New Horror Genre

I’ve heard about it lol- some of the screenshots are great! ;D

And anyway Eli Roth knows how to promote his films, he’s got one of the biggest mouths of any director- in the best possible of way of course lol. When he said Hostel was gonna be the sickest thing we’d ever see on film, as a genre fan he knew full well it wasn’t, but people bought it anyway and went to see it.

In some countries they have more freedom I think, to just make when ever they want. What I will say for Hostel though, was that its impressive that such a relatively hardcore film was SO popular with the mainstream. So kudos for that I guess.

I agree! Hostel was so overrated!

Well you gotta admire the marketing I guess. Only small independent movie studios could create such a buzz. That new Hostel teaser poster? With the boar meat? Can’t see that appearing in a big studio movie poster.

Eli Roth is basically great for showing us lot how to market a film. Just talk lots. Loudly. Incesantly. For ever.

Mad Cowgirl(Havent seen it yet) obviously falls under it.

I just found this movie and ordered a copy. I had never heard of it before. Have any uv you guys seen it yet?


Here is an interview of Gregory Hatanaka - YouTube

Its interresting in that he says he did not go to any film school. He only watched a lot of movies and read alot of books and then went out and made a movie.

Tell me how mad cowgirl is, i’ve been dying to see it.

I’ll stick to the classics, for now. I can’t wait to see Eli Roth’s (Cell), it will be THE goriest and sickest zombie flick you’ll eva see!

To be fair, The last broadcast didn’t go all the way with the idea, I have to imagine there is another movie out there before the Blaire Witch that did…

Besides the Blair Witch is important for reasons beyond that as well. The amount of money it made compared to it’s budget, and it’s use of internet hype.

i horro genre is shet rite now with a few exceptions they dont make them like they use too the 70s and the 80s in my opinion where the gold and silver age of horror with bronze being in the 50s-60s.

Well some my favorite horror movies are from the 70’s/80’s and in my opinion horror will never be as good as it use to be but horror fo today is pretty good.

[quote=“Knoxville Kingpin”]

I just found this movie and ordered a copy. I had never heard of it before. Have any uv you guys seen it yet?

[/quote]Your Signature! What movie is that, I have to go buy it RIGHT NOW!!! Pegg & Frost

live feed looks like a spoof of hostel ahahaaha

Your Signature! What movie is that, I have to go buy it RIGHT NOW!!! Pegg & Frost

Thats from the BBC sitcom Spaced, 1999 and 2001. I just found it myself last weekend and watched both seasons, Its great!

I wouldnt call this a new genre, I mean the splatter and gore genre has been around along time! its nothing new, its just getting popular again, thats all ::slight_smile:

[quote=“Knoxville Kingpin”]
Thats from the BBC sitcom Spaced, 1999 and 2001. I just found it myself last weekend and watched both seasons, Its great!

Haha, are they spoofing Pulp Fiction or am I going crazy?

Splat Pack - Wikipedia

Splat Pack? hmm… Wait renaissance of horror film my ass… screw you time magazine… Hostel and Wolf Creek are one thing but the rest… its not a revival most of these films just dont have what the violent horror films of old had… well in my opinion…


Eli Roth

Alexandre Aja

Neil Marshall

James Wan

Leigh Whannell

Darren Lynn Bousman

Rob Zombie

Greg McLean


Quentin Tarantino

Guillermo del Toro

Tell me how mad cowgirl is, i’ve been dying to see it.

Ive started watching it a few times and so far have not been able to finish it. Its very weird but I will not say any more till I can force my way thru the entire mess, uh movie.

[quote=“Knoxville Kingpin”]
Ive started watching it a few times and so far have not been able to finish it. Its very weird but I will not say any more till I can force my way thru the entire mess, uh movie.

yea in my opinion that how most horror movies today are. (extremely hard to sit through).

I have in part changed my mind. I really dislike this torture film trend. Captivity looks awful, Hostel one was well made but I didn’t like it, so I don’t much care to see Hostel 2, since my first post in this thread, I have gone from thinking it was a neat new trend, to it’s a tired and bored trend, I am ready to move on.

That said, I loved The Descent, and thought Devils Rejects was amazingly well made, and I still think Saw is an inventive and fun film, which like Scream birthed a genre of lackluster films… Of course I hate older torture films as well so mabye it’s just me, I didn’t like the asian horror trend we went through either, if it wasn’t for the resurgance of the zombie film, these last few years of horror would have been far more painful…