God, when I think about it, I’ve seen a shit load of movies. It’s becoming harder and harder for me to go into a video store and pick a movie that I haven’t seen before.
If I had to guess how many movies I’ve seen to date, I would say around 400-500 movies.
Not enough.
A shit load. I’m not even going to guess, but a lot. You know the best place to get movies…
It’s free, you get them for a whole week, and they’re usually REALLY good. They’ve got every Quentin Tarantino movie and almost every movie mentioned on this entire forum. well, not every one, but theyve got alot of good movies. good cds too.
I’m more proud of my cd collection, about 400.
How the fuck are we gonna count all the movies we saw.
It’s called estimation, idiot.
I say ive probably seen about five hundred thousand movies? Is that a decent estimation? :
An excellent way to keep track of the movies you have seen is to vote on them at imdb. I don’t care to much about the average rating of movies, but if I use the vote history I get a full list of every movie I have voted for. Right now it’s 709 movies on my list. That’s ONLY 709!
Alot, im not supposed to put in one word posts so i will just right this to not make it a one word post:
EVERY action film at my local blockbuster + movies on tv + movies in theatres + the 42 horror films i own + the 32 sci-fi films i own + th 84 comedies i own + the 23 drama’s i own + the 43 other genra films i own + films at my friends houses = ALOT
I counted my film genres a while ago for a project
It is damn near impossible to name all the movies that I have seen, because a life span of movies are almost countless. I can’t even guess accurately. I have seen almost everything that american has ever tuned out. I have seen countless old westerns on the western channel. I have seen countless black and whites, and then when you get into the 50s, 60s and 70s, well that is probably my favorite movie periods. Then with current 80s, 90s, and the present I have seen the most, Shit I can’t even get a number in my head. Fuck, I have seen too many fucking movies, but I havent seen enough to satisfy me.
Somewhere between 200 and 2,000.
Exactaly, that’s like saying…How many songs have you heard. It just can’t be done. No one can say how many movies they have seen…I bet most people can’t even make a guess.
Here’s my messege to you deliveryman
How many movies have I seen? Let me start counting now…1…
Meanwhile I can not remember, cuz I am so fucking old. The advantage is that i forget the bad one, not the good one… I can remember seeing Bruce Lee (16 years old) and John Wayne (6 years old, I tape the speech on an old voice recorder from my brother and that my mother said, that I am stupid cuz it was only a western) for the first time and forget fortunaly seeing films with Jean Claude v. D…
Estimation eh???
700-600 it has to be. I’m open to like any movie.
Starkey, you have to be the dumbest kid I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.  Songs are on average 4 minutes in length, movies on the other hand are roughly 2 hours in length.  Obviously the number of songs to movies are going to be a lot higher, you can’t even use that comparison, moron.
yeah, I’d say I’ve heard more songs than movies.
well theres abotu 100 new songs a month and about 20 movies if that (released in theatres)
[quote]Starkey, you have to be the dumbest kid I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.  Songs are on average 4 minutes in length, movies on the other hand are roughly 2 hours in length.  Obviously the number of songs to movies are going to be a lot higher, you can’t even use that comparison, moron.[/quote]
What the fuck is wrong with you, don’t you see my point. There’s a certin point where counting would be imposible. I don’t know how many won ton soups i’ve eaten. I think it’s less then movies, but i’m not sure. Who the fuck cares, and who the fuck is going to even get close to guessing the ammount of movies we saw. ÂÂ
If i had to guess i would say anywhere from 400-1000. WOW, what a cool thread. I get to guess how many movies i have seen and nobody knows the answer. Then i get to see other peoples guesses on how many movies they have seen. THEN THE BEST PART IS THERE’S NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT IN THIS THREAD…NOT ONE THING, ISN’T THAT COOL.
I did see your point and it’s a stupid one.  You’re one of those kids that get neglected by mommy at home, so you go on forums and like to flame people for no apparent reason.
Now on to my point.  Just because you don’t know how many movies you’ve seen, doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t know as well.  Instead of putting words in everyone’s mouths, why don’t you do us all the favor of shutting the fuck up.  People, including myself have a general idea of how many movies we’ve seen.
how old are u delivery man, cos i dont think u can call starky a kid
but even if u are 3 years older then him starkies right this topic is pathetic, u fuckin guess the anserew