Quentin on CGI

Yeh, I think Tarantino doesn’t mind the use of CGI when it is used in circumstances whereby no other means of shooting the scene is appropriate. But when a scene can be accomplished using real people and thereafter giving the appropriate effect, and CGI is used instead, QT would be against this. I feel the same way to tell you the truth, there are quite afew film-makers out there using unnecessary CGI and most of the time not only does this annoy the viewers, the scene also looks fake and unreal.

I think he meant that when you use cgi you have to use it to make a better movie…not just making a movie with cgi because it looks good and not paying attention to the story and movie itself…if you just want a movie full of cgi, lacking the stuff what a movie is about…you might as well go home and play on your nintendo or stick your dick in it…


[quote]I know one thing, QT will never make a film based around CGI. I doubt he likes Bob Rodriguez’s films with CGI either. It must be kinda tough because theyre pals so he must not say anything when he sees Bobs films. Or if he does he tries to be polite about his disdain for it.

Rodriguez is more Lucas-esque in that way. Which I really dont like. :frowning:[/quote]

so what ur saying is the rumors about QT writing and directing the Matrix 4D are not real?


Rodriguez is more Lucas-esque in that way. Which I really dont like. :frowning:[/quote]

It’s funny you should say that, because Lucas is the one that showed Rodriguez about the ‘digital film world’, he was there are skywalker ranch I think, where Lucas showed him what’s what.

Let’s not forget the fact QT was the writer not director of FDTD.

What does CGI stand for anyway? Computer Graphics Interface??

Computer Generated Images(ing) or Computer Graphics Images(ing).

With Tarantino directing a scene in the upcomming Sin City, you wonder what his opinion of CGI is now, compared to what has been in print. Here are some quotes from interviews. If you have anything more recent, cue me in.

Q: One thing you didn’t do was use and abuse CGI…

Tarantino: Yes indeed! (Laughs) Well, you know, sometimes CGI is cool and amazing like when James Cameron sinks The Titanic, or Arnold is fighting the Machines in T3, but more often I’m bored with these effects because they take away from the emotion and the real feeling of the action we’re supposed to believe in. My feeling was, if we can’t do it for real, let’s not do it . Because I wanted a very real and visceral film and not a cartoon nor a comic book. You get more excited and more fun from looking at people really having their head cut or their limbs sliced! (laughs). I think CGI is getting in the way of filmmaking. You’re not going to impress me if you do a CGI scene with cars going full speed against the traffic, especially when I saw the same scene done for real in â€?To Live and Die in L.A. â€? â€?


Tarantino resisted the temptation to use CGI to accomplish his special effects. “I’m not a big fan of CGI,” he says. "When it’s done really well, it’s fantastic. The Titanic going down was amazing, truly movie magic. And, for that matter, I thought the use of CGI in Terminator 3 was great. But that’s those guys. Now every time I see a trailer, it’s like I’m watching a special effects CGI reel. What’s even worse is that now they’re not using CGI to create what is impossible, but what people did as a matter of course in the 1970s: car chases. What’s that about? When you do stuff with CGI that people have done for real in other movies, you are not going to impress me. I decided it would be more exciting to do it old school, to know it was real human beings doing those tumbles, with no CGI sweetening it."

These are mostly about using CGI with Kill Bill.