O-Ren and Budd- spidey senses?

How exactly did O-Ren hear/know that the Bride was outside the room during the scene where she threw the dart and called for GoGo? All of a sudden everything went silent, so it seemed as if O-Ren had some kind of supersonic hearing or something like that.

And when Budd gets home from work and flicks his lighter, how exactly does he know that the Bride is laying there under his trailer waiting for him? Does he just have some kind of sixth sense that he learned from being an assassin? Or was there some kind of an actual physical clue that tipped him off?

well they were the elite in assasins, so i assume that they have these senses, but not like Spidey’s i assume.

yeah, I didn’t mean literally “Spidey” senses or anything like that. But when Budd first gets home from work and he’s standing outside, he makes a funny face as if he knows something is up. So was there actual physical evidence that led him to believe that Beatrix was under the trailer or was it just a simple guess that she was there?

I don’t think it was quite like that Budd knew Beatrix was under the trailer, but yeh I think as he was a Deadly Viper and probably a Natural Born Killer, he knew when he arrived at his trailer as he was about to light his sig that something ‘felt’ different. Maybe, he saw footprints in the sand where he was looking (I just thought of that now), but yeh I think it is just like his instincts is telling him something ain’t quite right. But I don’t think he was sure at that point. He might have left it at that though I think if it wasn’t for that dog (?) that made a noise which caused Budd to start getting suspicious a la the looking out of the window. He probably then was certain that something was wrong and thus got ready with his handly shotgun.

I think he might have seen her shadow in the light from his lighter

I dont think that Tarantino needed pysical clues because he was trying to portray these characters in certain ways, and he because Budd was warned about Beatrix coming he knew that she would be coming soon and he should be ready

I think its like natural intuition, you know like when you sense someones looking at you, or that something just doesnt feel right…only with them, its like 100 times more perseptive since there bad ass killing machines…incidently I thought Budd was great in that scene, he did what you wanted every bond villian to do for ever, JUST SHOOT THE ‘GOODGUY’, not talk, not have a showdown, not get a tank full of killer shrimp, just blast at em with a gun…brilliant

[quote]I think its like natural intuition, you know like when you sense someones looking at you, or that something just doesnt feel right…only with them, its like 100 times more perseptive since there bad ass killing machines…incidently I thought Budd was great in that scene, he did what you wanted every bond villian to do for ever, JUST SHOOT THE ‘GOODGUY’, not talk, not have a showdown, not get a tank full of killer shrimp, just blast at em with a gun…brilliant[/quote]

I agree with you to an extent, but one might argue that although he does ‘shoot the goodguy’ like the viwers want him to, he doesn’t actually kill her so it really doesn’t fulfil that wish.

Also, when you said that it reminded me of that scene in The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - “If you want to shoot, shoot, don’t talk!” - classic.

Budd and O-ren are deadly vipers so they probably did know… But wouldent Bea? Why was she so reckless in trying to kill Budd? She Just ran in with her sword above her head. Come on she saw budd sitting in his rocking chair right in front of the door. This must have set off something in Bea.'s mind. Just wondering.

i think that since she tracked down budd and found out that he was a bouncer in a crappy club, i think she figured he wouldn’t be nearly as alert as he was in his days as a deadly viper. she knows budd is at the low point of his game so she isn’t as cautious.

Still, I think that Bea should’ve assumed the worst and not get cocky about who’s not up to the game and who is. She did tell Sophie to tell Bill to tell everyone that she’s coming for their necks so how’s it that he’s not as cautious?

I really don’t know about that ‘ninja’ costume she wore near Budd’s trailer but I suppose it’s so that we get to watch her claw out of Paula Schult’s grave, eh.

Still, I think that Bea should’ve assumed the worst and not get cocky about who’s not up to the game and who is. She did tell Sophie to tell Bill to tell everyone that she’s coming for their necks so how’s it that he’s not as cautious?

I really don’t know about that ‘ninja’ costume she wore near Budd’s trailer but I suppose it’s so that we get to watch her claw out of Paula Schult’s grave, eh.

It wasn’t a ninja costume. She was basically wearing the same clothes she wore to Vernita Green’s house, except she had a scarf or whatever over half of her face.

Yeah, but QT had her wear that scarf thing over her face so she would look like a Ninja.

Yeah, but QT had her wear that scarf thing over her face so she would look like a Ninja.

I don’t doubt that she was meant to look like a ninja. I’m just saying she wasn’t really wearing proper ‘ninja’ clothing.

Hence my ‘quote’ marks. :wink: A ninja-wannabe, if you prefer.

It was proper enough.

Hence my ‘quote’ marks. :wink: A ninja-wannabe, if you prefer.

Oh Sorry!!

[quote]How exactly did O-Ren hear/know that the Bride was outside the room during the scene where she threw the dart and called for GoGo?[/quote]
What really bugs me is how did O-ren hear the Bride walk by, but didnt hear her afterwards when she jumped from the ceiling to the ground?

[quote]How exactly did O-Ren hear/know that the Bride was outside the room during the scene where she threw the dart and called for GoGo?[/quote]
What really bugs me is how did O-ren hear the Bride walk by, but didnt hear her afterwards when she jumped from the ceiling to the ground?

Um, I believe the 5’s, 6’s, 7’s, 8’s cued back in with music… I believe. Nevertheless, Budd and O-ren are highly trained assassins and would be very difficult to catch unawares. It is a genre kitsch whose presence does not bug me the least.

i just figured they kinda had a sense that was telling them something was up. so in a way it is “spidey senses”. kinda like when you call in sick to work becuse you have a feeling your going to have the shits all day.

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