It was fun while it lasted

I haven’t see you even post in any movie-releated topics since I’ve been here, not to mention Inglorious Bastards. Think it’s the case for a lot of others too.

See, this is what I’m talking about. Everyone right now has this confrontational attitude. This is my opinion. I’ve been coming here on and off since I was about 17, and right now it just seems like one fight after the other. I stay away from the Inglorious Bastards stuff because A) I don’t really enjoy speculating about movies, I’d rather just wait until it comes out and then discuss it, and B) I’m extremely busy right now. Most of the other movie related topics that I used to post in died along time ago. BUT, just like 2 days ago I posted in a Akira Kurosawa topic, because it was one of the rare movie topics around that caught my eye, but I really don’t feel like explaining myself to you.

Anyways, coming on here is a treat for me because I’m so busy, but now everyone’s just fighting and calling each other names. I think everyone needs to take a step back and breathe. It’s just a forum. It’s an awesome forum but it’s kind of being ruined by this kind of banter. I don’t think everyone arguing is being childish about it, I think some people are just saying whats on their minds and doing a good job of it, but the whole vibe is just bad.

Hey this is like the QTAs civil war. I’m with Sebby Bear and Pete. Down with the Union!

1. Seb, this is your fourm and you have to do what you think is best.

2. Pete, your attitude will get you nowhere in life. Who am I to judge? I am somewhere in life. You and I are the same age and yet you are just a lonely guy who bullies people on the internet. In all sincerity, I hope that you work out your little problem and become someone that people are capable of loving. There is more to life than film.

3. QTA Members - don’t want to leave anyone out, but Cyber-Lili, Scarface, Geoi, Plunderbunnie, Dex, Seth, Bleach(wherever you are) - I came to this forum not because of the Film talk, but because of the great conversations. WE all have one common thread - that we love Quentin Tarantino’s work - and that is enough to mold great friendships.


I was just starting to like you, you bastard, and now you’re leaving?

This all makes me sad.

Kilgore: Its really too bad you were such an asshole on a consistent basis since you joined this forum. You pretty much put yourself where you are. You started this whole battle, not me. You had an agenda when you came in here which was to cause problems. You were the instigator of this whole thing from the beginning. You were an annoying, irritating loser to me pretty much everytime I bothered replying to your dumb posts. So I’m glad youre leaving. I’m not going to lie and say I’m sorry about thinking youre a jerk. I’m not. I honestly dont want to be friends with you. And I simply dont care if other people like you. Thats not going to change my own feelings.

I’m usually a happy person, but when Im in here and you started your BS, it def brought out the worst in me. And you continued to use that to just ruin any chances of me getting to like you. You started out as an enemy and you leave as one. If people are cool to me, I’m cool to them. Ive always been that way.

Stop dragging this out and just leave already. If your buddies in here love you so much, maybe they should go with you. Wouldnt bother me whatsoever.

. If your buddies in here love you so much, maybe they should go with you. Wouldnt bother me whatsoever.

then it could just be you and Seb. Seb could censor anything that you say that doesn’t go along with the regime. hahaha.

on another note. What do you call an asshole with a potato on his dick? A dicktator!

You lose dude. But you were leaving anyways. Your politics section was a bust.

Now scoot along with your lame ass jokes.

If your buddies in here love you so much, maybe they should go with you. Wouldnt bother me whatsoever.

Dude, why do you always see everything in black and white? It’s like you get personally offended because someone like me admits to liking Kilgore. It’s like, “you either like what i like and hate what i hate, or else you’ll finish in my black book”. That sentence you wrote was almost like a very subtle “fuck off” to everyone who does not agree with you on this matter. If I had it my way I would love to have the both of you on this forum, without all this bullshit and all the insults. But alas, that won’t happen anytime soon it seems.

Scar: I think youre a good guy, but people like Kilgore really piss me off and bring out the worst in me. I cant make it any more clear than that. I just want to talk about things Im interested in with people like me. Kilgore isnt one of em.

I’m not going to argue with anyone here, but I will say this, of course things are looking kinda dry in the forums, there isn’t a lot of Basterds news, so there isn’t much to discuss, whereby most people post in the off-topic sections. This will all change as we get closer to the release date of course, so I really don’t know why people are leaving. Personally, I have just posted less as there has been less to discuss on what I want. Once more news comes in, I’ll get chatting again. Its as simple as that, and its what most people do when there is less to chat about, not leave.

Theres always lulls in traffic in forums. Im sure the place will be kicking again once more news comes in and dont forget, we still have the new film to see and discuss etc. Theres plenty of things we can talk about besides politics.

I got what the doctor prescribed here my friends.

WARNING: If your heart melts like butter, see a doctor immidiately. :cry:

I haven’t see you even post in any movie-releated topics since I’ve been here, not to mention Inglorious Bastards. Think it’s the case for a lot of others too.

Not everyone likes to talk about the details of a film before they see it… like for example reading the script… as for other film topics they rarely become popular unless they are controversial or go way off topic…

You lose dude. But you were leaving anyways. Your politics section was a bust.

Now scoot along with your lame ass jokes.

It wasn’t his section..

and the only stuff that constantly keeps showing up in the “latest posts” section, are topics like “hands up if you’re irish”, i mean to an outsider, how does that look like?


In that particular case it looks REALLY funny…


Fo shizzle, dawg…


Im sorry but i dont understand your fucked up language ;D


I’m sorry. I’m just terribly emotional right now. I just can’t believe he’s really gone. :[

I miss him too. :frowning: Whenever KT was around, things got more exciting. I didn’t even agree with him on, well, anything… cept for thinking pete is sort of like Tom Hanks in Big. You know, a 12 year-old stuck in a man’s body. Haha.

shut up, texan :wink:

btw i’m doing a presentation on austin,tx in two weeks, i’m thinking of posting a picture of you as a bad example :wink: j/k

Seb why dont you just lock this topic? Talk about a topic we DONT need. Lets move on.

shut up, texan :wink:

btw i’m doing a presentation on austin,tx in two weeks, i’m thinking of posting a picture of you as a bad example :wink: j/k

Ok. I live a couple of hours away from Austin, but whatever you wanna do. Don’t post any of those naked pics I sent you. :wink:

Look out! Flabalanche!!

Seb why dont you just lock this topic? Talk about a topic we DONT need. Lets move on.

I thought you wanted to move on?