Hey deliv. you’r the one that started the flaming. I said “how the fuck are we gonna count all the movies we saw” and said "It’s called estimation, idiot. ". But whatever.
I’m not going to post in this thread anymore because you clearly have to much anger in you. If you want to make cool ass threads like this…go for it! But don’t accuse me of something I didn’t do.
Whatever Starkey, I got a little pissed off when you told me to “Shut The Fuck Up,” just because I started a topic YOU didn’t like.  It’s cool though, no gravey man.
However Orange, you are the replica of the young annoying brother that needs to know when to keep quiet cliché.  This had nothing to do with you.  You know, for an aspiring writer, you would think you would know how to spell “anserew.” ÂÂ
I do though, have a solution to our little “feud,” Orange.  You don’t respond to anything I post and I in return, won’t respond to anything you post.
Let’s stop this pointless ass flaming. Because we have nothing to argue about anymore.
About 6.000.000…a definite number would really interest me…
I keep a list of the movies I’ve seen. I know I’m missing some, and some that I saw a long time ago and don’t really remember I left off. But most of the ones on this list I will be able to have an opinion on. I’m at 621 right now. http://web.bsu.edu/jcneuman/movies.html
You can also add : American Splendor, Saved! and Narc to the list. So, I’ve seen somewhere over 624 movies.
well I dunno, do i include shorts? I really don’t know, I can tell you how many movies I saw today (thats new movies) 1 cos i rewatched mean steets and then some crappy movie on satellite which name i have thankfully erased from my memory.
I was hmm 9 when True Romance came out and my parents let me watch it, the same with any film my parents were pretty liberal anyway I dunno where I’m going so I’ll stop. point is if i’ve watched lets say 2 new movies a week since i was six then it’s a lot of fucking celluliod.
And there’s always a story moron- thats for starky- the question is does it intrest you, and if it doesn’t then why start it huh?
Well, since the beginning of this year i’ve been keeping track of every single movie i’ve seen for the first time so i’m thinking about just doing that forever, so eventually i’ll have a good estimate of most of the movies i’ve seen throughout my life
This aint a diss or owt, but can anyone tell me why you would record all the films you have seen?? Why does it matter??
An excellent way to keep track of the movies you have seen is to vote on them at imdb. I don’t care to much about the average rating of movies, but if I use the vote history I get a full list of every movie I have voted for. Right now it’s 709 movies on my list. That’s ONLY 709!
I just recently started doing this for the hell of it and I’m currently at 2,400. Doesn’t sound as much as I would’ve expected, but go ahead and see how time-consuming it is to go through every title on 200-plus pages of movies!
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
I should have to count?
Haha, man this thread is lame.
If I had to guess how many movies I’ve seen to date, I would say around 400-500 movies.
That isn’t really a decent estimation, unless you don’t watch many at all. I have more than that in my collection and I don’t even own half the films I have seen.
I just started a list with dates last week. I might do a back list as well so I can figure out how many in all.
Let’s put it this way, it’s easier to count all the sex I’ve had!
At least two.
I’ve seen, give or take, around 7 or 8. Not including porn, 3.
Shit, porn doesn’t count?
edit: Wow, this thread is fucking old school.
Well if it’s a porno that sounds like a TV show or a movie then I’m assuming it should count. Right now I’m about to pop in ‘Everybody Does Raymond’ and I’m assuming this will make 9 movies.
My personal favorite is Rumpleforeskin. With Sleeping Booty and The Girls of Asian Love Palace being a close second.
Wow, the classics!