I say JB by FAR! Now don’t get me wrong, he was really good in PF, but look at his Ordell character again in JB…Dude produces a range of emotions here:
I love when he and DeNiro are on the couch while he’s doing his whole thing on the guns he’s gonna sell, and he just flips it ICE-COLD on Melanie when she doesn’t get the phone…“Girl, don’t make me put my foot up your ass.”
When he finds out Louis fucked up with the cash transaction and he shoots him, Ordell’s actually seems sorry for shooting the man…"What the fuck happened to you man? Shit, your ass used to be beautiful!"
So, yeah…What do ya’ll think, better performance in PF or JB?
Definitley Jackie. In pulp hes not much of a charecture so much as a tool to deliver dialogue where as in Jackie he really comes off as a fleshed out person.
Pulp Fiction is definitely the film that he is most famous for. But Jackie Brown is a character study and if it is about his performance then a character study is obviously the better vehicle. I would have to say Jackie Brown performance wise. Pulp Fiction is a better film because of other stuff and because Jackson was supposed to be like that to make the film work the way it was meant to.
Jules didn’t have a .45 in Pulp Fiction. He had a 9mm protecting his righteous ass. In fact it was a Star Model B 9mm to be exact (http://www.longmountain.com/movieguns/PulpFiction). Why didn’t he use a .45? “Cause a .45 has a serious jammin’ problem”…a 9mm is practically the same gun and it ain’t got half the jamming problems. Anyways, Performance-wise, i’d say he was better in Jackie Brown, but only because the part he played called for more than in Pulp Fiction.
Jules didn’t have a .45 in Pulp Fiction. He had a 9mm protecting his righteous ass. In fact it was a Star Model B 9mm to be exact (http://www.longmountain.com/movieguns/PulpFiction). Why didn’t he use a .45? “Cause a .45 has a serious jammin’ problem”…a 9mm is practically the same gun and it ain’t got half the jamming problems. Anyways, Performance-wise, i’d say he was better in Jackie Brown, but only because the part he played called for more than in Pulp Fiction.
You’re right…it was mister 9mm.
it should have been a .45 that 9mm is for pussies!
I think he was simply mind-blowing in both films, but if I had to choose, I’d say Jackie Brown. I thought Ordell was a bit, ONLY A BIT, more interesting than Jules. But he was still wonderful in Pulp.