Introducing: The Deuce

Pete: Damn, too late. Well, for anyone who hasn’t read it, here it is. It doesn’t have to be used for the site. I thought about that… I thought… lemme just post the link… but I had it on my hard drive already, and I thought what’s easier? Look for the link and find that it’s been taken down already? Now maybe it hasn’t, but… I had it right here.

I like variety, so I’ve enjoyed and have studied everything I can get my hands on.

If Quentin and I had had that Brian De Palma trivia contest, I think there may have at least been a draw. He mentioned a De Palma book to me and I think I found it, but I forgot the title he said so for all I know it could be a different book, but it’s a great book nonetheless. Out of print. (God, I hope to fuck no one thinks I’m bragging, because no matter what, no person is better than anyone else because of who they meet. No one. Anyone who acts that way is an asshole. I don’t wanna be that asshole.)

Joe Carnahan has this to say when GRINDHOUSE flopped. This was on /film:

Joe Carnahan says We All Pay the Price When Grindhouse Fails

Posted on Tuesday, April 10th, 2007 at 9:43 am by: Peter Sciretta

I always search for honest comments from people I respect within the industry. Grindhouse’s failure has resulted in a few of my favorite filmmakers to speak out. First was Kevin Smith, who was outraged. Now comes Smokin’ Aces director Joe Carnahan, who writes the following in his blog:

What is wrong with American moviegoers? Is there nothing NEW that they’re willing to embrace? Jesus, it’s the worst kind of erosion. We’re making dumber and dumber films and they’re becoming cash cows. God Bless ‘300′, at least it’s got balls and the director WENT for it. THAT movie is good for the business, it’s good for everybody. But some of these other flicks don’t even TRY because they know in the end, EXACTLY the age range and demographic driving ticket prices these days. Those monstrosities (the names of which I won’t mention) are pure pieces of commerce, marketed to perfection.

I hope ‘Grindhouse’ recovers. It’s an audacious idea that I wish would’ve been given a bigger break. Maybe as they separate the two films, they’ll pry some sunshine out of the situation and the Weinstein’s will save the day. It bums me the f*ck out though when something like that, a really cool idea that looks like a great time at the movies, made by real talent– can’t push past.

It’s just dead wrong kids…and we ALL pay the price when those don’t work.

Quentin sure has a big fuckin movie brain.

Pete: Damn, too late. Well, for anyone who hasn’t read it, here it is. It doesn’t have to be used for the site. I thought about that… I thought… lemme just post the link… but I had it on my hard drive already, and I thought what’s easier? Look for the link and find that it’s been taken down already? Now maybe it hasn’t, but… I had it right here.

I like variety, so I’ve enjoyed and have studied everything I can get my hands on.

If Quentin and I had had that Brian De Palma trivia contest, I think there may have at least been a draw. He mentioned a De Palma book to me and I think I found it, but I forgot the title he said so for all I know it could be a different book, but it’s a great book nonetheless. Out of print. (God, I hope to fuck no one thinks I’m bragging, because no matter what, no person is better than anyone else because of who they meet. No one. Anyone who acts that way is an asshole. I don’t wanna be that asshole.)

Joe Carnahan has this to say when GRINDHOUSE flopped. This was on /film:

Joe Carnahan says We All Pay the Price When Grindhouse Fails

Posted on Tuesday, April 10th, 2007 at 9:43 am by: Peter Sciretta

I always search for honest comments from people I respect within the industry. Grindhouse’s failure has resulted in a few of my favorite filmmakers to speak out. First was Kevin Smith, who was outraged. Now comes Smokin’ Aces director Joe Carnahan, who writes the following in his blog:

What is wrong with American moviegoers? Is there nothing NEW that they’re willing to embrace? Jesus, it’s the worst kind of erosion. We’re making dumber and dumber films and they’re becoming cash cows. God Bless ‘300′, at least it’s got balls and the director WENT for it. THAT movie is good for the business, it’s good for everybody. But some of these other flicks don’t even TRY because they know in the end, EXACTLY the age range and demographic driving ticket prices these days. Those monstrosities (the names of which I won’t mention) are pure pieces of commerce, marketed to perfection.

