What has Bill done that made Hanzo so angry. And who is in that pictureframe below the window where Hanzo writes Bill on.
well, Bill was a former student of Hanzo’s, so by turning into a cold-blooded killer-captain he dishonored Hanzo.
And Hanzo is responsible in a way, because he taught him how to kill…
I think thats Bill in the picture frame: It was Hanzo’s best student/finest student.
At least that’s what I think
Yeah, I was guessing it was Bill too, the way he looked at it.
Also, if that one website http://www.killbill2.net/profiles/bill.php
that says Bill joined the Yakuza and Boss Matsumoto is true then he betrayed Hanzo by going into the crime business.
^^^^^is that set in stone? or is that speculation?
I think that Seb nailed it, and that thing about Bill joining the Yakuzas, i think that has to be speculation, because there is nothing in the script about that, unles QT added it to vol 2.
maybe bill murdered someone close to hanzo
or maybe he stole his avatar…but i agree with this explanation
[quote]well, Bill was a former student of Hanzo’s, so by turning into a cold-blooded killer-captain he dishonored Hanzo.
And Hanzo is responsible in a way, because he taught him how to kill…[/quote]
and im not too sure but wasnt Hanzo kinda sketchy about giving a sword to The Bride because she was going to kill or whatever with it!!! i saw KB a while ago and the specifics have faded…
He had retired and swore an oath to God that he would never make a sword again. The ones that he did have, were sentimental and didn’t want to give them away. However, once he found out that the ‘vermin’ was Bill, he grew sympathetic to her aim and decided to break the oath, rather than give her a sword.
[quote]or maybe he stole his avatar…but i agree with this explanation
and im not too sure but wasnt Hanzo kinda sketchy about giving a sword to The Bride because she was going to kill or whatever with it!!! i saw KB a while ago and the specifics have faded…[/quote]
very funny very funny
Okay heres something I was pondering:
When the Bride goes first asks for Hanzo for steel he sais No outright, but she sais that its to kill his former pupil, and he therefore has an obligation (he looks somber, writes Bill’s name, agrees, etc) and later he sais that the reason he broke his Oath was because he was sympathetic to the brides cause…so why do ya think he was obliged/sympathetic to help the bride kill Bill, his own former pupil?
Bill abused his power
Yeah I guess, still, Bill must have done something really bad to disshonour Hanzo, for Hanzo to go break his oath…
The more interesting it is that Bill completely changed his mind after shooting The Bride’s head.
But in his heart he’s still evil and Hanzo had known it.
What does Masochistic mean? does it mean he is feeling the pain (and taking pleasure from it), or The Bride?
masochistic means when you receive joy out of pain and sadistic is when you receive joy out of giving and watching other people have pain
so yeah
hm, Johnny, I´m not sure, if the word joy is perfect, Remember Ichi, the Killer movie, the guy wanted to be beaten by the girl, cuz it was the only way to FEEL anything. It wasn´t joy, but more the wish to feel anything… And I would call this masochistic…
Would it be wrong to consider it i this way?
Well in the case here, I would say:
Well Bill loves the Bride in his special way, but he has to kill her, cuz she broke his heart, the heart of a killer.
She decided to take the other guy and to leave the killer/Bill. So he has to do what a killer has to do in this case.
But he felt pain to loose her nevertheless. He killed the only woman he ever has loved. So it was not a sadistic wish to hurt her, but a masochistic thing. He had to follow his rule and to kill. Although it hurted him to loose her.
The way he talked during the shooting makes him to an absolute egoistic guy, IMO.
He kills a pregnant woman and all he did was to talk about is his pain…
So Bill was in pain of having to kill the Bride, yet he enjoyed (or was going to enjoy) this pain?
hm, I don´t think he enjoyed it, It was only the way he act. Someone broke his heart, so he killed her.
But he felt sad about it. So it was masochistic. He had to do something what makes him feel sad.
And he thought the Kiddo understood, not like the other jokers, who was there for other reasons…