Mark Wahlberg

He’s talanted…

  • Actor (hell yeah!!)
  • Singer (doubt it)
  • Model (is he still modeling?)
  • All of these above
  • None of these above (who in the world will vote for it?)

0 voters

Mark is so awesome! :-* He’s such a talanted actor, it’s almost unbelievable that a person with such a dark past can be so sweet in the present. Have you heard him rapping? Listen to it HERE He’s such a great performer in every way.

There’s a great interview with him:

Part 1: - YouTube

Part 2:- YouTube

You can find the last three parts by yourselves, don’t you? :wink:

And tell me what you think about him. :slight_smile:

P.S. Did I mention he is hot? Well, he IS HOT!

yes. We’ve all heard Marky Mark rap. yawn. You’re a stalker…aren’t you?


[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
yes. We’ve all heard Marky Mark rap. yawn. You’re a stalker…aren’t you?
No, I’m not. I wasn’t only talking about his rap, I think his acting is great too.

Meh, what?


You know, Ify, I think Bio was right, you’re not making any sense.

[quote=“Eastern Beauty”]
No, I’m not. I wasn’t only talking about his rap, I think his acting is great too.

Meh, what?

you mean the three lines he had in The Departed? Or the one where he and the gang avenged their mother’s death…yawn.

i don’t like him. but he was good and well placed in Boogie Nights.

didn’t see Shooter yet.

btw, his character in The Departed was ridiculous. he marked the foul mouthed tough guy, but so stupid and over the top that it seemed like a bad comic book written by an unsure teenager.

[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
Or the one where he and the gang avenged their mother’s death…yawn.
Never seen this movie and don’t ever want to. Have you seen Fear? I know you did! Now, that’s what I call the movie! :smiley:

i don’t like him. but he was good and well placed in Boogie Nights.

didn’t see Shooter yet.

btw, his character in The Departed was ridiculous. he marked the foul mouthed tough guy, but so stupid and over the top that it seemed like a bad comic book written by an unsure teenager.

Yeah, we all know you don’t like The Departed. But considering the character was written by an Irish Boston native, I’d say he knows a little more about people from Boston than an Austrian.

[quote=“Eastern Beauty”]
You know, Ify, I think Bio was right, you’re not making any sense.

Whatever Trevor.

i don’t like him. but he was good and well placed in Boogie Nights.

didn’t see Shooter yet.

btw, his character in The Departed was ridiculous. he marked the foul mouthed tough guy, but so stupid and over the top that it seemed like a bad comic book written by an unsure teenager.
a bad comic book written by an unsure teenager…is there any other kind?

Hahaha! Come on! Swing it!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I only liked him in Boogie Nights :slight_smile:

I liked him in the basketball diaries, with, yes di caprio…

Guilty pleasure

I think hes a good actor. Hes been in some cool films.


Hatori is posting about how he hated the retarded :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, we all know you don’t like The Departed. But considering the character was written by an Irish Boston native, I’d say he knows a little more about people from Boston than an Austrian.

so was he ever in the FBI, NSA or something? because i doubt that’s what high ranked officials talk like.

whatever, Marky Mark should only get minor roles imo, no leading roles.

I think he was great in The Departed. How the hell can anyone say he wasnt good in that? He is from Boston, he was a thug and was arrested many times himself. He would know more than anyone how the Boston cops act!!

so was he ever in the FBI, NSA or something? because i doubt that’s what high ranked officials talk like.

whatever, Marky Mark should only get minor roles imo, no leading roles.

He’s not a “high ranked official”. That’s the point that you are missing. He’s still just a cop. I may not be from Boston, but here in Australia, the working class talk a certain way and they swear like motherfuckers. I know people like that. People who talk like Mark Wahlberg does in that film. I’m just taking a wild stab in the dark here and saying that I don’t think it would be much different in Boston.