As far as Lee is concerned, I liked Mo Better Blues, but since then. I havent been too impressed. I think the Hughes Brothers are better directors. Sure Lee is going for the, ‘black voice amongst a white industry’ thing. But I feel if you can’t direct movies about ANY subject, using ALL types of actors and situations. You’ve pretty much boxed yourself into a corner and you’ve lost your edge.
Yes he did do ‘Summer of Sam’, which was a good move out of the box.
I can admit, I haven’t seen any of his recent movies like 25th hour.
I did think his documentary 4 little girls was tremendous. I’d like to see him do more documentaries about ANY subject.
I only watched the first 15mins or this movie or so, just watched QT’s part lol it was awesome. “YOU TURNED DOWN QT!??” hehe was great
I only watched the first 15mins or this movie or so, just watched QT’s part lol it was awesome. “YOU TURNED DOWN QT!??” hehe was great
yeah its very funny.
unfortunately it’s not out on DVD yet, only VHS
any idea when the DVD will be out?
hey Seb Spike Lee does not suck
If Tarantino hates a certain filmmaker does that mean that you automatically judge that filmmaker without seeing a frame of his work?
you gotta see:
1.Do The Right Thing - a classic film. The best film so far to tackle the topic of race tensions.
2. Jungle Fever - a cool romance with a great subplot featuring Samuel Jackson. Some of the most realistic drug scenes I have seen
3.Malcom X - an epic film
4. Summer of Sam - a great murder mystery that you as a Tarantino fan will appreciate. an underrated gem.
i sais he sucks for dissing QT for using the f-word
i liked this film, i thought it was pretty good.
Huh, I didn’t know that. I’ll check it out for a few minutes…
The movie sucks but QT’s part is cool. He tries to get the girl naked if I remember correct. Just like real life
It’s funny how QT can make any part of a movie cool, even if the film blows total ass…
Yeah I never saw QT in girl 6 cause the movie sucked so much I couldnt even watch all of it.
Ive never seen Girl 6 but I always thought it was strange that Spike had QT in the film but then went on to get on his case over the N word. I mean he had made Dogs and Pulp before Girl 6 right? Those both had the N word in em. So why did he start shit AFTER that?
I think he was just jealous that QT wrote the Jackie Brown script so well and in the honest way alot of black men talk to each other. Remember the story QT told about sitting with the black girl at the movie and her saying “YOU wrote this?”. QT was like "Yeah baby!"
QT was pissed that Spike didnt just call him up and confront him personally instead of telling everyone else how he was upset about his writing. That was just lame as hell on Spikes part, reallllly dumb.
Ive never seen Girl 6 but I always thought it was strange that Spike had QT in the film but then went on to get on his case over the N word. I mean he had made Dogs and Pulp before Girl 6 right? Those both had the N word in em. So why did he start shit AFTER that?
I think he was just jealous that QT wrote the Jackie Brown script so well and in the honest way alot of black men talk to each other. Remember the story QT told about sitting with the black girl at the movie and her saying “YOU wrote this?”. QT was like "Yeah baby!"
QT was pissed that Spike didnt just call him up and confront him personally instead of telling everyone else how he was upset about his writing. That was just lame as hell on Spikes part, reallllly dumb.
I think we have a winner! I’d agree with all of that, Pete.
Spike’s a nutcase. A talented nutcase, but a nutcase nonetheless.
All that BS aside, I actually think Spike is a great director for the most part and a cool guy usually. I think every once in awhile he just gets a bit of an Al Sharpton complex and starts the angry ranting. But, hey its a free country. Just dont mess with our pal QT!!
I remember he was gonna sue Spiketv for using his name fucking please!
All that BS aside, I actually think Spike is a great director for the most part
one of the best, certainly one of my 3 or 4 favourites, a brilliant man
I remember he was gonna sue Spiketv for using his name fucking please!
Whaaaaat? Now THAT’S bullshit!
yea i remember that ahahahhahahaa
spike lees films are pretty good but personally hes a jerkoff.