Going to Vegas and Frisco. Tips? Advice?

Yep, I’m flying all the way from the heart of Europe to Las Vegas, and then San Francisco.

Do you have any tips what I should see or do? Do the Vegas chicks dig short hair and mustaches? LOL

From the heart of Europe? Gosh I always though you were either American or Australian…Well I assume everyone’s American on those boards until they tell from where they are, haha. From which country are you then? Germany?

Never been to LV or SF but I’d love to. One advice: don’t gamble too much!

[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]
Yep, I’m flying all the way from the heart of Europe to Las Vegas, and then San Francisco.

Do you have any tips what I should see or do? Do the Vegas chicks dig short hair and mustaches? LOL

What Vegas chicks dig depends on how much you pay them.

Nah I’m from Austria. But I’m probably more american that many Americans.

What Vegas chicks dig depends on how much you pay them.

that’s kewl, since I’m a rich European. Some friends of mine have been there last year, and appearently a lot of the chicks go wet for european guys.

[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]

that’s kewl, since I’m a rich European. Some friends of mine have been there last year, and appearently a lot of the chicks go wet for european guys.

They’re wet because it’s a 150 degrees farenheit.

They’re wet because it’s a 150 degrees farenheit.

you should do stand-up.

I have been to Vegas twice and San Francisco. My favorite place in Vegas is the Venetian. It is on the main strip you can not miss it. If you are interested you could go to the corner of Flamingo and Koval. That is where Tupac Shakur was gunned down. When you go to Vegas you really do not need a plan just go with the flow and you can not help but have a great time. San Francisco I did not spend a lot of time but I went to Alcatraz, which is a nice experience.

San Francisco is nice. Just watch Bullet and Zodiac, then you’ll be able to recognize all the awesome landmarks when you see them. Fisherman’s Warf is cool, and you must check out Polk street. :wink:

[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]
you should do stand-up.

I’m in a wheel-chair, you asshole!

I’m in a wheel-chair, you asshole!

LMAO. that was very funny, so my point still stands.

any more tipps ? im goin on monday

Been to Vegas a couple of times. Only been to Frisco once. You’d obviously want to go to Alcatraz, but past that it’s just what you want to see.

When I go to cities, I walk. Just go outside and walk and walk until I see heaps of cool shit. The best way to see a city, in my opinion.

One of the times I went to Vegas was New Years, which is good and bad. It’s definitely an experience, but it’s like every asshole in America took a plane to Vegas for New Years. The best part is pushing people when you are migrating through the strip. It’s like a great pilgrimage. You meet friends and converse and then eventually part ways, people suffer and people drunkenly cheer. It’s a beautiful thing. I saw a couple of people get punched in the face cause they were pushing too hard or something. Some dude punched a woman. I laughed so hard.

You need to see a show in Vegas. Probably a comedian or Cirque du Soleil. And there are some really good outlets there if you want to buy clothes and shit for a good price.

Alright then you convinced me: When in San Francisco, I’m going to Alcatratz.

I’m also going to Six Flags and most of the time I’m gonna walk, walk, walk and visit Chinatown, Japantown, etc.

In Vegas, I plan to pay hot women for sex. Also, I’m going to a Jay Leno show. Man’s a legend.

[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”] visit Chinatown, [/quote]

To me, the Chinatown wasn’t horribly impressive. And it smelt awful. But that’s only because I used to live in Sydney and Sydney’s Chinatown is pretty fucking awesome.

I was impressed with Chinatown in SF. I was only 15 at the time, and had never seen anything like it. They have erotic sculptures and things of the like on display right out in the open. :o And the first time I ever saw a picture of a naked man was in a magazine shop on Polk Street.

Hy folks, here’s a litte travel update from me for the 1 or 2 people that care (somehwat)

Frisco was awesome. Very nice city, very cosmopolitan, quite european I would say. Nice people, lotsa kitschy shit to buy.

I just arrived in Vegas, and already spent 500 USD for fucking a hooker that looked like the hooker-version of Uma Thurman. she was niiiiice. Vegas is AMAZING. The Strip is unreal. I’m gonna have a blast tomorrow and the day after.



[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]Hy folks, here’s a litte travel update from me for the 1 or 2 people that care (somehwat)

Frisco was awesome. Very nice city, very cosmopolitan, quite european I would say. Nice people, lotsa kitschy shit to buy.

I just arrived in Vegas, and already spent 500 USD for fucking a hooker that looked like the hooker-version of Uma Thurman. she was niiiiice. Vegas is AMAZING. The Strip is unreal. I’m gonna have a blast tomorrow and the day after.

Catch you LAAAAATURRRR![/quote]
Because you can only get hookers aye?

[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]Hy folks, here’s a litte travel update from me for the 1 or 2 people that care (somehwat)

Frisco was awesome. Very nice city, very cosmopolitan, quite european I would say. Nice people, lotsa kitschy shit to buy.

I just arrived in Vegas, and already spent 500 USD for fucking a hooker that looked like the hooker-version of Uma Thurman. she was niiiiice. Vegas is AMAZING. The Strip is unreal. I’m gonna have a blast tomorrow and the day after.

Catch you LAAAAATURRRR![/quote]

500 DOLLARS?!?!?! For sex?!?!? That’s some expensive fucking!

I know, but I have a lotta money anyway, and I reall wanted to fuck that girl. She was actually the 4th one that came to my room, the first 3 I sent away again because they weren’t cute enough. “Uma” did a real good job and I had a great time. 500 USD is like 330 Euro, that’s not that much. Gotta live, y’know?