Reservoir Dogs TRIVIA!

Plus there is a coffin hanging or atleast it looks just like one

i never noticed that

Yeah its in the backround of a couple scenes but u have to watch for it

Here’s a question for ya’ll folks…

In the film reservoir dogs Mr. Bonde’s name is VIC VEGA…and his gangster knick name is “ToothPick” or "Toothpick Vic"

Which movie first features a gangster character who’s name is Toothpick ____  ??

ToothPickVic in True Romance, I think

yeah, I forgot about that one…but thats not the one.

The question still stands…what is the movie to first feature a character named Toothpick _____ ??


The answer is…

Some Like it Hot (1959), there’s a gangster named Toothpick Charlie

I was just going to say that!

[quote]he throws the soda on the ground after sayin “you shouldnt play so rough” [/quote]
He doesn’t throw his soda after saying “You [kids*] shouldn’t play so rough.” He says, “Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie,” flings soda to the left, “or are you gonna bite?” Pay attention, Mr. Orange. :wink:

*And you forgot that, too.


Is that a quote from the movie, or one of it’s taglines?

Here’s some:

According to Freddie, what does Joe look like?

What year was the marajuania drought that Freddie talks about in his story?

Motherfucker looks just like The Thing. And uhh…87 I think? Or 86.

Images of what four comic book characters can be seen in R.D?

Silver Surfer, The Thing…uhh… ???

[quote]Images of what four comic book characters can be seen in R.D?[/quote]

silver surfer, the thing, the kamikaze cowboy… was there a forth?

The Thing is only “mentioned”.

the only comic book charcter that is shone is Silver Surfer from what I have seen.

no, you see THE THING, its right on the CUT to Mr. Orange picking up his phone while in his apartment, I believe THE THING action figure is sitting on the phone at the cut.

[quote]And away we go!!

[size=6]1.)[/size]What kind of car does [size=4]MR. BLONDE[/size] go to, to get the gasoline can?

[size=6]2.)[/size]What is Vic drinking in Joe’s office?

[size=6]3.)[/size]What type of ciggarettes are [size=4]MR. PINK[/size]& [size=4]MR. WHITE[/size] smoking in the bathroom.




Mr. Blonde’s car is a yellow Coupe De Ville, mentioned by Mr. Madsen in the commentary, though we only ever see the trunk, I believe.

Vic drinks nothing in Joe’s office, but Larry has a glass of brandy

And I’m going to take a wild guess and say Marlboros.

[quote]Images of what four comic book characters can be seen in R.D?[/quote]

i got it, add iron man to the thing, silver surfer, and the kamikaze cowboy… an iron man action figure can be seen getting knocked away when mr. orange picks up the phone, half of the thing action figure can also be seen… frame by frame mothafucka!


Mr. Blonde’s car is a yellow Coupe De Ville, mentioned by Mr. Madsen in the commentary, though we only ever see the trunk, I believe.

Vic drinks nothing in Joe’s office, but Larry has a glass of brandy

And I’m going to take a wild guess and say Marlboros.

Brandy? I thought it was Remmy Martin. My favorite drink.

You’re right - Remy Martin

Okay, I’ll try again:

Vic is drinking a Remmy Martin

Mr. Blonde drives a yellow Coupe de Ville

And I’ll say Red Apple cigarettes.