70’s Prog Rock band as you are. I am knowledgable about more important things like PLAYING music. Sure, I think that David Gilmour is an innovative and influential guitarist with some really great chops, but in the grand scope of things, he is really not all that. Here is a list of guitarists that have real virtuoso abilities:

Joe Satriani

Stevie Ray Vaughan

Steve Vai

Eric Johnson

Jimi Hendrix

Eric Clapton

Jimmy Page

Frank Zappa

and too many more to list that are better players than Gilmour. Gilmour is a white man playing the blues, and in an effort to differentiate himself from the other white men playing the blues (much better than he does) he relies on Leslie speakers, delay pedals, flangers, phasers, and tape echo units. I don’t know if anyone really even cares about David Gilmour anymore anyway…so let’s just end this…O.K.?

[quote]Not that it matters, but here is Rolling Stone’s list of the greatest…Gilmour is #82

The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time - people’s opinion poll[/quote]

The Edge? Kurt Cobain? Both better than Gilmour? Haha, right…

On the other hand:

<LINK_TEXT text=“ … rsolo.html”>100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos</LINK_TEXT>

Guys can we stay on the topic at hand at least. If you want to talk music, start a music topic. Cmon, wake up and smell the maple nut crunch. Å“

Dont be saying anything about Kurt Cobain you might get me pissed but yes lets stay on topic.

Dont be saying anything about Kurt Cobain you might get me pissed but yes lets stay on topic.

I like Nirvana and all, but be honest, Kurt Cobain isn’t a great guitarist. At least not good enough to end above Gilmour in The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time list.

He comes up with some great riffs but I like him as a songwriter more.

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
ify vs. reality


actually, I am the greatest guitarist of all time! 8)

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
I am glad that I am not as knowledgable about a 70’s Prog Rock band as you are. I am knowledgable about more important things like PLAYING music. Sure, I think that David Gilmour is an innovative and influential guitarist with some really great chops, but in the grand scope of things, he is really not all that. Here is a list of guitarists that have real virtuoso abilities:

Joe Satriani

Stevie Ray Vaughan

Steve Vai

Eric Johnson

Jimi Hendrix

Eric Clapton

Jimmy Page

Frank Zappa

and too many more to list that are better players than Gilmour. Gilmour is a white man playing the blues, and in an effort to differentiate himself from the other white men playing the blues (much better than he does) he relies on Leslie speakers, delay pedals, flangers, phasers, and tape echo units. I don’t know if anyone really even cares about David Gilmour anymore anyway…so let’s just end this…O.K.?

How many of those can truly move you with their guitar work?

Sure, Gilmour isn’t technically brilliant, none of the Floyd are. But they can do what music is supposed to, it moves you. You are truly having an experience when listening to Pink Floyd. Hendrix and Clapton are brilliant, but there is hardly any emotion there, I really don’t care much for their solos.

At first, nobody knew who Gilmour even was, that’s how he (and they) wanted it to be. Now however, he is as popular as ever. I’ve lost count at how many magazine covers he’s appeared on this past year, not to mention the awards he’s received or been nominated for, the poll’s he’s been topping, all the sell out gigs on his tour and the recognition of all his charity work that he has been doing since becoming famous and is still doing today. He has had more exposure this past year then he ever has.

Nobody cares about Gilmour? Dude, have you been hiding under a rock?

Guys can we stay on the topic at hand at least. If you want to talk music, start a music topic. Cmon, wake up and smell the maple nut crunch. Å“

Why is there always some weird symbol after your posts?

Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi, Eric Clapton, and Jimmy Page have commercial success AND a huge fan base of other MUSICIANS. Having a fan base of musicians speaks volumes about ability. I understand what you’re saying - technical ability means shit…but there are a lot of guys who have had a greater impact than Gilmour. I am not saying that I don’t like him. I am just saying that I would prefer to visualize him as a 20 year old with long hair and a three-day acid trip than a 60 year old man with bluejeans and a t-shirt.

Stay on topic ya fuckin musical fucks! This is scorsese vs tarantino (FILM), not fuckin Steve Vai’s custom made heart shaped guitar Vs. fuckin Don Ho and his ukulelee!!

Tarantino. He made THE best movie ever: Pulp. This outweighs the fact that Scorsese has a shitload of awesome films and Tarantino only has a few.

not a fair match - scorcese, as far as i know, only wrote a few of his films - the best being ‘mean streets’. whereas tarantino writes all of his and so needs more time between movies. also scorceses been making films for over 30 years compared to qt’s 13 or so!

not sure about scorcese really inventing modern gangster movies, ‘band a parte’ totally informs mean streets i reckon

p.s. what about dave navarro? listened to ‘deconstruction’ the other day, forgot what a great guitarist he is!