How to get started with filming

i use tungsten lights for my photography, but after 10 minutes or so they get far to hot and my model starts sweating, depending on how much you are willing to spend they are probably your best choices

I don’t know anything about movie lighting - but I would assume they use something other than tungsten because of the immense heat and white-balance issues. I read this book about 1930’s-1950’s Hollywood portraits and it said that they used Kleig lamps. According to the book, the lamps required a huge studio because they were about 3 feet in diameter - that’s fuckin’ huge. They were immensely hot as well. The reason that those old Hollywood portraits have those cool shadows is because they were lit with the same lights that they made the movies with - and were about fifty feet away from the subject - obviously not very practical or even possible today. Here is a cool shot like the ones I’m talking about:

notice the profound shadows and contrast - there aren’t any photographers like that anymore.

i just shot lots of scene in this new movie im filming with tungsten lights today i kept about 3 fans on the lights and they dident heat up two bad but i had to shut them off after every take and it all worked well i will have the movie posted on here when it is finished by the end of this weekend on the movie making section.

cool should be good! whats it about?

i shot entirely with the entire cast being played me be and the entire crew me and me editing it also…its about a man who wakes up from nearly being drowned in a gritty sink down an old dilapadated and walks outside only to see himself standing there with a shotgun i cant really tell you much more or it will give to much away but its in the style of a 50s/60s horror tv show.