I hope ‘Grindhouse’ recovers. It’s an audacious idea that I wish would’ve been given a bigger break. Maybe as they separate the two films, they’ll pry some sunshine out of the situation and the Weinstein’s will save the day. It bums me the f*ck out though when something like that, a really cool idea that looks like a great time at the movies, made by real talent– can’t push past.

It’s just dead wrong kids…and we ALL pay the price when those don’t work.[/quote]

When did you talk to QT? Thats awesome you got to chat with him. Im a huge DePalma fan myself. So when it comes to his films, Im right there with QTs views. I own The DePalma Cut which is an okay book. I dont read alot of books though. I watch the movies mostly. I find that alot of books I read about movies dont do it for me. I like to hear from the directors themselves or just watch the films.

Carnahan said that? Well, thats cool. Maybe Im wrong about him then. He gets props from me for doing that. I cant say Im a big fan of his movies, but its great that he stuck up for Grindhouse.

If you saw that episode of the Jimmy Kimmel Show where they had a trivia contest called WHO KNOWS TARANTINO?, the guy Quentin was up against was me.

That was you?!! I saw that!! That was awesome!! Oh man, great work! Im actually pretty good at movie trivia myself. I love it.

Really!? COOL! Can you post it here? or PM me?

They sent it to me on tape. TAPE! Can you believe that? It’s the fuckin’ dvd revolution and they send me tape! I’ve been scouring youtube to see if someone had dropped it on there and never did. Bobcat Goldthwait directed that episode, can you believe it? When I met him I had no idea he would be there and he was so unlike his schtick I almost didn’t know it was him.

When they cut to commercial Quentin leaned over to me and he’s like, "You know, you may have won this shit, and everything may be cool and wonderful, but you know if this contest was on DePalma I’d fuckin’ whip your ass, right?"

So I thought about it a second and say, "Yeah… but it’d be close."

He died laughing. “It would be CLOSE. Dude, you are fuckin’ awesome!”

Thats too cool man. QT is our hero around here. As if you didnt know that already haha.

You don’t say!

Those bastards def need to update to DVD. VHS? Talk about cheap!!

That’s mad cool man, someone needs to get this vid on youtube

Well they’ve been saying Kimmel’s show is two seconds away from cancellation all the time. But how fuckin’ cheap is a dvd-r? I dunno why they did it. I’ll see if I can upload it to youtube sometime and let you guys know.

Def man! Id love to see it again.

I had only 45 minutes of sleep before the taping. Oh, it was crazy.

And I’m 5’5". Did you see how short I look next to Quentin? It looks like Frodo was standing next to Gandalf!

Anyway I have to get ready to work. Back on topic, everyone!

It mustve been felt surreal to be on TV and go up against QT in trivia. haha.

Dude, it was INSANE!

I took it as much in stride as I could.

I mean, I’ve met famous people before. I know how they wanna be treated and how not to treat em. They’re just like anyone else, even though their job makes them appear bigger than life. But this was Quentin… I know, I know. He couldn’t have been a nicer guy, seriously.

Cheers Mike! Thanks for joining the site!

Thanks Pete.

And I guess while I’m at it I should thank Seb too. This is a cool place.

1. Most exploiters are only avaliable for DVD. Not everybody has a library of rare movies like QT. So Pete, I could add info on available DVDs in the german speaking area, if that’s any good to your site?

2. How do you feel about the 80’s action movie, the Cannon era, the Charles Bronson (10 to Midnight was mentioned) or Chuck Norris exploiters? i can offer some reviews or maybe mini-reviews here as well


  1. Most exploiters are only avaliable for DVD. Not everybody has a library of rare movies like QT. So Pete, I could add info on available DVDs in the german speaking area, if that’s any good to your site?[/quote]

Anything on DVD is great. You dont have to include the DVD specs. All reviews should be in English since this is a US based site.


2. How do you feel about the 80’s action movie, the Cannon era, the Charles Bronson (10 to Midnight was mentioned) or Chuck Norris exploiters? i can offer some reviews or maybe mini-reviews here as well[/quote]

Well Id like there to be a certain cut off to the time period we’re covering I dont want to go past when the actual city Grindhouses stopped operating. So at the latest Id say films from 1984-85. Anything after that we shouldnt put in there.

Once it opens you’ll be able to see what we’re going for. Its really about the golden age of Grindhouse cinema which was the 70s, but Id def like to add films from the 60s and the early to mid 80s too.