Kill bill vol. 2 test screening

Can you describe to me Elle Driver’s backstory?

there is none

So what did she do that was evil?


I watched Kill Bill, in the hospital scene where she tries to murder the bride and assumed that she was a bitch, then I read Harry’s review describing her as horrible, something about Bill’s evil qualities rolled up into one…or something? Did I miss somethin, or is she really is a cold-hearted bitch?I’m sorry, my english is poor.

I’m sick of people knocking aintitcool just because Harry Knowles is a doochebag. Sure Harry is a fuckin idiot who writes like a 12 year old on crack, but that site is great and has lots of info on upcoming movies. And I lost all respect for Harry after I read his review of Matrix Revolutions, where he compared Neo to Bin Laden hiding out from the U.S. Government. :stuck_out_tongue:

And thanks for that article Joe Banana, you made my day. :slight_smile:

Did someone ask Quentin or Harvey when the next trailer will come out? We’re due for one any day now.

That is funny about the anime sequence not being in there. I could’ve sworn that the production company responsible for Volume I’s anime sequence say that there will be another one in Volume II. So maybe it still has a chance of showing up.

So is there any scene at all with Bill kicking ass?

[quote]Yes there is a Sergio Leone stair down, yes there is good western music.[/quote]

Can you discribe this scene a bit longer, please?

And first, thank you, fella!


  • Was there any Ennio Morricone music?

And another question to austinmiller:

So, everybody’s calling Kill Bill: Vol. 1 Quentin Tarantino’s Martial Arts epic. Can we call Vol. 2 than Q.T.'s Spaghetti-Western epic? Cause I really love the old Spaghetti-Westerns by Sergio Leone and I hope Vol. 2 is going to be such a movie.

nah vol 2 was still martial arts… but it was the meditative side of martial arts.

i dont know if ennio morricone did any of hte music becuase the credits were weird. but there was morricone-esque music definately…

i will not describe the stairdown scene… im not going to ruin the movie for you guys… theres a stairdown scene, the end. i mean think about, are there any other circumstances other than 2 people fighting, then having a stairdown? its very coool.

So, did you like it better than volume 1?

I know this maybe like Sophie’s Choice, but please answer it if you can

[quote]So, did you like it better than volume 1?

I know this maybe like Sophie’s Choice, but please answer it if you can[/quote]

Yeah, please answer that austinmiller, that’s quite interesting.

Here’s another question from me: You’ve seen now Volume 1 and Volume 2. Both are great, am I wrong? So, could you ever imagine looking both Volumes as one three-our-movie, or would that be not so good like watching two seperate movies?

Is the violence in vol 2 on par with vol 1, or is it tamed down?

and Who is Bill’s bodyguard?

i liked vol. 2 better than vol. 1

vol. 2 is violent, but its not as over the top as vol. 1. the bride simply doenst get put into a second crazy 88 scrape.

i wanted it to be an epic movie even before i saw the first one, and i still wish it was one epic movie after ive seen both of them.

for all of you asking me soundtrack questions, my friend reminded me that the soundtrack used was temprorary, so you can expect changes.

if i told you who bills bodyguard was it would ruin everything

Thank you for alle those informations, austin! You´re the man, man!

So you want Kill Bill still to be one epic, and not two seperate films, right? But criticers like Harry Knowles from aintitcoolnews are happy that these are two movies, because the first was Quentin´s big action odyssey and the second is his more emotional, dialoge film with not so much blood. And did you hear anything about a DVD release with both volumes as one?

Hey austin, another thing. Does Sonny Chiba show up in any way in the second volume? He’s listed in the credited cast on imdb, but I doubt they’re accurate.

I think so, in the script she returns to Okinawa after killing O Ren.

[quote]I think so, in the script she returns to Okinawa after killing O Ren.[/quote]
And also phones him later on

I totally forgot those parts in the script, but it would be cool to see him again. :slight_smile:

alas no

yes im excited about a dvd with the whole movie on it.