i just watched the opening 10 minutes of the Spike Lee film “Girl 6”, where Quentin plays himself and brings Theresa Randall to show him her tits.
did anyone see this movie complete? how did you like it? does Quentin appeare a second time?
I think QT’s cameo is pretty funny, but the rest of the movie isn’t worth your time. It’s a trite, messy flick, and QT doesn’t show up again anyway.
one of the reasons why i did only watch the first 15 minutes
That movie sucks nuts. The only thing I liked about that scene was the titties. It’s weird that he was in Spike Lee’s movie and later Spike Lee cried about Jackie Brown. I don’t see whyhe bitched so hard. You’d think a black man would know more than anybody about how much blacks over use the word nigger.
I hope 25th Hour is good.
Girl 6 could of been good but the minute I saw that they’d cast supermodels as the phone sex operators I knew all was lost. If it had been set in reality a little more and actually tried to tell the story of a hardworking girls downward spiral when she gets involved in something that’s way over her head it could of been really interesting. Instead all the phone sex operators are hot (if they were really that hot they’d work as strippers or models or something) and she gets addicted to talking to creepy guys who want to kill her.
But, yeah, I liked Quentin’s cameo.
I thought Quentin and Spike were at odds… Spike did not appreciate a certain word used by Quentin in his films…
[quote]I thought Quentin and Spike were at odds… Spike did not appreciate a certain word used by Quentin in his films…[/quote]
No Joke !!!
So why the cameo?
that cameo was BEFORE they started to dislike each other, i think
Oh, I had thought Spike was upset over the use in PF… but was it Jackie Brown that set him off?
[quote]Oh, I had thought Spike was upset over the use in PF… but was it Jackie Brown that set him off?[/quote]
“Does Quentin want to be made an honorary black man?” - Spike Lee on the use of the word “nigger” in Tarantino films.
I think it was the use in both films that made him angry. I think one of the reasons Spike was angry was because he knows Quentin is such a good writer/director. His dialogue is realistic, thats why it has so much resonance.
QT has said he thinks any word out there that has that much effect on people should be shouted from the rooftops. He doesnt think any word should be kept in “word jail”.
In a great interview on the Jackie Brown CE DVD, QT mentions that when he went to see Jackie Brown at the Magic Johnson Theater in LA, he sat next to a black girl. She was asking him thru the entire film if he actually wrote the dialogue. He was like “Yeah”. She was impressed with the way he wrote that stuff. QT said he went to that theater for a week straight seeing how the black people reacted to the film.
NOTE: He also said one of the best things that was said about the film was when he had overheard a black woman (around the same age as Jackie Brown) saying to a friend of hers in the movie lobby: “Girl, wasnt that (Jackie Brown) good?”. QT said that meant more to him than any critics review of the film. Pretty damn cool.
what lots of people seem to forget is, that QT grew up among african americans. he went to an all-black school!
spike lee sucks, i mean, i dont know his work, but come on, if QT uses the f-word all the time, its his business, Spike doesn’t have to watch the film.
spike lee sucks, i mean, i dont know his work.[/quote]
How can you say he sucks if you havent seen any of his films?! lol.
I really like Spike Lee. I dont love every movie hes made, but theres a few I like very much.
Check out: Shes Gotta Have It, School Daze, Do The Right Thing, Malcolm X, Jungle Fever, Mo Betta Blues.
Why do people saying -Kubrick, Lee, Polanski-- SUCK, then admit they haven’t seen any of the films? haha
What is great about Lee is that his voice is completely different than most directors. Do The Right Things, Jungle Fever- these on original films which reflect urban society and the position of the black man. Few others can do that. He does not hold a monopoly however (Hughes Bros. John Singleton) but I disagreed with “Norman Jewison, Michael Mann ain’t black so they can’t director Malcom X/ Ali”. There is a line, folks…
Just as a note Quentin dosent play himself he is credidted as QT. ;D
Spike Lees movies lately have sucked. I liked 25th hour, but no one else did. That’s why he said all that shit. He wanted attention like a fucking 5 year old. If your movies aren’t good, then you shouldn’t stir up controversy about good movies to get attention.
[quote]Spike Lees movies lately have sucked. I liked 25th hour, but no one else did. That’s why he said all that shit. He wanted attention like a fucking 5 year old. If your movies aren’t good, then you shouldn’t stir up controversy about good movies to get attention.[/quote]
yeah 25th Hour was a great flick! Kind of like Clockers - which I think is one of his better flicks.
I liked 25th Hour. Edward Norton is teh cool!!!
One of my favorite movies ever is one of Spike Lee’s, called Mo Better Blues, with Denzel Washington. A great love story about love, sex, and jazz, but I would not call myself a SL fan.I am most definitely a QT fan. Fuck Lee for getting mad at Qt for using nigger in his scripts and life. It is just a word and I could care less, being a black man, I would consider it a compliment for QT to say it to my face, but it just might be me.
I can’t get hold of this film - does anyone have any screen caps/pictures or anything like that?