I just wanted to let you guys know that Ive been working on setting up a new site about Grindhouse cinema called The Deuce (thanks to our own Seb for the space). What I want to do is make it as informative and as expansive as possible. Id like it to be a really good multimedia database that covers all kinds of Exploitation Cinema (mainly 60s-80s). If anyone is interested in helping out with it, it would be really cool. So far Ive been adding my own reviews, YouTube trailer clips, poster art and links to books and dvds. Im not looking for award winning reviews from people, just little overviews and info about as many Grindhouse films we can put in there.
I hope some of you Grindhouse fans will help out when it opens cuz Ill def need some. I cant cover every single thing out there. Thanks!
NOTE: If you have any news on Grindhouse-Exploitation DVDs, movie fests, trailers, posters, books, anything, if you could post it in this topic, then I can repost it on the site.
Cool Max. What Im looking for right now is mostly movie reviews. The poster thing Im doing myself because I know which ones I want. This isnt really going to be fan art stuff, but actual Exploitation poster art.
This is going to be more of a film database than a regular movie review site. Its not going to be based on the latest DVDs. Its going to be about that cinema period. If you see a movie on DVD, you dont have to cover the audio/visual aspect of the DVD. Just what the films about, how you liked it or not.
Im also putting together a pretty large director database featuring all the guys from the Grindhouse era. Heres the list so far (which needs to be filled with overviews:
The main goal of The Deuce is to fill it with as much info about that period as humanly possible. Every genre/subgenre, every director, poster there was.
I’ll concentrate on Lucio Fulci and Russ Meyer for awhile, and rewatch the exploitation films I own like I Spit, Thriller, Coffy, Switchblade Sister and maybe some horror stuff.
So far I have reviews of all those films already. I cant really tell ya which ones we need reviews of until the thing opens. Then you can choose whichever ones you want to review. You can also add ones that arent there. Like the new Welcome to The Grindhouse DVD sets, those films can go in there. The directors you can write stuff about. Theres plenty of those we need.
Any Grindhouse film you watch on DVD and like enough to write about is great.
I own one Welcome to the grindhouse dvd. The Black candles and Evil Eye one. Check the thread Grindhouse movie post if you wanna steal it. The review that is.
OK. So far I have the first 2 DVDs (Black Candles/Evil Eye) (The Teacher/Pick Up). I havent reviewed any of the films yet though. Too busy putting stuff together right now.
Its funny because Ive done about 7 diff Grindhouse websites over the years and none of them really lasted. This thing is going to be a long term site. Its basically the Exploitation film leg of the QT Archives and the Spaghetti Western database. So it will be the best thing Ive worked on. This has the potential to be a monster website. We could cover almost every single exploitation film ever made in the 60s to the 80s. Plus I’m going to be adding streaming exploitation movie music/radio spots, trailers you can watch with every review. Its gonna be fun.
I even added a Refreshment Stand area with cool recipes for food and drinks you can have when you watch the movies at home. If anyone has favorite recipes for drinks/snacks you can add that stuff in there too.
The site should be opening pretty soon. I cant give you an exact date because I need to talk to Seb and finish getting it ready. Id say early September it should be ready to go.
JJp: Sure! Whatever you want to do. You should wait til the thing opens though. Then you can look through it and see what we dont have. Ive actually got a pretty good base of trailers and reviews up but we’ll def need tons more. Its mostly the rare titles we need. But this thing is for every last exploitation film youve seen. Good or bad.