Kill Bill on TNT (Edited for Content) Sept 15/16/17

I was watching it and messing around with trying to line up the TV version to the real version on my laptop and I noticed that they had the movie going at a slighty faster speed. I’d have the DVD off by half a second and in a few minutes it was off by several seconds.


The only thing that was good about it was that it was in HD.

…I hate fullscreen…

How do they do the redub, voice-edit thing? are the real actors used? I mean you’d know if Uma Thruman said something and then some other lady says a word that is not in the original, right?

yeah, i want to know that too!

real actor’s voices? if yes, how must uma & co. have laughed their asses off donig this. ;D

Yeah I keep seeing the kill bill commericals while Im watching Law & Order cant wait. Also the edited for TV Version is gonna be awesome.

“My Name Is Buck And I Came here To Have Fun”

"Thought that was pretty FREAKING funny didn’t you? Word of advice, BUTTHEAD! Dont ever wake up"

Cant wait

I watched them, and then Pulp Fiction was on AMC. Hilarious.

I’m Buck and I am here to have fun. ;D

Yeah Its funny they can show scarface and pulp fiction but I’ve never seen them show The Texas Chainsaw Massacre not even once.

Kill Bill comes on TBS tomorrow :slight_smile: recommend If you like Kill bill

Edit:No it comes on tonight ;D

Looking forward to hearing this line:


haha! :slight_smile:

I still like the Buck line…

Another thing I noticed was that they took out the sound of the head dropping from Ishii’s hand and hitting the table in the conference scene.

Picky, picky, picky…

Another thing I thought was funny as hell was when O-Ren says : Any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say NOWS THE FUCKIN TIME!! They actually CGI’d her mouth so it wouldnt look like she said FUCKIN. Her face/mouth look like a weird deflated soccer ball for a second! LOL!

Another thing I thought was funny as hell was when O-Ren says : Any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say NOWS THE FUCKIN TIME!! They actually CGI’d her mouth so it wouldnt look like she said FUCKIN. Her face/mouth look like a weird deflated soccer ball for a second! LOL!
yea that was funny as hell

and they cgi’d her forehead to look bigger so you coulndt see when beautrix cut her head-top off

Why do all the foreign people in here take shit like editing for TV so seriously? Its like we’re so repressed because theres a few swears and gore shots not in the films. Maybe people with kids who are up at 8 PM dont want their kids saying FUCK, SHIT, PUSSY all night long. But really, Who gives a damn? Sheesh.

Cause we can have the stereotype of strong censorship against the liberty of creation, of art. If the director made his film so, TV or distributors mustn’t recut the movie, edit again, that’s just against art liberty. I think you understand the real meaning behind all this, but you’re used to that, but as a movie geek you wouldn’t be that much happy as a director to see your movie changed, am I right ?

Btw, if people don’t want their kids to watch such things on TV, no need to censored, don’t allow them to watch this program, change the channel, or channel directors could be wiser and show the movie later :wink:

Im not for censorship, I mean this isnt about restricting people from seeing the movie at all. To me, its so awesome that Kill Bill is being shown back to back on primetime mainstream TV in the first place. Thats why I can take a few little edits taken out from the film. I’m just being realistic about it.

Yep, that’s cool for Kill Bill, but do you really think people won’t watch it if it was the second part of the night program ? I mean, we’re talking about Kill Bill, blood IS Kill Bill, curses ARE Tarantino. People know that, and they know what they expect watching the movie, so I don’t imagine a single person yelling cause it’s not a correct movie.

I think especially for Tarantino, you can’t cut things, and he’s famous enough not to need any standard editing for content. The movie could have been on primetime mainstream TV, nope ? (I don’t live in the USA, you know that better than me, but it sounds logical)

I guess if people really need to hear the swearing and see more blood they can rent the DVDs. Sometimes I get kinda mad when they cut tons of stuff out, but usually I just watch the edited movies and enjoy them.

I’ve never watched any edited movies, that’s why I’m teasing you. But don’t worry, I think I understand the US logic, it’s more about getting audience, and in Europe we’re more cautious about art (ahah and maybe we lose audience then). But that’s two different point of view, I guess I react like this since I’m european, and also cause if I were a director, I wouldn’t ever tolerated my movie to be recut to get more audience whatever.

I love watching edited movies,you havent lived to you watched scarface edited.

“This town is like a great big chicken waiting to be plucked” - Scarface TV Edit

See? THATS FUNNY! :slight_smile:

“How you get that scar eating a pineapple?”