Pulp fiction plot hole

First day: Brett’s apt. / Bonnie situation / Diner/ Bar. - end

second day: Vincent & Mia “you know what some fucker did the OTHER day” - (yesterday)

third day: Jules retires/ Butch n Marsellus

3 chapters doesnt mean 3 days in a row. It could be Monday…Thursday…Saturday. Or Thursday…Monday…Friday.

It couldve been:

Monday: Jules and Vincent/Bonnie Situation

Friday: Vincent and Mia

Saturday: Gold Watch

… ???

Case Closed.

wtf does it matter? There isn’t a hole in the plot.

Hmmmm, somehow I still count three days there buddy.

Edit: well actually 4 as the gold watch takes place over two days. And the days are mostly likely Sat and Sun because big boxing matches (usually) take place on Saturday night.

Edit2: scratch that, it must be Fri and Sat because no pawn shop is open Sunday mornring.

Maybe, but if it ain’t on the screen it remains a complete mystery. Maybe god came down from heaven and actually drove his Malibu to the diner and gave Vinny and Jules a lift to the bar.
in the script: Vincent was bringing the suitcase back to Marsellus alone, wearing a black suit and driving his Malibu. I think the scene was that he parked his car right next to Butch’s even though the parking lot was empty.

[quote=“Knoxville Kingpin”]
Edit: well actually 4 as the gold watch takes place over two days. And the days are mostly likely Sat and Sun because big boxing matches (usually) take place on Saturday night.

no pawn shop is open Sunday mornring.

You mean like that popular sports program called “Friday Night Fights”?

No big fights happen on “Friday Night Fights” but perhaps Butch really was washed up.

[quote=“Knoxville Kingpin”]
No big fights happen on “Friday Night Fights” but perhaps Butch really was washed up.
Butch wasn’t exactly Evander Holeyfield or Lenox Lewis

Thus why it must be fri and sat

He doesn’t have it in storage for five years. When Lance asks Vincent about his Malibu he says "I had it in storage for 3 years. It was out 5 days and some dickless piece of shit fucked with it. "

Later in Jack Rabbit Slims when Mia aks Vincent how long he was in Amsterdam he answers: "Just over three years. "

So he apparantly had it in storage during his time in Amsterdam, whether Butch keyed it or not I don’t know. If QT wasnt quoted saying it I would surely not have believed it. It’s not really in tone with the character Butch shows to be the rest of the movie. I would see him keying a car as much as stealing a candybar.

But I do not really see where the plothole should be. Whether Butch or just some kid keyed Vincent’s car, nor would make a plothole. Vincent driving his keyed Malibu to pick Mia up doesn’t really make a difference either. You dont throw away a Malibu just because its keyed, he most likely just got it repaired immediately.

My first post :smiley:

I may have something interesting on the time thing: My german PF Steelbox says that all the events are within 24 hours. This sounds cool, but if u buy a german Kill Bill 1, it says VerDita Green instead of her real name VerNita Green, so i guess german DVD boxes are just messed up and no one cares 4 them.

haha yeah and all those places where you find those pulp fiction trivia blubs saying all clocks are 4.30 which is also bullshit :wink:

welcome to the board

haha yeah and all those places where you find those pulp fiction trivia blubs saying all clocks are 4.30 which is also bullshit :wink:

welcome to the board

Wow, your German Trivia Source must be even more fucked up, because the already fucked up notion was that the clocks are stuck on 4:20 ;D :smiley: ;D

Pulp Fiction in 24 hours?


Briefcase in morning - bonnie situation - diner standoff - butch throws fight –

then the next day Vincent buys hash. It’s the next day because he says: “You know what happened the OTHER day” –

Butch doesn’t fight in the same night where Mia almost ODs because Marsellus was away at the time. And when Floyd is killed we see Marsellus there.

so it takes place in at least 2 to 3 days.

But there are two clocks going down the stairs into the cellar of the pawn shop that are stuck on 4:20. Or was it just one, and I saw two while I was 4:20ed out?

I think “just got back from Amsterdam” can be seen as 5 days ago. maybe it takes a few days before Vincent is thrown in the crime world again. here’s how i think it went down:

day 1 Saturday Vincent arrives at airport, gets car out of storage, drives home and goes to sleep.

day 2 Sunday Vincent calls Marcellus and ask when he’s needed for work next. Marcellus says he’ll call when he needs him.

day 3 Monday Marcellus calls Vincent, asks him if he can take care of Mia while he leaves town on business on Thursday

day 4 Tuesday Jules calls Vincent, tells him somebody fucked over Marcellus, that they need to go and get the briefcase from one of his former associates and they plan on the phone how to do it. Tells Vincent to meet him at 7:00 am at the bar tomorrow morning

day 5 Wednesday: They meet at the bar (Vincent drives his red Malibu there) then get into Jules car and go to Bret’s apartment. Jules and Vincent collect briefcase from Bret, Marvin gets shot, diner scene, Marcellus tells butch to throw fight

Thursday: Vincent gets drugs, talks about car getting keyed. Vincent Takes out Mia

Friday: Fight Night (“I never thanked you for dinner”)

Saturday: Morning after the fight. Marcellus vs. Butch, Vincent is killed.

[quote=“Knoxville Kingpin”] Edit2: scratch that, it must be Fri and Sat because no pawn shop is open Sunday mornring.[/quote]

Zed says it’s Thursday when Butch and Marcellus are tied up. Which would make the fight on Wednesday night.

Plot Hole Pulp Fiction on a role keep it going. Good Day