Kill bill trilogy

So now Kill Bill volume 1 gonna start as ‘’ Quentin Tarantino’s 4rth film’’ and Kill Bill volume 2 gonna start as ‘‘Quentin Tarantino’s 5th film’’ :smiley: That’s lame anyway the whole shit with the 2 movies it’s lame, but I’m still gonna see it at least 3 times each movie…


but he’s got the biggest hard-on for QT outta anyone on this board. ÂÂ


Wha??? I thought he only had a hard on for me! :-*


Wha??? I thought he only had a hard on for me!  :-*

awwwwwwwww! SNAP!

Hey, what can I say, QT is a cool dude. Theres only one QT out there. I just think the fans should support what he does. People are so quick to turn on someone when things dont go exactly the way they want them to.

You buncha bitches!! lol.

Ramona, love ya baby :wink:

Whoever complains about paying double the price is an idiot. That’s fuckin’ lame. It’s been 6 years since QT released a movie, anyone who is now calling him a sell-out doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about. I paid shitload of bucks during these 6 years to watch movies; so payin’ another $5 to see a QT movie after 6 years is not goin to be a fuckin problem, especially if you’re a QT fan. People never complain about the Matrix Reloaded; which probably had the most over-streched plot in recent movie history. They don’t complain about the shitload of shitty sequels that come out every year. But if it’s QT, it seems to be a different story. Some people should stop bitchin’ uselessly once in a while.

Who knows? Maybe it would have turned to shit if too much was cut. Nearly 5 hours long? Damn…

[quote]Who knows? Maybe it would have turned to shit if too much was cut. Nearly 5 hours long? Damn…[/quote]
Except Quentin has now said that a single movie wasn’t going to be that long, only 3 hours. This would have been very acceptable considering it is an epic story. Now it is two 94 minute films.

[quote]Whoever complains about paying double the price is an idiot. That’s fuckin’ lame. It’s been 6 years since QT released a movie, anyone who is now calling him a sell-out doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about. I paid shitload of bucks during these 6 years to watch movies; so payin’ another $5 to see a QT movie after 6 years is not goin to be a fuckin problem, especially if you’re a QT fan. People never complain about the Matrix Reloaded; which probably had the most over-streched plot in recent movie history. They don’t complain about the shitload of shitty sequels that come out every year. But if it’s QT, it seems to be a different story. Some people should stop bitchin’ uselessly once in a while.[/quote]

 I don't usually attend the theater to watch shitty sequels and the Matrix is quite possibly the worst movie franchise in recent memory, so don't gimme that "It's okay just as long as it's not QT shit."  I'm excited about the movie.  I'm excited for another QT film.  But this is all a fuckin' publicity stunt, and quite frankly, QT is a publicity whore.  I'm not sayin' that's good or certainly gets your name out there, but don't expect people not to bitch "uselessly", because there's plenty of us out here who love QT, but who don't agree with his decision to release K.B. as a series.  Plain and fuckin' simple.  You wanna swing from his nuts and take everything he does in stride?  Go right on ahead.  Just don't expect the same from everybody...</r>

I’m not saying you should accept everything QT does. I myself would have preferred one long movie than two short ones. But if you’re gonna make a crticism, make it constructive. Don’t just go bitchin’ about the price of the tickets and stupid shit like that. If you’re so fuckin’ greedy, don’t go see it. Simple as that. No one gives a shit anyway whether you do or not.

[quote]I’m not saying you should accept everything QT does. I myself would have preferred one long movie than two short ones. But if you’re gonna make a crticism, make it constructive. Don’t just go bitchin’ about the price of the tickets and stupid shit like that. If you’re so fuckin’ greedy, don’t go see it. Simple as that. No one gives a shit anyway whether you do or not.[/quote]My greed is more important to me than other people’s greed. I’ll still help this greedy little scheme though.