Quentin on CGI

right here <–Real1 soundfile (*.ram)

Im glad to know QT hates CGI. That means we dont have to worry about any of his future films all CGI’d out. Personally I think most CGI is terrible and its used in almost every action movie we see.

Most of the time its completely obvious where they use it too. I think people should use less CGI in movies and try to keep things more old school.

Could someone transcribe that interview for Sebs site? That would be cool. Id do it, but I couldnt hear the questions very well.

CGI gave way to bring to film what otherwise looked cheesy back in the day.

I think it can be done well and I also think it can be overdone.

The key is to use it sparingly.

[quote]CGI gave way to bring to film what otherwise looked cheesy back in the day.

I think it can be done well and I also think it can be overdone.

The key is to use it sparingly.


Yeah use it SPARINGLY, not every other fuckin frame of the movie. I’d rather have a little more cheese in my movies and a little less CGI to be honest.

Like QT said, people are getting really lazy with it now just spending ridiculous amounts on stuff they could shoot in live action.

Right on Vic!

In the 3rd instalment of the Matrix trilogy, the end, 14 minute fight scene reportedly cost $40 million to shoot-more than most films whole budget.

The whole STAR WARS EPISODES didn’t bother me as much as it did everyone else and that was pretty much all CGI.

Anyhow - everyone else followed suit and they just can’t pull it off eventhough there are cheese scenes in EP 1 & 2.

[quote]The whole STAR WARS EPISODES didn’t bother me as much as it did everyone else and that was pretty much all CGI.

Anyhow - everyone else followed suit and they just can’t pull it off eventhough there are cheese scenes in EP 1 & 2.


I’m not a Star Wars geek at all. I cant stand George Lucas I think hes one of the fakest “directors” there is. I’ll be happy as a clam when the whole Star Wars shit is over. I could give a shit about Ep 3 or any of the other prequels.

Don’t call me no geek! LOL!

anyhow - to each their own - I enjoyed the films for what they were - not the end all and be all of cinema but for just pure fun flicks

Like the Indiana Jones trilogy

Well, here it is. While I am completely sick of the average usage of CGI in films, I’m at least as sick of just plain average films.

People complain away about CGi taking over the biz, I have a few brief thoughts on the most often cited examples:

Star Wars - this is a case of amazing effects and use of CGI (you have to admit that it is extremely innovative) but thouroughly disappointing films. Of course we ha<ve extremely high expectations for these, but I think they would be equally terrible without them.

Matrix - The only place where extreme CGI fits and looks almost natural is in a computer generated world. Let’s face it, if its a digital world then it stands to reason that it will look digital.

Spy Kids - see Matrix. At least Robert Rodriguez and the Wachowskis are doing bleeding edge, setting-the-paradigm work (and to a lesser degree… Lucas. Gawd, I can’t get over how disappointing that crap is.)

This was already discussed but I don’t think as a special topic -

In a recent interview Q.T takes more CGI :

"Quentin Tarantino: I’ve seen CGI done really well. When James Cameron sunk the Titanic, that was fantastic. My favorite movie of the year so far was “Terminator 3” â€â€

I thought Episode II was shitty as hell. It did look like a video game.

I’ll only have to disagree on his Terminator 3 comment. I hated T3 for the very reasons he mentioned. It was FX overload and had a mindless story. The trailer was too full of effects and that’s what turned me off.

I liked the ending to T3

But yes, most CG movies coming out these days suck balls. I liked when directors were limited to what they could do, now it seems they are in overload of EVERYTHING they can do, and whats available and hot, CGI, is what the Director uses.

didn’t Tarantino says he only used a LITTLE CGI in Kill Bill? Can anyone confirm what scene(s)? In the trailer it looks like it may be when Go-Go swings the ball chain right into the camera…that could be CGI considering no one wants to bust the camera :wink:

yeah the ballchain could be cg, as well as the plain flying over tokyo… i think that’s cg, too.

And the part where an axe flies past Uma; that too could be CGI.

[quote]And the part where an axe flies past Uma; that too could be CGI. [/quote]

Guys, cmon, the ball and chain and the axes are CGI? Those things are 100% real. The axe is definitely real, they are attached to Larry McConkeys steadicam. The plane in the Toho Tokyo shot is a model. QT specifically said “NO CGI”.

Duh! lol.

I enjoyed Episode II - but I am a huge star wars fan - but not fanatic

anyhow - T3 was done well - the car chase scene at the beginning was WAY better then the Matrix 2 highway scene.

As for CGI in kill bill - I wouldn’t doubt some shots were digitally edited but nothing computer generated - but i could be wrong

I like CG, espcially when it’s used in subtle ways. Even not-so-subtle-CG movies I enjoyed, like Matrix 2. But you have to do it right though. The CG in Episode 2 and Bulletproof monk is dogshit.

In an interview Quentin said that they used CGI to edit out the wires in the scenes that contain “wire-work”. But apart from that I don´t think there´s any CGI at all.

the only scenes that look like they could be CGI are the plane flying over Tokyo and the bullet coming out of the gun. the ball and chain is most definitely not CGI.

When Quentin Tarantino made this statement “This CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema. If i’d wanted all that computer game bullshit, I’d have gone home and stuck my dick in my Nintendo” you could tell that he really REALLY hates CGI, well i was at someones house and Spy Kids was coming on and there was a lot of CGI in it, so wot do you think Tarantino thinks about Robert Rodriguez using it in his films???