Grindhouse In January!

Call me crazy but didnt they cut out some of coffy?when the guy gets his head blown off by the shotgun they cut some of it out

Nope, it was all uncut. Glad you enjoyed GOH too.

I checked out “Grindhouse” on IFC last night. The promo for it opens up in similar fashion to the trailer for Blood Feast with the Guy facing the camera and giving the ladies & gentleman a warning about what they’re about to see.

They showed the trailer for Grindhouse too. It was tight to see this on my HDTV!

It reminded me of an Ed Wood movie(Plan 9 from outer space I believe)little bit

I wonder if they are gonna show Grindhouse movies to the release of Grindhouse on April 6 that would be awesome.

Found this ad for Grindhouse on IFC and thought I would show you all

Shweeeeeet! 8)

A new promo for this series was shown last night and had brief clips of Creepshow and Reefer Madness (Colorized version) Guess we’ll see those somewhere down the line.

And apparently Wendigo was part of last night’s double-feature.

They’ve got a while to go before we really start getting into familiar territory.

I also saw a Grindhouse trailer.

I watched Coffin Joe last night but sadly I fell a sleep before the ending :frowning: but what I saw I didnt really like.

Whats some of the movies do you think they will show or want them to show? Im thinking:

Reefer Madness

Blood Feast

I drink your blood

Just got my Dish guide for February. Browsed through friday night’s schedule.

It appears that TCM’s Underground will be no more >:(

Grindhouse’s schedule continues to suck for the first few weeks (They’re showing Ed Gein and some other straight-to-video crap) but on the 16th and the 23rd, they’re gonna air Sonny Chiba’s Karate Bearfighter and Karate Bullfighter. I haven’t seen “Bear” yet.

Hmm this could be interesting but I wish they would show Blood Feast or some of the early 60/70 grindhouse classics.

I just read that Joe Bob Briggs is putting out a Cable TV Channel called Redrum,the channel will be a 24 hour channel that will show horror,suspense,and thriller movies.When I was young I use to watch a show called Monstervision(maybe someone out there knows what I’m talking about)sadly I dont remember much of it(this was before I started getting into movies) cause I was young at the time but I remember it being really fun show so this is great news!

Cool, sign me up.

Grindhouse In February IFC | Watch TV Shows & Movies Online | Stream Current Episodes

Im happy about the listings this month but still wouldnt call them grindhouse(except the sonny chiba movies) they are showing.Two sonny chiba movies Im happy about that and two serial killer movies(wish they would show henry) Maybe next month they will show real Grindhouse movies.

It appears that TCM’s Underground will be no more >:(

According to the TCM forums, Underground return in March, but with repeats with what we’ve already seen.

Funny thing I was just going to TCM…Weird huh?

Female Trouble (Which gets my “Grindhouse approval”) comes on tonight after Ed Gein.

Yeah I know I might watch it if I feel like it.

Looks like they are showing a yakuza double feature tonight.

Street Mobster

Sympathy for the Underdog

Are these worth checking out?

A Lot of guys like Street Mobster. I didn’t think it was all that.

Thought “Sympathy” kicked ass though. Quite Wild Bunch-esque. Especially the ending.

I watched street mobster and it was okay, it had its good parts but my favorite part was the ending!

Looked at March’s schedule and the only thing I see worth noting is Sonny Chiba’s The Killing Machine late on the 16th. Mo Chiba’s better than No Chiba! 8)

I taped Bearfighter last weekend but haven’t watched it yet.