Quentin on CGI

Well, considering that there was CGI also in Dusk, and that QT and Robert were contemplating with the idea of making the 2nd part in 3-D like Spy Kids, I think he’s ok with it.

When did they use CGI in From Dusk till Dawn?? Also, Tarantino made that quote quite recently, around the time Volume 1 was released, which was way after Dusk!!

The CGI in Dusk was pretty evident. Like when that girl morphs into a vampire and says “Dinner is served!”, or when Razor Charlie’s eyes fall into the billiard pockets.

Sorry, I havent seen Dusk for a while so i couldn’t remember!

I know one thing, QT will never make a film based around CGI. I doubt he likes Bob Rodriguez’s films with CGI either. It must be kinda tough because theyre pals so he must not say anything when he sees Bobs films. Or if he does he tries to be polite about his disdain for it.

Rodriguez is more Lucas-esque in that way. Which I really dont like. :frowning:

well rodriguez has really become a technical director. i mean he loves experimenting with so many different things such as the HD camera.

if you think about it QT and RR have two completely different ways of making movies. RR likes to move things fast and he can spit out a movie in two weeks. and in order to do that CGI allows things to work without getting slowed down having to do things differently. Tarantino though moves slower, kinda like his movies. he’ll take his time.

and seriously, when was there CGI in FDTD? there are ways of avoiding it like with the “superman vision” trick in the back of the trunk

i kind of recall there being some cgi in from dusk till dawn as well…but yeah i have a hard time seeing quentin making a movie revolving around anything cgi-based

I already pointed out some instances when CGI was used. Also, if you listen to the dvd commentary, you’ll hear QT say that he read an article in which some avid horror fan wrote that he didn’t like the CGI in Dusk, but that he really loved that mechanical huge rat Clooney fights near the end, because it was “old school”. That made QT kinda proud.

I don’t think he minds Rodriguez using CG like he does. It works for Rodriguez, and since they’re friends, I doubt any bad blood comes between them. Tarantino’s comments just refer to his personal preference to not use CGI. I also think he just dislikes the abuse of CGI that a lot of directors are guilty of, like Stephen Sommers and the Wachowski’s, and not really the tool itself. It has its uses, and when the market is filled with bad movies with bad examples of using it, it tends to jade you a bit

I agree that QT is just sick of the reliance on CG by these so called directors out there. QT, himself, used CG to remove wires from “Kill Bill” and to create missing limbs (ala LT. Dan’s legs in “Forrest Gump”).

But hey, where is that “dick in my Nintendo” quote from? Can someone post the interview or a URL to it? I’ve never read/saw that one and would like to.

Well i read that quote in the November 2003 issue of Empire Magazine!!

[quote]I agree that QT is just sick of the reliance on CG by these so called directors out there. QT, himself, used CG to remove wires from “Kill Bill” and to create missing limbs (ala LT. Dan’s legs in “Forrest Gump”).

But hey, where is that “dick in my Nintendo” quote from? Can someone post the interview or a URL to it? I’ve never read/saw that one and would like to.[/quote]

I think the memory of the Neo vs 100 Smiths in Matrix Reloaded was still fresh on Tarantino’s mind. CGI is just a tool, and I’m sure if thing’s ever worked out that it was impossible to do a scene in a QT movie well without CGI, he would indeed use it. However, I think he’s of the school of thought that true innovation comes from imagination clashing against limited resources/funds. Hence, why QT always works with as limited as resources as humanly possible for the masterpieces he puts out.

If everyone could just CGI in things instead of innovating new techniques and methods of story telling, well, it would just be horrible…and, in many cases it is.

lord of the rings is a pefect example of CGI gone to good use

If everyone could just CGI in things instead of innovating new techniques and methods of story telling, well, it would just be horrible…and, in many cases it is.

I’m not disagreeing with you, but do you think it could be said that CGI is an innovation in itself? An innovation that has become something people now rely on.

I do think that a lot of directors just use CGI because it’s the thing to do. I absolutley agree that “lack of” promotes creativity. Interestingly enough, you mentioned that QT is from that school, and Robert Rodriguez has said the same thing. Funny how that same mentality is pursued so differently by the two.

rodriguez uses a hell of a lot of CGI, especially in the spy kids series and OUATIM. But what i don’t get is how QT could make a statement like that when he’s like best buds with Robert, they even work on movies together, and Rodriguez is majourly into CGI. How does that relationship work?

perhaps it is the way robert uses it. robert is into guerilla style film making. just very fast, very cost efficient. like in OUATIM he used CGI to add bullet holes. no one can tell this but things like this allow robert to finish the movie in two weeks.

perhaps what quentin meant when he made this statement was that he doesnt like it when filmmakers use CGI to wow the audience. i dont think that is why robert uses it. he isnt using CGI to make the audience go “wow that special effect was awesome!!”. he uses it that way his idea can be shown. seriously how do you make the spy kids movie without CGI? you just cant. and if you did it would take forever and be very costly.

IMHO, they’re both kind of retarded regarding CGI.

Spy Kids sucked. The CGI sucked worst of all. Period.

QT, however, is being ignorant by aying that CGI is the death knell of cinema. Granted, many directors coughLucascough use it to overkill their story. But take a film like Fight Club. CGI was used there to progress the story visually in a way conventional filmmaking couldn’t establish. CGI is no different than pyrotechnics, profanity, or violence-Beautiful in the right hands, crap when used by a dumbass.

I think QT is mostly talking about the cartoony looking shit that looks even faker than those old B Sci Fi movies that came out in the 50’s. I hate that stuff alot too and CGI is really being abused these days by lazy directors who don’t know what the fuck they’re doing

i like the fact that QT will experiment with HDef filming in that new Rodriguez project. But I hope QT will use it good, not george lucas like :wink:

i think QT doesn’t have a problem if someone else uses CGI.

He said once in and interview that T3 was one of his favorites of 2003

well, and that shit is full of cgi.

so i guess he won’t use cgi and he doesn’t have a problem with someone who uses cgi.

otherwise he’d problems with Rodriguez :slight_smile: