Pulp fiction plot hole

Now the plot hole is not overly important, however it is a major one that has left me wondering for quite some time. Vincent’s Malibu. . .it’s just not consitent. He mentions to Lance that he’s had the vehicle in storage for five days, but Vincent just got back from Amsterdam. And yet another scene when Butch keys his vehicle, I mean how in the hell did he recover his vehicle so quickly, they took a cab to go to the diner, remember. And it’s still early in the morning in the bar scene. Well there it is, it’s of minor importance, but it’s an error. I love Pulp so much, this is the first plothole that I’ve uncovered.

And yet another scene when Butch keys his vehicle,

In which scene does Butch key Vincents Malibu? As far as I remember, it’s never mentioned in the movie that it’s Butch who did it.

right, it’s not explicit at all.

it’s just a theory, however likely.

- Jules and Vincent drives Jules’ car to Marvin & co.

  • On the way back, Vincent shot Marvin.
  • They get rid of the car.
  • They take a taxi to the diner (which may or may not be close to Vincent’s home).
  • They drive Vincent’s car to Marsellus.
  • Butch keys Vincent’s car.
  • Vincent sees it.
  • Vincent goes to Lance later.
  • Vincent goes to Mia.

    I don’t know, it’s a possibility.

[quote=“Dantes Inferno”]

  • Jules and Vincent drives Jules’ car to Marvin & co.
  • On the way back, Vincent shot Marvin.
  • They get rid of the car.
  • They take a taxi to the diner (which may or may not be close to Vincent’s home).
  • They drive Vincent’s car to Marsellus.
  • Butch keys Vincent’s car.
  • Vincent sees it.
  • Vincent goes to Lance later.
  • Vincent goes to Mia.

    I don’t know, it’s a possibility.

hmm intersting i like itand it is paulsable but i think there are some things we arent meant to know

[quote]He mentions to Lance that he’s had the vehicle in storage for five days[/quote]

He says he has only had it out for 5 days and some scum bucket keyed it not that he had it stored 5 days

and..... Vince left his car at the bar and road with Jules to do the job. Simple. You dont go to kill people in your own car!

I think KK has it right!

there’s no hole at all.

Wheres my post? Someone deleted it? LOL

He had the car in storage while he was in Amsterdam. He got back five days ago and immediately got the car out of storage. During the five days that he has been back someone has already keyed it. I doubt that Butch keyed his car because only a coward would do something like that. The fact that his car was keyed was simply small-talk and shouldn’t be dwelled upon any further.

Hey Kilgore… er, I mean, oh wise PULP FICTION archivist… Quentin has said already that it was Butch that keyed Vincent’s car. Vincent took it out of storage, stopped at the club to meet with Marcellus and hook up with Jules… and they left in Jules’ car. While it was in the parking lot… whether it was before Vincent got back or not… Butch keyed it. How’d he know it was Vincent’s car. It could have been a case of coming in to see Marcellus about throwing the fight, seeing the car, coming in to see Marcellus, asking whose car it was, and Marcellus telling him.

Since that subplot is no longer in the film to any extent… you can take this with a grain of salt.

EDIT: Marcellus may not have been at the club yet when Vincent came to meet Jules at the club. When Vincent comes in during Marcellus’ meeting with Butch, Marcellus is acting like it’s the first time he’s seen Vincent since he got back from Amsterdam.

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
He had the car in storage while he was in Amsterdam. He got back five days ago and immediately got the car out of storage. During the five days that he has been back someone has already keyed it. I doubt that Butch keyed his car because only a coward would do something like that. The fact that his car was keyed was simply small-talk and shouldn’t be dwelled upon any further.
[/quote]But in the script it mentions Butch’s Honda was parked outside, then Vincent pulls in next to him. And after Vincent fucks with him, Butch exacts his revenge by keying his car. Remember the bar was empty, so those were the only vehicles parked at the time. And the next day he mentions to Lance “You know what some fucker did the OTHER day. Fucking keyed it.” Then he expresses his anger toward Butch “I wish I could’ve caught that asshole doing it”. But that’s not the point. Actually I forgot what the point was so I have to look into it again. . .

Oh yeah immidiately after the diner incident they walk out, now if we followed the film in linear fashion, the Marsellus bar scene would follow, to which I query their very own arrival, it could be that Vincent went back to his house to pick up his vehicle, but that’s very unlikely seeing that it is still very early in the morning. If you bridge time and action from the scene where Vinny and Jules are driving toward Brett’s, to Marvin being shot in the head, to the diner scene, you will see the time lapse evolve. . .how did Vincent get his Malibu?

I think after Vince and Jules left the diner, they went to where Vincent had his car (maybe the storage spot was near the diner since they chose where to eat), picked it up and drove it to Marsellus’ strip club. Thats how Butch knew it was Vincents car, because it wasnt there when he arrived. Butch also may have found it was Vincents car after looking around in it.

Jules also probably picked Vincent up earlier that morning in the original car before he had even picked up his Malibu. He had just got back from Amsterdam.

Maybe, but if it ain’t on the screen it remains a complete mystery. Maybe god came down from heaven and actually drove his Malibu to the diner and gave Vinny and Jules a lift to the bar.

It also means theres no plothole because unless you know for sure, it couldve happened that way. Or someone else keyed Vincents car, not Butch.

Butch did key his vehicle read the script, the only reason Butch does not confront Vincent in the bar is because of their close relationship (Vincent n Marsellus). He leaves super pissed and sees this red hot Malibu in front of him, since it wasen’t there after he arrived he quickly knows its Vincent’s Malibu.

So Vince and Jules got a taxi back to Vincents house or the storage spot, picked up the Malibu and they then drove it to Marsellus’ place. Or went to Vincents or the storage spot after leaving the diner.

If Vincent had his car in storage, most likely it was near Marsellus’ club since thats where he had to meet him.

Jules also probably picked Vincent up earlier that morning in the original car before he had even picked up his Malibu. He had just got back from Amsterdam.

How can the vehicle be out for five days if he just got back from Amsterdam. How do you explain that. Even in Jack Rabbitt Slim’s, Mia says “I heard you just got back from Amsterdam.” and /vincent says "Sure did."

But movies can’t be perfect, it’s a minor plot hole of very little importance. But it just makes you wonder.

How can the vehicle be out for five days if he just got back from Amsterdam. How do you explain that. Even in Jack Rabbitt Slim’s, Mia says “I heard you just got back from Amsterdam.” and /vincent says "Sure did.

He got back from Amsterdam on Friday night and didnt need his car that weekend cuz he went to the beach to chill out and read Modesty Blaise and shoot heroin. On Monday Jules picks him up, thats when all the shit happens with Marvin. He picks up the Malibu, parks it outside Marsellus club, Butch keys it. Friday night he goes out with Mia, stops at Lances, tells him about how it got keyed after being out of storage only 5 days.

The days are never mentioned, however the story takes place in only three days.

First day:Butch n Vincent retreiving briefcase

Second day:Vincent n Mia

Third day: Butch n Marsellus

How do you know it takes place in only 3 days if they arent mentioned? I think it takes place over a week or more.