Kb fan art

Please post every stuff you made about KB by your own in this topic. And stuff you find in the net,  made by other people (with link please).

would be nice, if you tell us a little bit about the things you made…


Blaze Alpha:

Here are 4 amazing collages from Kill Bill Vol.1 and 2 and some pics of Uma having fun on a beach in Saint-Barthelemy. The link should work now. If you want to get the full screen size version of the photos first click on the photo then click where it says Get Original Uploaded Photo.


SON #1:


<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.coroflot.com/individual/prev … asp?y=n&pr”>Coroflot — Design Jobs & Portfolios</LINK_TEXT> eview=true&order_no=2&t=JEnljgMjDWP2ner9wRR4


<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.coroflot.com/public/portfoli … 29921&incr”>http://www.coroflot.com/public/portfolio_file.asp?user_id=29921&incr</LINK_TEXT> ement=false&order_no=2&t=


oh. my. god. That is the sweetest poster I have ever fucking seen in my entire life. How do I buy it!!!


That poster reminds me of those of the Dollars trilogy!!

The Hellhound:

thats cool, less busy

Grindhouse Ezekiel:

This two posters are AWESOME, absolutely awesome! Totaly Spaghetti Western style, damn cool!


whats up with all the “kill is love” shit? thats pretty damn gay and makes no fucking sense.

Ms Blonde:

Obviously it’s just what this guy calls all of his Kill Bill crap as if it were his label.


No, for some time the jap Kill Bill fan site came up with this “Kill is love” shit. Many people on diffrerent boards talked about it.

Alltough it is crap to say “Kill is love”, I have to admit, that they made some nice posters about it. And they created this sign / label (don´t know the right word) which are now used for the posters, linked here.

Well prolly the guy who made this posters here was on the jap site and found the sign/label, and maybe he didn´t know that it was nothing official…

Well sure, to say this “Kill is love” shit is gay, but the posters this guy here are made are really, really good!

I dig them. Maybe he make some more and post them.

warrior mind posted:

New Here, so I decided to make a wallpaper to kick things off.

I always thought that the guy in the white suit from the anime in vol 1 was bill, so i drew up my own version of young Bill and made this wall paper.

Now my question: Is there any concensus of the identity of this white suited enigma?

Any feedback on the wallpaper would be much appreciated

and the larger version


From our wonderful MissMacBeth:

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Nice posters!! really like the reservoir dogs one!! 8)

From Mr Naranja:

<LINK_TEXT text=“http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v42 … wall04.jpg”>http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v42/blahmeh/wall04.jpg</LINK_TEXT>

From zivla.



i just saw yours with the young Bill, CPS, and your drawing kicks ass, nice job.

and i always thought that the guy in white was Bill too :-/

This are NOT my work - hehehehe - the admin told me to find the fan art from this board and put it in one topic.

So I read every fucking topic here to find them…

Cipher Born found this pic on a japanese site:

ahh, i see. that was “warrior mind” not you. oops.

haha. sorry.  :-[

so it was a misdirected compliment. nice drawing, Warrior Mind.

But believe me I would be more than happy to be able to make such fine work.

We have so much talented people on this board.

I really hope that some other guys of this board will post here some work they did. tha would be great!

Posted by Rock man


Hello kiddoz 8)

'Just to let you know I (at last) updated a little my small fansite with new wallpapers…


Wazaaap peeps! I’ve seen so many friggn kick ass Kill Bill fan posters that I was inspired to make a few of my own. I don’t usually do this kinda shite but I stumbled across a program my bro uses for his graphic design classes and I thought I’d try to make a Kill Bill poster. The first few I did we’re ridiculously retarded cuz I had no idea wat da fuck I was doing. Then my cuzin showd me how to make sweet ass pictures using special…things and shit like that. I don’t know what the fuck they are but it’s pretty cool. Anyway, I don’t know if there’s already a topic about fan posters and if there is please don’t kick my ass, I’m just a lazy bastard. So POST YOUR Kill Bill posters here!!! I love that shit.


HOLY SHiT man 8)I like ur style: looks like pro stuffs!!!

I drew a cool drawing of the bride! Im just really computer illiterate so i havent Figured out how to post it yet! one day I will learn how! She’g got the yellow outfit on and she’s carrying some “hanzo steel” In a japanese style building! Thats the best I can do at this moment in time! A vague discription :-</E>

I don’t know how to draw and I computer illiterate but it must cool a drawing of the bride! I like cartoons

I only draw cartoons! Manga style! Thats all I did when I was at school! And watched movies! The teachers hated me!

I like Manga style. The teachers shouldn’t have hate you, time is never loosed when watching movies.

You guys are so cute together