Reservoir Dogs TRIVIA!

And away we go!!

[size=6]1.)[/size]What kind of car does [size=4]MR. BLONDE[/size] go to, to get the gasoline can?

[size=6]2.)[/size]What is Vic drinking in Joe’s office?

[size=6]3.)[/size]What type of ciggarettes are [size=4]MR. PINK[/size]& [size=4]MR. WHITE[/size] smoking in the bathroom.



1. I’d have to watch again to find out.

2. A Remy Martin

3. Red Apple?

Here’s one:Where are the diamonds supposed to be shipped out to the day after the heist?

[quote]1. I’d have to watch again to find out.

2. A Remy Martin

3. Red Apple?

Here’s one:Where are the diamonds supposed to be shipped out to the day after the heist?[/quote]

No, Chesterfields.



What kind of gun does Orange get hit with?

Dosn’t Orange get shot with a .22?

[quote]Dosn’t Orange get shot with a .22?[/quote]

Judges?...........................................................Yes we can accept that. ;D

(Easy One) What is the name of Vic Vega’s Parole Officer?

Seymour Scagnetti

If it isn’t shoot me.

An easy one: Who was orginally going to give the “Like A Virgin” speach.

well white was originally gonna not tip, i think pink was originally doin the maddonna convo

here is another easy one.

what was the name of the cop blonde tortured?

Marvin Nash

Touche my friend

Here is another. finish the line

Four perfect killer…?


Shit… I thought it was Blue that was originally supose to give the Like A Virgin speech.

[quote]Touche my friend

Here is another. finish the line

Four perfect killer…?[/quote]

Is that a quote from the movie, or one of it’s taglines?

Here’s some:

According to Freddie, what does Joe look like?

What year was the marajuania drought that Freddie talks about in his story?

Its a tagline its on a poster i have

one perfect crime, and it was in 87

Mr orange you are right i got a question what does Blonde do with his soda when he is done and what is hanging from the ceiling of the warehouse?

he throws the soda on the ground after sayin “you shouldnt play so rough” From the ceiling there are lights hangin and one time i saw a mic.